Snow tires? Yes or no.

I would have to say that if I had my choice of Chicago snow, or Traverse City snow, I would say Traverse City. at least they know how to handle large amounts of it dropping in short period of time. I don't know exactly how Chicago handles it, but, I have seen news footage, and it looks similar to how Detroit does, and Detroit don't! all Detroit does is dump a few hundred or thousand tons of salt on road, wait for it get sloppy, then freeze, then bitch about it. Up here in Traverse City area, they get snow OFF road first, then sand with a little salt in places the rest. What would paralyze Detroit, is a fairly common occurance up here. Notice I said 'little' salt, there is only 1 place on my 30 mile each way commute from home to work that get salt on a regular basis, and its a very steep windy section of road where it drops down into and climbs out of a river valley.
Around here, they wait till the cars trample it down, then send the plows out...
I haven't used snows in a Long time, use to have a Javelin with bald 60's on the back, had to leave it in gear, get out and push when I came to a hill...
Other than that, it still went down the road ok...
Jibit said:
depends what you mean by real winter? We get a decent amount of snow in the burbs of Chicago and the temp gets really low. We have a real winter but I also have psychological problems :facesjump :runaway:

hehe. I dunno, for me real winter is -40 F and lots of snow, which is what we get here. Still not as bad as northern quebec tho....they have a pretty rough winter. I know Chicago gets it's share of winter, I was just teasing :)
my95mark8 said:
How many of you use snow tires? My dad owned the car before me and he says he never had any trouble in the snow. I came across some nice Goodyear snow tires, I am thinking of putting them on.
i have all terrain's on my kenowrth, they do just fine. i like to drive in bad weather.good weather is uneventful!
definately go with snow tires---on my '94 T-Bird, i used all-season for one winter, didn't know what I was missing. I have off-brand $50 snow tires on the rears and it is a world of difference--you can actually move the car from a start without spinning endlessly and feathering the gas.
Reading this post make me wonder if I should go with Snow Tires or just re register my 4x4 Van for the winter? I only work about 8 miles from my work now but I work 2nd shift. So getting out of work @ 1am I am thinking the roads will not be nice :(

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