snow-traction? And more q's for a LSC...


LVC Member
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Czech Republic, Europe
Hi all,

I am about to buy me a nice '89 LSC (VIN's 1LNBM93E2KY659626, if it helps any), and among others I would like to know whether there's some kind of traction control there (living in a place where there's lotta snow in winter ;)).

I've searched NHTSA, and amongst lotta others it says

Service Bulletin Number: BC6949910228
Bulletin Sequence Number: 002
Date of Bulletin: 9102
NHTSA Item Number: SB022873
Year: 1989

Looks like there was a slippery-traction assist standard in '89 VII's? Or was it just an option? If the latter, is there a way to know without actually checking? (the car's in another state pretty far from here, alas)

Speaking of that (sorry for mixin' up questions in one thread), is there a resource somewhere where one can find which gadgets were standard and which ones optional for '89 LSC's, so that I can enquire of the dealer for the options available? Also, can one perhaps download a scan of the owner's manual somewhere?

Thanks a big lot in advance,
OC <>
NYC LSC said:
That traction assist is really Anti-Lock Brakes. That's what you're seeing in that description.

Is it? Well I don't know of course, but it would seem to me ABS would prevent wheels from locking (i.e., stopping) when one brakes.

On the other hand, 'course I could be overlooking something obvious, but seems to me the one way to prevent'em from spinning is to have a traction control thing when one stomps on the very other pedal ;) Agreed both would probably use ABS sensors, but the control circuit would differ somewhat.

As far as information, check out

Thanks, I'll check there!
OC <>
There's no traction assist in these cars. Trust me on this one. You can floor the gas pdeal and spin your tires in the snow very easily.

Well, pity. Traction control would come really handy here in winter :(

(What the heck then they meant by "SNOW-TRACTION ASSIST ... PREVENT ... REAR WHEELS FROM SPINNING"? Well, seems they did not really know themselves :( )

Oh, apropos, I've checked and it's an excellent source of information! Thanks a very big lot!
ocs said:
(What the heck then they meant by "SNOW-TRACTION ASSIST ... PREVENT ... REAR WHEELS FROM SPINNING"? Well, seems they did not really know themselves :( )
This sounds like an advertisement for a mid to late 90's car and NOT a Lincoln Mark VII. The actual Ford definition ofr our ABS was:
"Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)
Four-wheel ventilated disc brakes use sensors at each wheel to detect lockup. The system automatically pumps the brakes to release lockup and regain control."

I hope that you decide to get the car. When the snow goes away, you'll have the best American Made luxury coupe built in the 80's!
OldSchool1 said:
This sounds like an advertisement for a mid to late 90's car and NOT a Lincoln Mark VII...

Yup. Anyroad, I've quoted the NHTSA word by word... I would not expect sales talk there ;)

I hope that you decide to get the car. When the snow goes away, you'll have the best American Made luxury coupe built in the 80's!

I think so :)

Well... actually, I've bumped into a nice Town Car exactly ten years younger and am at the moment tempted somewhat, but still, there's just one Mark VII ;)
By the way... sifting through the information at thelincolnmarkviiclub, I've found there was a -- presumably -- limited slip differential for LSC at 1989, one "Traction-Lok Differential". Am I right, is is a limited-slip? How does it work? Any experience about how does it handle snow? I'm told by the dealer the option is there on the vehicle (and I hope he does know what he is speaking of ;))
ocs said:
By the way... sifting through the information at thelincolnmarkviiclub, I've found there was a -- presumably -- limited slip differential for LSC at 1989, one "Traction-Lok Differential". Am I right, is is a limited-slip?
Yes. Look through all of the LSC specifications for the years that they were available.
ocs said:
How does it work?
When one rear wheel has no traction, the opossing wheel will turn.
ocs said:
Any experience about how does it handle snow?
Yes. It handles exactly like any luxury sport coupe (or Town Car for that matter) in the snow; crappy to good. I own a few Mark VIIs and they are rear wheel drive cars that have reletively no weight in the ass end of the vehicle. The one advantage that I used was the air springs. In December, I sat one teenager on the front of the car and one on the rear of the car. Both ends lowered to the ground. Twenty seconds later, the air ride suspension returned all four corners to their trim (regular) ride height. I turned off the air ride suspension with the flick of a switch in the trunk and then I set the teenagers free. The car then rode about four inches HIGHER for the duration of the winter. No tires are good on the ice. Only snow tires are good in the snow. My 1984 Lincoln Mark VII is my winter car and handles like it should.
ocs said:
I'm told by the dealer the option is there on the vehicle (and I hope he does know what he is speaking of ;))
Probably. I don't have all 27 specifications pages (one for each year and model) memorized, but I'd put my money into a properly maintained and operated Lincoln Mark VII Anti-lok Brake System anyday. Most 1984-1985 cars didn't have this type of system.

I hope I answered your questions and thanks for the plug for

John "Shameless" Dancy
OldSchool1 said:
In December, I sat one teenager on the front of the car and one on the rear of the car. Both ends lowered to the ground. Twenty seconds later, the air ride suspension returned all four corners to their trim (regular) ride height. I turned off the air ride suspension with the flick of a switch in the trunk and then I set the teenagers free. The car then rode about four inches HIGHER for the duration of the winter.

Great idea! I actually did consider I could perhaps do something with those height sensors to allow me to bring the car higher at will, and for shame, I did not think of this easy solution! :)

On the other hand, at the moment it looks I'll have to forget the LSC just and only due to those blasted dumb crappy stinkin' EU regulations: as I've just learnt, the car came from Switzerland (non-EU country), and far as I know, in EU where I triple alas do live one just cannot make a car street-legal, unles it (a) is younger than 8 years, or (b) has been street-legal here already for years. Damn, damn, damn, damn!

I am trying to find a Mark VII wreck here to buy and use (somewhat illegally of course, but who cares!) its papers, but I do fear it's a no-go. Am thoroughly pissed off by those jokers who think they know better than me which car I can use and why :mad: :mad: :mad:
You are tellin' me. Can you imagine I have to ask the government for a permission to have a rifle, that a suppressor is plain forbidden, and can you imagine I am not allowed to shoot anywhere but at an explicitly government-approved range--not even on my own private land?!? Makes one sick :mad:

Heck, let's forget crappy commie governments, this site rather should focus great cars :)

Back to them cars: a friend of mine says I should go with the Town Car for it's younger and would be much more reliable. Myself, I don't think so, but well, I guess I can ask you guys who have lotta experience with LSCs and probably some with thos big rigs too...

The current choice is:

- '89 Mark VII, mint condition, no rust at all, all possible options (probably but for the block heater ;)), everything works -- or so the dealer says --, Carfax said the VIN's clean, service book. The cons are: dealer pretty far in another state, aforementioned problems with registration, 120K miles.

- '98 Town Car, VIN, options and state unknown, roughly twice the price. Pros: younger, nearby (next week I'll probably go to see the car, just about 40-odd miles from here), no registration problem at all, 65K miles only (though I suspect the dealer wrote up miles as kilometres, in which case it would be 100K of course ;))

I don't mind big rigs and stately ride too much; the main reason I want LSC is not so much the ability to drive hard and fast, but rather its look and feel. Whilst Town Car is not ugly by far, Mark VII in my personal opinion is one of most handsome cars ever. Also, most time I drive alone; that's another reason I prefer coupe to the big saloon on wheels.

Oh, not to forget: I want the car for everyday driving, summer and winter.

Anyway, if you see any arguments why I should select this or that, I'd appreciate them :)

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