Oh really. What message about climate change has she delivered?
Why would you suppose that? Are you really that shallow, that you think only people with a certain IQ are qualified to lead or inspire a nation of free people?
"Unaccomplished proudly untutored?" There you go again, using nonsense phrases. What are you talking about?
What is she running for? I'm not aware that she is a candidate for anything.
It also didn't stop him from whipping the ass of the Soviets and the Democrats at every turn. That's the difference between you and me: You equate election with success - I equate effectiveness with success.
So you're disinterested in politics. Good for you. In that case, why do you belittle those who are interested? And why do you give a tinker's damn who gets elected?
Oh, it's a Christian white thing. So we're racists if we support Palin?
Hasn't Obama repeatedly tried to inject faith into the argument, talking about praying, going to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, etc.?
So you blindly follow a homogenous cultural norm rather than go your own way? Interesting, considering you just expressed your derision at people whom you accuse of doing just such a thing (Christian white America).
Do you even know what TOTUS stands for? It's a pejorative term. Are you aware that when Palin was speaking at the RNC convention in 2008, her teleprompter malfunctioned, and she seamlessly continued and concluded her speech without it?
Again, I call you to Barry's typical effort without a TOTUS:
Or perhaps you'd like to see this one:
Her view on climate change is that it is occuring but the causes are natural and/or inconclusive since a lot of the "research" is BS and not subject to peer review.
Yes I believe people who aspire to lead the country should have a higher IQ than the average john Q public but the voters are free to make thir own decisions.
They can elect Chance the gardener from "Being There"
Unaccomplished proudly untutored are people of limited talent and/or intellect who resent and are suspicious of those who are smarter and more talented than they are and feel that just being an american should be enough to be entitled to a comfortable lifestyle.
The people who are mad at government are mostly middle aged middle and lower class people who have either lost their jobs or seen their wages stagnate or decline over the last ten years and have to work a second job or do without things they took for granted in the past while the cost of living keeps rising.
Their high paying low skill jobs have been exported to other countries and their value as workers to american corporations have plummeted.
They just happen by their numbers to be mostly white christians.
I don't see too many of the more talented and creative people supporting Palin.
If Palen isn't setting herself up to run for office then what is she doing thrusting herself into the political spotlight.
I didn't say I'm disinterested in politics (there you go again sticking words in my mouth)
I'm casually interested in politics but my glass is always half full instead of half empty like yours so I'll do well regardless of who's in office.
Obama is trying to inject faith into the argument because of the high level of religiousness in this country.
If nothing else it's a tactical thing to pacify and at least not needlessly alienate a large voting segment.
Palin may be able to talk seamlessly at times like Obama but she didn't do herself any favors this time with her grade school crib notes.