So What Breed are you?

That's funny!

I'm a Bracco Italiano (Italian sitter), that's a new one to me, looks like a hound dog.

Bracco Italiano (Italian Setter)

I was hoping for something a little more manly like a Rottwieller or Doberman :(


Beauce Shepherd

I'm easily trained, good tempered, but distrustful of strangers and I'm definitely not a house dog.
was hopiNg for favorite breed german shepErd

but this will do

The test figured me for a Golden Retriever. I always considered myself more of a Pitbull, or a Bull Dog. Oh well

HAHA! i tried it again, with diffrent trates, and i am a Doberman pinscher
I am just your un-local mutt with dentures. My bark is louder than my bite.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Ruff ruff! What's that smell?
pepperman said:
I am a Redbone Coonhound.

:invasion: :invasion: :invasion:

I'm a pug... How is that if I'm over 6'0. I should atleast be a bull mastiff or great dane. LOL.
thats freaking funny $hit. i'm a German Shephard. thay say thay make good police dogs.funny the cops around here know me well. thats kinda strange. cool test though.
Im a damn "Hovawart" never heard of that breed before.... interesting site

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