silly question

Never seen it (wasn't even born when it came out). :[ And don't go making fun of my adopted country. :\
I live on a pretty busy road so people often get pulled over in front of our house in the middle of the night.
We live far enough back that the police lights did really bother us 5, 10 years ago. but in the last few years if a cop stops near our house with the lights on it is like a rave. the whole house lights up like daytime. All the walls in the house have white and red and blue lights flashing and strobing all over and reflecting off the mirrors...hurting your eyes. everyone gets woken up. not a big deal but it is overkill in my opinion. it is pretty cool to see if you happen to be awake anyway. looking at houses down the street and others things outside is a trip too.

mholhut said:
Driver's Education 101... see an emergency vehicle approaching with it's lights and siren going... move over to the right and slow down/stop as safely as possible.

i've always done this, but the one time I ended up blocking the cops ability to make a right turn. he was pissed at me too. I didn't know he needed to turn. I figured he was going straight.

i think police cars should have big yellow arrows for the blinkers when the flashing lights are on... oh man now I am suggesting more lights!!! lol

do cops even use blinkers when they have the lights and or sirens on?
May I suggest window shades for your house ;) Unless you're into the voyeurism stuff :eek:

It is kinda difficult to work the lights, siren, talk on the radio and use your directional at the same time... something has to give. Then again, with all the lights in every possible place on a cruiser, you'd probably never see them if he/she had used them.
mholhut said:
May I suggest window shades for your house ;) Unless you're into the voyeurism stuff :eek:

lol, no voyeurism, maybe 5-10 years ago but not now ;) shades help but beleive me it comes right through, no big deal though, not complaining

mholhut said:
It is kinda difficult to work the lights, siren, talk on the radio and use your directional at the same time... something has to give. Then again, with all the lights in every possible place on a cruiser, you'd probably never see them if he/she had used them.

yeah thats why I was suggesting some big arrow lights mounted somewhere, whatever though, basicly the best thing to do is get out of the way and let the cop do whatever he needs to do
I think that they need to find some way of incorperating the old gumball spinner into the LED system. They were much more visible when the officers were on a up or down grade. You could see the beacon pass in the night sky when you were coming up over a hill and an officer was on the other side.

Additionally, the lights are quickest way for a person in need of addistance to notice that a car is a police officer. The Sheriff's Deputies here in Franklin County, OH are now equipping their vehicles with the low profile LED light bars that look like a luggage rack on the roof of their crusiers. They're hardly recognizable as police cars in silouhette. They simply look like a black crown vic until you notice the sheriff's markings on the side.

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