We are claiming, WITH PROOF, that Obama lied to the american people when he said he had no contact with Blago.
OK - I just had to look - I can't make heads or tails of the 'lie' in question - you never have stated it in any of your posts Shag. So, I am going with the thing that Bryan has in post #5
I am also aware of your interest in the matter of the Illinois Senate appointment. Let me say that I was as appalled as anyone by the revelations earlier this week. I have never spoken with the Governor on this subject.
So, is the lie that Obama stated he didn't have any contact with the governor regarding his replacement?
He could have shook Blago's hand in a meeting - stood by him for a photo op - those are of course forms of 'contact'. But the statement specifically addressed contact regarding Obama's replacement in the Senate.
As I said, I really haven't paid a whole lot of attention to this - accusations fly hot and heavy usually in cases like this, until things settle down and the 'facts' are presented by the law enforcement agencies involved. But, since you stated it was an blatantly impeachable offense I really needed to dig a bit deeper... (oh, the stubborn fool statement probably had something to do with it too
I checked your links and they do seem to be dead ends. Conspiracy again? Maybe that explains the 'we' I bolded in your quote above shag. Who exactly are 'we' shag?
Back to the links... The first link is to some story that the governor and Obama were to meet on budget concerns on Dec 1& 2. Obama met with the National Governors' Association (a huge group of governors) to discuss monetary concerns on December 2. Blago was at this 2 day meeting, and the photo you posted is from this meeting - Obama was leaving the meeting after a short speech, and he stopped to shake hands with his state's governor. You can see that Obama is going down a long line of governors shaking hands - sort of a reception line. I guess, you could call this contact - but it certainly didn't have anything to do with discussing his senate seat vacancy. Obama just addressed the group as a whole, none of the governors individually. Heck Sarah Palin was there too...
Your World Net story - the second link - was overridden by a different story later that day that reported that the sources they used were retracted.
The third link refers to the KHQA story - see below...
Your next link is The Office of the Governor's press release, which says nothing of a meeting. It appears to be a dead end. But, maybe you can point to the part that talks about a meeting Shag.
The 5th link is another KHQA story, later in the week - see next paragraph
The one source that seems to have actually 'reported' an alleged meeting between Blago and Obama to discuss candidates for Obama's vacated seat is KHQA TV. KHQA has retracted it's story...
KHQA TV wishes to offer clarification regarding a story that appeared last month on our website ConnectTristates.com. The story, which discussed the appointment of a replacement for President Elect Obama in the U.S. Senate, became the subject of much discussion on talk radio and on blog sites Wednesday.
The story housed in our website archive was on the morning of November 5, 2008. It suggested that a meeting was scheduled later that day between President Elect Obama and Illinois Governor Blagojevich. KHQA has no knowledge that any meeting ever took place. Governor Blagojevich did appear at a news conference in Chicago on that date.
And in fact was repudiated the next day by the the Chicago SunTimes, which was reporting on the news conference KHQA references in their story. "Saying he had no favorite candidate yet, Blagojevich said he has not spoken to Obama about the matter but would give "a great deal of weight" to the recommendations the president-elect might make."
Remember the 5th is the day after the election - Obama didn't meet with anyone that day, he was with his family after his big victory (and a late night) - the press was waiting for him to emerge and no one else reported a meeting with Obama and Blago. I don't think a meeting with the governor would have gone unnoticed by the rest of the press core that was camped out at Obama's doorstep.
So, I really don't want to be stubborn, or a fool - but I really would like to see the 'lie'. Obama stated he had no contact with Blago regarding the senate seat... Maybe the quote Bryan stated is wrong - but I did find it, as quoted, in a press conference that Obama gave on 12/11. I am just guessing here. Is your quote different shag?
And certainly in the next few days other things could (and probably will) come out about this case. Like I said, I like to wait and see what develops before jumping to conclusions, especially in ongoing investigations.