So much for Obama's "Open Government"


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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From the Politico:

President-elect Barack Obama's Transition today launched "Open for Questions," a Digg-style feature allowing citizens to submit questions, and to vote on one another's questions, bringing favored inquiries to the top of the list.

It was suggested when it launched that the tool would bring uncomfortable questions to the fore, but the results so far are the opposite: Obama's supporters appear to be using -- and abusing -- a tool allowing them to "flag" questions as "inappropriate" to remove all questions mentioning Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich from the main pages of Obama's website.

The Blagojevich questions -- many of them polite and reasonable -- can be found only by searching words in them, like "Blagojevich," which produces 35 questions missing from the main page of the site.

"Given the current corruption charges involving Blagojevich, will 'serious' campaign finance reform that takes money completely out of politics through publicly funded elections be a priority in the first term?" asked Metteyya of Santa Cruz, California.

"This submission was removed because people believe it is inappropriate," reads the text underneath it.
Also removed as "inappropriate":

"In light of the recent corruption scandals (Blagojevich, Rangel, Jefferson, Stevens, etc) that have dominated the political scene,is there any ethics legislation being crafted to actually curb corruption and prevent another wave of nixonian cynicism?", a question from "lupercal," of Gainesville.

And: "Is Barack Obama aware of any communications in the last six weeks between Rod Blagojevich or anyone representing Rod Blagojevich and any of Obama's top aides?", a question from Phil from Pennsylvania.

Declaring a question "inappropriate" is different from merely voting it down; it's calling foul on a question, not just disapproving of it.

Community reporting systems like this are often vulnerable to abuse from committed partisans -- YouTube has wrestled with a parallel problem -- and the only solution is conscious efforts to remedy it.

So far, Obama's team does not seem to have stepped in to allow uncomfortable questions to rise to the top, and instead is allowing his supporters to sanitize the site.
Chirp, chirp. Not surprised no Dem/Lib wants to comment on Blago.

Looks like Rahm Emmanuel may be implicated in this scandal now.

Since the US Attorney made the statement that there was no indication of Obama being implicated, then I have to assume the conversatins between Rahm and Blago were on the up and up.
then I have to assume the conversatins between Rahm and Blago were on the up and up.

Of course you would. Would never expect you to question the Messiah, either the most corrupt candidate ever or the dumbest. Take your pick.,obama-news-conference-blagojevich-121108.article

But Obama insisted that at no time did any of his staff or emissaries make any offers or deals to get an Obama friend appointed.

"I have never spoken with the governor on this subject, and I am quite confident that no representatives of mine would have had any part in any deals related to this seat," Obama said.

Guess we'll just have to wait for Rezko to spill the beans on how Michelle got her $300,000/year gig just after Obama won the Senate Seat.
Obama has already lied about this. Obama did meet with Blagojevich to discuss the senate seat. What is interesting is that a number of these articles are diappearing....

Joey, as usually, you are missing the point with regards to Obama. Once again, Obama has lied to the American people! Before he has even taken office, he is commiting what would be an impeachable offence if he were in office!

The US Attorney went OUT OF HIS WAY to specify there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Obama.

I have no doubt this US Attorney would bury Obama in a minute if he had evidence.

Blago is a putz and needs to go fast IMO.... But dont try to make Obama the bad guy here unless you have PROOF - then you need to call the US Attorney first and give him your proof.
The US Attorney went OUT OF HIS WAY to specify there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Obama.

Of course he hasn't done anything. He's the Messiah. Holy and pure.

Overlook the fact that he got Blago elected and worked on his campaign. Forget they owe each other favors. Forget the quid pro quo. I have.
The US Attorney went OUT OF HIS WAY to specify there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Obama.

I have no doubt this US Attorney would bury Obama in a minute if he had evidence.

Blago is a putz and needs to go fast IMO.... But dont try to make Obama the bad guy here unless you have PROOF - then you need to call the US Attorney first and give him your proof.

You are still missing the point!!!

No one is saying that Obama was a part of the scheme by Blago. In fact, it seems that he probably rejected the whole scheme. No one is claiming any criminal wrongdoing on Obama's part!

We are claiming, WITH PROOF, that Obama lied to the american people when he said he had no contact with Blago.

If he were president, that would be an impeachable offense. You don't have to break the law to be impeached. In this instance, all you have to do is betray the public trust, which Obama blatantly did.

Weather or not some of his appointees had a part in the scheme (Emanuel) is another matter entirely, and would also reflect back on Obama's judgement, specifically with regards to character and who he surounds himself with.
We are claiming, WITH PROOF, that Obama lied to the american people when he said he had no contact with Blago.
I haven't been paying a lot of attention to this, figuring that usually in the first week of something like this there are dozens of innuendos and false leads. It needs time to be sifted out, and then usually the pertinent facts start to come forward in about 7 days. Especially nice when a US Attorney is at work - there will be lots and lots of facts and evidence.

It could be perhaps the Obama people are part of the solution and not part of the problem. Maybe they contacted someone regarding the shady activities of the governor's office? I am sure we will find out more soon -

This does involve the proper authorities, and the evidence will be made public, probably fairly soon, depending on how wide the net of indictments goes. Including information on what Obama and Blago discussed regarding the vacancy.

I think that speculation in this case could really bite...
Many of us made this point prior to the election, but no one was listening. This story drives the point home- Obama emerged from the toxic cess pool that is Chicago politics. He is a product of THAT system. All of these guys are closely related and associated. From Write to Ayers to Rezko to the Daily regime to Blagojevich.... these guys all dine together.
I thought that you, Calabrio, would wait until the dust settled. But, enmity appears to have no boundaries.
Emanuel: I'm Getting Death Threats Over Blagojevich Scandal

"I'm getting regular death threats. You've put my home address on national television. I'm pissed at the networks. You've intruded too much, " Emanuel said
Welcome to Joe the Plumber's world Obamaboy.
Quick….someone call a whaaaaambulance!

The BO Administration is already a trainwreck, and it hasn’t even left the station.:bowrofl:
I haven't been paying a lot of attention to this, figuring that usually in the first week of something like this there are dozens of innuendos and false leads. It needs time to be sifted out, and then usually the pertinent facts start to come forward in about 7 days. Especially nice when a US Attorney is at work - there will be lots and lots of facts and evidence.

It could be perhaps the Obama people are part of the solution and not part of the problem. Maybe they contacted someone regarding the shady activities of the governor's office? I am sure we will find out more soon -

This does involve the proper authorities, and the evidence will be made public, probably fairly soon, depending on how wide the net of indictments goes. Including information on what Obama and Blago discussed regarding the vacancy.

I think that speculation in this case could really bite...

You were responding to me, and I was in no way speculating. Everything I cited and based my conclusions on was FACT!

I never said Obama had anything to do with Blago's scheme, and suggested that he probably rejected it. The only damning thing Obama did was LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!! That is not speculation, it is a provable (and proven) FACT!!! Lying to the American people (unless the circumstances are unique) is a blatant betrayal of the public trust and an impeachable offense, were he in office.

There is nothing questionable about anything I said. It is fact. You cannot argue it, and if you do only show yourself to be a stubborn fool. :rolleyes:
Joey, you're off topic.

We could turn up taped conversations of Obama agreeing to bribe Blago, and you and fox would just say, "Well I'm sure he had a good reason. Not as bad as Bush!" :rolleyes:

You really believe Obama is the one virgin in the whorehouse?

From the AP:

Obama’s staff has declined to respond to even basic questions, like who is conducting the probe, how long it will take, what issues are being explored and whether they are working with federal investigators. Obama has promised transparency throughout his service and to divulge contacts his staff has had with Blagojevich’s office in the coming days. But his staff has locked down on inquiries in the meantime…

Emanuel is not a target of the probe, according to people who have been briefed on the investigation.

The two people spoke on a condition of anonymity because the criminal investigation is ongoing. One is a person close to Emanuel, who said he has been told by investigators that he’s not a subject of their probe…

Another question that Obama’s staff didn’t answer is how he knows that his office had no involvement if he had yet to gather all the facts about conversations they had with Blagojevich’s office. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, transition officials said they do not want to release any information on the internal review until it is completed.

MonsterMark said:
Quick….someone call a whaaaaambulance!

Dear Rahm Emmanuel,



Ken Starr
Only 7 million left to convince to make the presidential race close.

Know how many HUNDREDS have told me they regret voting for GW the FIRST time?
I thought that you, Calabrio, would wait until the dust settled. But, enmity appears to have no boundaries.

Stop with the indignant shock.
The guy is part of the Chicago machine. You don't go from community organizer to President that quickly just by virtue of a winning smile and keen understanding of the issues of the day.

I'm not accusing Obama of being involved in any effort to shop the Senate seat. But once you put a national spot light on Chicago, wait until you see all the roaches start scurrying around.

People like you didn't seem to think that these associations were important to during the primary. Now we can enjoy the next four years of these associations.

How long before the Rezko story starts competing for ink?
Only 7 million left to convince to make the presidential race close.

Know how many HUNDREDS have told me they regret voting for GW the FIRST time?

I don't know how many morons you associate with...
but let me ask you this- how many of them were regretting their vote a MONTH before the inauguration?
Nobody I have heard from as of yet.

Of course, I live in a heavily republican county (DuPage)

Of course, the other side of the coin is that we are accustomed to dealmaking as part of politics. This is nothing new for us. Just SOP.

Did Rahm talk to blago or his people? I'm sure he did. Did Obama know that at the time of the press conference? Maybe, maybe not.

Did Rahm make a deal? I strongly doubt it. Mostly because of the transcripts where Blago says Obama wont give anything for his chosen successor to be appointed.

What bothers me is that people here seem to be so eager to find wrong in Obama they will grasp at any straw and make a mountain out of a molehill. - News Flash - The Election is over, Obama won by a landslide.

Now, you can either adopt a wait and see attitude and give him time to actually be sworn in and see if he can improve the country, or you can hamstring him before he is even sworn in and help him fail.

The latter hurts everyone in the country. A big price to pay to only further an ideology.

I gave GW about a year in office before I really started to dislike him. I didnt vote for him, but gave him the chance.
Let's be clear, I'm not aware of anyone who is making the claim that Obama or his administration are associated with the Senate seat shopping. The only unanswered question I know of is - DID THEY KNOW HE WAS SHOPPING THE SEAT, and if they did, did they report this.

But you shouldn't be surprised.... this is the cess pool from which he emerged.
This isn't an attack, it's reality. His career was made and built inside the most corrupt and powerful political machine in the country.
What bothers me is that people here seem to be so eager to find wrong in Obama they will grasp at any straw and make a mountain out of a molehill. - News Flash - The Election is over, Obama won by a landslide.

Now, you can either adopt a wait and see attitude and give him time to actually be sworn in and see if he can improve the country, or you can hamstring him before he is even sworn in and help him fail.

What ever happened to it being patriotic to protest? :p

You present two options; wait and see, or actively work to hamstring Obama.

Here is a third option; being honest and calling things as we see them, and wanting to debate them.

I know honesty is secondary to agenda and maitenence of power for Obama and his supporters, but don't expect all of us to be so lacking in integrity.:rolleyes:

And make no mistake, that is effectively what you are suggesting; that we hold are tounges and not point out the truth when we see it.

While you may have taken a "wait and see attitude" early on with Bush, most of the left did not, and you know it. In fact most of the excessive hostility toward Bush from the media and the left stems from the fallout of the 2000 election. They never took a "wait and see attitude" with Bush before his inaguration, nor after 9/11. They were declaring the surge a failure before it was even attempted. And there is no question that that they were overzealous in trying to smear and demonize Bush; even going so far as to manufacture stories (which are repeated, ad nauseam on this board). They blatantly worked to smear Bush; comparing him to Hitler and trying to charge him with "war crimes", making movies about his assasination as well as making (and rewarding) documentaries that actively distorted his record and smear and demonize him. There was no justification for any of that.

Contrary to that, Obama's own actions are confirming the objections raised by those of us who were honest enough to admit the truth during the election and got rediculed by those of you who were being dishonest, irrational and intentionally deluding yourselves to buy into the cult of personality that was built up around Obama.

That talking point you are repeating here is based in a blatant double standard (though I do not think it is necessarily a double standard on your part).

How about you stop bitching and accept that humble pie you have to eat now.;)

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