So when is Obama going to be finished?

Give me Ted Kennedy over John McBush any day of the week, any time of the year.

Really? Funny you say that, because Bush and McCain both have co-sponsored bills with Kennedy. So wouldn't he be in the same old guard?
Really? Funny you say that, because Bush and McCain both have co-sponsored bills with Kennedy. So wouldn't he be in the same old guard?

McCain has voted in support of Bush more than 90% of the time. Kennedy has not.
I'd rather fly in a fighter beside McCain than ride in a car with Kennedy.
I'd rather fly in a fighter beside McCain than ride in a car with Kennedy.

You mean fly in one of those five fighter planes that McCain crashed in training?

I never crashed a plane during my flight training.

Wonder what made him so damn incompetent.

Might have been a low IQ. I hear he barely passed college getting an undergraduate degree at the bottom of his class.
You mean fly in one of those five fighter planes that McCain crashed in training?

I never crashed a plane during my flight training.

Wonder what made him so damn incompetent.

Might have been a low IQ. I hear he barely passed college getting an undergraduate degree at the bottom of his class.
My statement stands. At least he never murdered a woman and got the cops to cover it up.
Wonder what made him so damn incompetent.

Might have been a low IQ. I hear he barely passed college getting an undergraduate degree at the bottom of his class.

McCain came into conflict with higher-ranking personnel, he did not always obey the rules, and that contributed to a low class rank (894 of 899) which he did not aim to improve. He did well in academic subjects that interested him, such as literature and history, but studied only enough to pass subjects he struggled with, such as mathematics. McCain graduated in 1958.[

It seems rather clear that McCain's low rank had more to do with a lack of effort in class, then from a low IQ. Given this info, you can draw conclusion's about his tenacity at the time he was in school, or his maturity at the time, but it is a huge leap to try to draw conclusions about his IQ from that.

You are putting too much emphasis on educational level and achievement. It says nothing about wisdom or judgement. That has more to do with intellectual honesty and integrety then on who has the education to be the most clever (which seems to be what you are trying to do)....
Posted on (I just had to paste it, it's so good):

Referring to the Obama scandals -

But the press took care of that:
MSM: “Care to comment on your church of 20 years and its apparent America hating bigot Reverend Wright, Mr. Obama?”
BO: “I never saw it”
MSM: “Allllllrighty then. Ok, on to your relationship with the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.”
BO: “The cat ate it.”
MSM: “Very good. Now, about Tony Rezco and your dealings with him if you please.”
BO: “My family is off limits.”
MSM: “Ok then. Nothing to see here. Back to you, Wolf.”

Patrick S on September 1, 2008 at 11:29 PM
i dont know whats gonna happen with this whole election ordeal, I honesly hope america wakes up and doesnt go completely liberal and want to make "Change" what is that. I change my pants once or twice a day is that what they speak of. im going go with bill cosby. like his plan. shoot now ask questions later. if they are heading south to the fence, hold fire. other wise no warning shots.

O you need to feed your imported wheat from the US. well due to inflation of inflations its 130 dollars a bushel. lets see how far our 56lbs get ya.

Burning Down My Master’s House-Obama and the Democratic Party’s lies we can believe in

Posted by: BlackRepub

Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 12:47AM

There has been a lot of talk about race and identity politics during this campaign, perhaps more than any other political campaign in history. The media and pundits are showing this election as a classic case of the old America vs. the new America, the crusty old white guy against the young, hip, cosmopolitan Black candidate. However, this is not a blog about the media’s tingle in the leg that they get for Obama, or even the Obamessiah himself. I want to talk about Obama’s hopeandchangeandhopeandchange and their effects on Obama’s supposed base of the urban poor. And so because I love a political fistfight like John Edwards loves his campaign staffers, I would like to take this opportunity to take on Senator Hopeandchange in his own arena, which is change from the way things are traditionally done in Washington. It has been revealed that in every arena from his policies to his rhetoric to his Vice President, that Obama is nothing more than the same socialist candidate with the same failed policies from the 1960s that the Democrats trot out every year to run for president, fire up their base and leave on the short end of the stick, howling about disenfranchisement and stolen votes.

Read more at the link provided...

Obama was officially served his lawsuit on September 4th.

Did anybody read about it in the papers? LOL:cool:
Barack and the DNC have until September 24th to answer.

Get the popcorn ready.

The Obama campaign has been busy scrubbing Kenyan websites. Seems there was a posting of some missionaries that made comments back in 1960 about the young white woman who was 9 months prego and the father was one of the villagers. Raised quite a ruckus I guess. Now that post is gone.
Here's some red meat for ya, Bryan...

Thanks. Old News for me but some of the others here need to hear it.

Like I said, I've seen some of the 527 ads coming out and they are not flattering to Obama. That is why I see a 8 point win for McCain, maybe even 10 points. Consider this, 90% of America has no clue about Obama or his past. When they get fed these tiny morsels, when it comes time to decide, there will be a huge cloud hanging over Obama. Most conservatives don't like McCain. Most moderates can support much of what he has done in the past. Some liberals that would normally never vote for a Republican candidate simply because they have an (R) next to their name do not like Obama and will vote McCain, ie: PUMA backers for Hillary.

So going back 6 months or so ago when I said Obama was not electable, it was for the reason that the media hid his past arrogantly thinking they could keep the general public from ever knowing who Obama really is and was.

There is a new media now. They old (and dying) MSM don't have total control like they used to. They are going to learn an expensive lesson this time around. 1 year ago, there was no way the Dems could lose the election. Look at where they are now and the 'truth about Obama' ads haven't even started.:shifty:

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