so it rained like hell again today


Apr 12, 2005
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northern illinois
as like most of you, it rained again, and everything around us is flooding, so we went up into Byron (5 mins up the road) and took pics of the rock river. dont worry we are fine, we live on top of a hill, and if it gets that deep i got a boat. i know that theres much worse flooding in the midwest, this is just my view. the pics are self explanatory, dont know where the boat came from. in the last pic i put a red line where the parking lot ends and a yellow line where the river useda-be

ps the pics are with my phone

byron flood 07 1.jpg

byron flood 07 2.jpg

byron flood 07 3.jpg

byron flood 07 4.jpg

byron flood 07 5.jpg
Dayummmmmm i have been watching the news and it really looks bad in the mid-west they showed Ohio and Wisconsin and damn the damage.
i think we need to spread some of that rain up a little north. we have only had scattered storms up here
Yeah the Rock River runs right through my area too, I haven't seen it in person though. All I know is the Mississippi is covered with green crap right now, it looks nasty too.
Wow that sucks,
I was up on lake vermillion its a tinder box up there one match or cig out the window and the whole Superior natural forest will go up in flames ! :eek:
well i guess i spoke too soon, this morning the wife gets a phone call from her dad, at 2AM telling us that the trailer park he lives in is flooding, and we should think about getting our truck out of there (we are only allowed to have 2 cars where we live) and i said no (its about 1 hour each way) he then called at 2:30, 3:00, 3:30 and then i fell back asleep after telling the wife the truck would be ok, and we would leave early for work and swing by and get it, well uhhh heres a couple pics from around 7:30. its fun to pull up after driving through many patches of water over the road i pull up to this and walk into about 3 foot deep watery muck. we had to walk a half mile through than crap that reeked of gas, oil, fish etc, only to find her truck...............not tooooo bad only about 3" of water inside. so i open the air filter box and set the lid/intake tube up out of harms way, hopped in and fired her up and drove to higher ground with no probs, my father in law got a couple inches inside, so now he needs new floors (he did before) and to raise the trailer to prevent this. so uh yeah i had a fun day wallowing in brown water and now i get to gut the interior of the explorer!!!! yippieee

dekalb flood 8-24-07 1.jpg

dekalb flood 8-24-07 2.jpg

dekalb flood 8-24-07 3.jpg

dekalb flood 8-24-07 4.jpg
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Bummer!!! I in Canton Il. and it;s kinda been dumping all around here, but I really haven't seen too much of it.
Glad to hear you got your truck out before any Major damage... :(
He Chicken I want to see a pic of the Mark in the water? or the new Submarine version of the MR2

hell no thats why the truck gets parked there not the cars!!! hell the mr2 would of been halfway up the windows and the mark would of been up to the bottom of the windows. i parked the linc on the road and walked through all that crap. and we've heard that it went up another six inches to another foot! and the park is still on lock down, so i cant even see my truck! so uh well it should be ok, just gotta wait and see
Yesterday we celebrated at having, finally, a real rain up here. I've said it before ... "Thanks, Chicken (well, I haven't said exactly that - don't usually thank chickens;)) for reminding us how lucky we are. Good luck to you!
well i aint gonna do neither, water got chest deep before it receded, couldn't even re-enter till yesterday, and uhhh well, it stinks, BAD not to mention the electrical nightmares that will follow. its rough when you start it, but it still runs and moves, but we called the insurance company, and being in the bizz, if a car floods its done. so we are currently looking for a aviator :D so if all goes as planned we will have 2 Lincolns

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