So how strong are these trannies ??


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 10, 2005
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West Palm Beeyotch
02 LSE v8 3.9 with SST.

I still have my old wet nitrous kit here from my truck, at first I was planning on not modifying anything, but how would this car take the squeeze ??

Also what about the high compression motor ? I use 93 pump gas all the time. I'm thinking like a 75 shot. I have a remote bottle opener, and am guilty of "playing" on the street a bit. My truck, I used to spray off the line and just GO. Bad idea with this car ? I'm DEATHLY afraid of my trans. I've never had luck with automatics. Thanks fellas
Two words:

Torque management.

Ok, I'll elaborate - stock from the factory, the LSes pull a bit of torque when shifting...So, if you were to spray, lift, shift, spray...etc I think you could do it, but Quik LS has run nitrous in his car and would probably give a definitive real-world scenario response, rather then my theories based upon what I know about the calibrations...

I have a 100 shot on mine, dont use it all the time but its there when i need it. I woork next to a trans shop and they say that it will be ok (as long as it has been taken care of) as long as you lift and shift. I will probably bump it down to 75.
You can do the lift & shift technique on the 02- LS's or program it to pull some timing on the shifts. The 03+ LS's you can program it into the TBW system just like they do for the Saleen IV kits for the 2005 Mustangs. That and also pulling timing on the shifts too was the other bigger thing they did to control torque on the shifts. You can get a built version of your tranny for a little over $2,300 (I forget exactly how much) and your original tranny as a core charge. The rebuild will hold up to 600hp/600tq.

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