Slow LS


LVC Member
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Portland Oregon
I love my ls. it is classy and sporty, but definately not fast in the least bit. maybe once its modded, but other than ..nope.....yuo guys talk about racing people and :q:q:q:q. i dont see how...i do have the v6 which is a major drawback...but from what ive read a v6manual is nearly as quick as the v8. some dude ina new corrola...yes i said a CORRola....gunned it from a stop when i was behind him...i gave it all she had and we were dead even. thats horse $hit.....some of yuo might say maybe i'm a :q:q:q:qty driver but i'm pretty good actually. i shoulda gotten a mustang.
A mustang and an LS have nothing in common for looks, style or even type of car. If speed was all you wanted, then yes you made a poor decision. I like the speed the LSV8 gives me and after a few more mods i'll like it even more, however I did not by a luxury sedan/lincoln to go race all day and pull up at lights.

If i wanted to do that i'd get an older car and mod it for the same price the LS cost me.
Yeah but if you park the corrola at the curb next to the lincoln ls you are miles ahead of it. You can't even compare the two cars... corrola and LS shouldn't eve happen in the same sentence unless you are saying I just traded my busted up corrola in on Fly LS.

chronicblunt said:
I love my ls. it is classy and sporty, but definately not fast in the least bit. maybe once its modded, but other than ..nope.....yuo guys talk about racing people and :q:q:q:q. i dont see how...i do have the v6 which is a major drawback...but from what ive read a v6manual is nearly as quick as the v8. some dude ina new corrola...yes i said a CORRola....gunned it from a stop when i was behind him...i gave it all she had and we were dead even. thats horse $hit.....some of yuo might say maybe i'm a :q:q:q:qty driver but i'm pretty good actually. i shoulda gotten a mustang.
well it pretty much was. it was from dead stop with him right in front of me. i gave it all she had and i just kept up with him. i didnt gain an inch on him untill like 65mph
The v6 just must be slow. The only reason I traded in my 01 Mustang GT (5 Speed) was because the LS V8 felt every bit as fast. I actually have beaten more than 1 mustang in a race. Mustangs tend to peel out on the line while the LS just takes off. Should have opted for the V8.
how is it that the ls felt faster than the mustang? was a v6 mustang? it says on that ls owners club site that the v6 manual is like a half second slower than the v8
chronicblunt said:
I love my ls. it is classy and sporty, but definately not fast in the least bit. maybe once its modded, but other than ..nope.....yuo guys talk about racing people and :q:q:q:q. i dont see how...i do have the v6 which is a major drawback...but from what ive read a v6manual is nearly as quick as the v8. some dude ina new corrola...yes i said a CORRola....gunned it from a stop when i was behind him...i gave it all she had and we were dead even. thats horse $hit.....some of yuo might say maybe i'm a :q:q:q:qty driver but i'm pretty good actually. i shoulda gotten a mustang.

Maybe you should spend your time picking up girls instead of racing guys at stop signs. Its a luxury car, not a fvckin grocery getter like a Corrola.
well it has about 50 less hp than the v8's from 00-02, and 70 less hp from the 03+. Fraction of a sec? Must not be a great driver. I have owned both a mustang gt and a ls v8 and this is from personal expierence not hearsay.

My old Stang

yes...fraction of a second.

.Model 0-60 Time (s) 1/4 MileTime (s) Source

2000 V8 7.3 15.5 Road and Track - 3.58

2000 V6 MTX 7.4 15.7 Motor Trend Jan ?00 - 3.31

2000 V6 MTX 8.0 16.4 Car and Driver Nov ?99 - 3.07

and its not like i'm outracing "poor me another" ...thats my point exactly..i was wondering why everyone acts like these things are that stupid thread" who have you raced and beat"....thanks for the pic to prove yourself dave...
Stop reading so much and do some first hand testing. Go out and test drive a V8 LS. Then go test drive a 4.6 260 Hp V8 Mustang. The problem may by your car. Maybe it needs a tune-up or maybe the miles have weakened the power. Could be a number of things, but there is nothing like "seeing it for yourself".
wait let me get this straight you were behind him and then you took off after he did...? If I understand that correctly then I see a problem with your assesment of the LS's speed. I mean your lost reaction time right off the bat since you took off after you saw him take off...and then your already a car lenght or more behind him.
Anyway I'm not trying to convince you the LS is a fast car.
ps- with the right driver a mustang gt will beat a lincoln ls anyday, but it will be close. Stock mustangs are not that fast either, but for the price Convertible Mustangs are the prettiest affordable sports cars (IMO) and the Lincolns LS is one of the most sportiest Luxuary cars. (Under 35 grand and MUCH cheaper used)

In the end- if you wanted a "Race" car then the LS wasn't a wise choise, but you would have missed out on the Luxury. the line means from a dead i never knew that. yuo guys all get so heatd over this :q:q:q:q....its a car..thats it..its not even thaT NICE OF A CAR. yuo guys all get on here everyday to tlak about pointless :q:q:q:q and when i do ask questions or post :q:q:q:q you guys get all argumentative and :q:q:q:q. WHO THE FUK CARES!!!!
your right this is a pretty stupid but you started it!!
I don't think anyone here bought an LS to street race it..

I guess I misunderstood what you said but here's what you wrote!!!!
"gunned it from a stop when i was behind him"

I'm just sorry that you spent so much money on a car, that you don't even enjoy. It must suck getting in to drive it every single day. Just sell it buy yourself a ford mustang and be happy. :Bang :Bang :Bang
wow, yuor sitting here saynig we get worked up over stupid :q:q:q:q read yuor previous post, sounds like yuor pretty pissed yuorself. we get on here everyday to talk about our ls, every now and then well talk speed and do we rarely get mad at one another. and for yuo to sit here and say the ls isnt that nice of a car, then y the hell did u buy it. yuo dont think its fast enought for yuo dont think its nice enought for yuo, i dont see what yuor doing buying one. doesnt make sense in my eyes. if all we talk about is pointless then why the Fvck are yuo on here all the time, asking pointless :q:q:q:q
just doesnt make sense yuor contradicting yuorself. if yuo dont like it here than dont come back, no ones forcing yuo to read this and no one forced yuo to buy a "slow and POS" LS.
thats jsut my .02 cents
Oh and so yuo all know yes i know how to spell YOU, just wanted to make sure CB knows its YOU not YUO
Let's just stop here before this gets messy. I love my lincoln, but do miss the stang. If I had to choose it would be tough, but I would go for the LS. If I was 21 again then I would probably pick the stang, but I am 26 with a wife and small child. It all just depends on your current preference. Just don't get rice. lol

Now let's all relax and have a beer or two to start the weekend. :Beer
do you know which corrolla? Did you know that there is a corrolla model with a 1.8L 180hp 4cyl and 6 spd manual? Yep, and that is probably the one it was. They took the engine from the Celica GTS and put it in the Corrolla on this one trim level so not every corrolla is goign to be like that. I bet that was the one you went up against. If so don't feel so bad, they run mid 15s stock with that engine. The rest of the corrollas get the 130hp or whatever econo engine.
lol damn D,, u even went back and got proof of his pointless posts,, to damn funny.

no better way to shut someone up than with his own words.
real on real! I am pleased with every
aspect of my lincoln ls. its on 20's
and i still kick ass on the freeway.
Its a luxury sedan not a LAMBO!!!
chronicblunt said: the line means from a dead i never knew that. yuo guys all get so heatd over this :q:q:q:q....its a car..thats it..its not even thaT NICE OF A CAR. yuo guys all get on here everyday to tlak about pointless :q:q:q:q and when i do ask questions or post :q:q:q:q you guys get all argumentative and :q:q:q:q. WHO THE FUK CARES!!!!

Cut the kid some slack. He's only 18!! If you lost to a stock Corolla then put your car in the shop. Nuff said. V6, V8, it doesnt matter. And Im sure your parents talked you out of or refused to pay for a Mustang due to Insurance costs and the fact you would drive it like a maniac. You are comparing apples and oranges.
davidanthony21 said:
The v6 just must be slow. The only reason I traded in my 01 Mustang GT (5 Speed) was because the LS V8 felt every bit as fast. I actually have beaten more than 1 mustang in a race. Mustangs tend to peel out on the line while the LS just takes off. Should have opted for the V8.

Why I find it plausable you could run with a '96-'98 GT, there is no way an LS will run with an 01 and up GT. Just ain't gonna happen unless the driver of the GT is just flat brain dead. (of course....if you've modded and juiced your LS, please ignore this statement!!)

Chronic...I have an 04 Cobra, an 01 LS8 Sport, and an 03 Aviator. The Cobra is a blast to drive and is an absolute animal (500+ rwhp and torque) But the nicest car I have ever owned and driven is my LS. (and I've owned a LOT of very, very nice and rare cars in my life) Nothing can compare to the way it handles and drives. I didn't buy it to outrun Mustangs...or anything else for that matter. I bought it because it is the single best handling sports sedan built in America hands down. And better than a lot of European models that cost tons more. That's where this car shines. Fast...heck no!! But the fun and enjoyment factor is WAY up there. wouldn't surprise me if my Aviator would run with it!! Hmmm....I should get my kid and go try that sometime!!
I'll tell you what, at higher speeds, my LS8 eats mustang gt's for lunch. I've embarrassed plenty of stupid teanagers on the highway. Of course from a standstill it's a different story. These are 04 and earlier, not the new 05. And I'll tell you something else. I get an unbelievable amount of women hitting on me when I pull up anywhere. Of course I'm a sexy you know what, but still.........jk :)
MAllen82 said:
I'll tell you what, at higher speeds, my LS8 eats mustang gt's for lunch. I've embarrassed plenty of stupid teanagers on the highway. Of course from a standstill it's a different story. These are 04 and earlier, not the new 05. And I'll tell you something else. I get an unbelievable amount of women hitting on me when I pull up anywhere. Of course I'm a sexy you know what, but still.........jk :)

I didn't realize you were talking about top end runs. You mentioned the Mustangs spinning at the line...

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