So, WHO here is burning a Koran this Sat?

I wonder - if this preacher just wanted to dunk the Qur'an in a urine-filled bowl, would you lefties object?
You do realize that there are thousands of Arab oil princes, right? Every prince gets to spend as much money as he wants. And every son or grandson or nephew of the king is a prince.

They're running out of money due to their own profligate spending.

I do realize this. Hell, I know a couple of them. We're not drinking buddies by any means, but I have seen their spending habits.

Alas, blowing their money or not, the fact still remains: They are running out of extractable oil reserves and have to compensate by drilling more and more wells.
Seriously. It's spelled Qur'an. If you're going to refer to it, you might as well speel it properly.

Just had to get back to this:


What's wrong snuggle-buns, not enough spine to state your position on this? Considering the amount of Islamophobic crap you've posted over the years, I was betting you'd be the first to strike the match, sweetcheeks.

Last edited by Calabrio; September 9th, 2010 at 08:19 PM. Reason: (Joey, I was referring to foss in that final paragraph, not Frogman).

Nice, thanks Big Brother!
BTW, Johnny, where is your "Liberal Troll" disclaimer?
You still don't understand Islam either nearly as much as you claim to. I really suggest reading some other books on it than the one you have.
My depth of knowledge of the subject of Islam is far deeper than just one book. There is some irony in someone who bases their authority on the subject solely on reading the Koran, yet, as far as I've seen, has yet to even answer the most basic honest questions regarding their experience reading it. Questions like which translation did you read, did you read the book in the historical chronology, ect....

Additional point, the book I continue to suggest everyone read because it's an good PRIMER book for Westerners to read in an effort to understand Islam and how it relates to the world is: The Complete Infidels Guide to the Koran by Robert Spencer.

You responded to that by denigrating the author, and my suggestion, because his research doesn't correspond with your naive and poorly informed world view.

Just last month the FBI had Robert Spencer come in to the Tidewater Joint Terrorism Task Force, a combination of state, federal, and local law enforcement located in Norfolk, Va. The terrorist-support group CAIR protested this decision, but the FBI didn't back down.

And, I think I mentioned this here, but I spent some time in Northern Virginia last month and visited some friends who work in national security and intelligence. They weren't able to speak openly but highly suggested everyone read Robert Spencer's work as well.

Why are you so offended that the media reported that some guy was going to hold a book burning? I'd say the media was effective in this case. So much pressure on this guy that he backed out, instead of just acting like a jackass and spreading more hate.
You think it's the job of the national and international media to cover some guy in Central Florida burning some books? That's newsworthy?

If he were burning bibles, would that be newsworthy? When Pastor Marc Grizzard in North Carolina planned on burning all non-King James versions of the bible last year, was that international news? I don't think so.

Maybe the Islamo-nuts discovered the story on the web, reported in the local Gainesville media, and the national media is just following the story after it broke internationally. I can't tell which part of the story broke first- the planned burning or the fiery outrage.

As opposed to all the important players who feel the need to reach out to the builders of the "ground zero" mosque to ask them to move it away from their "holy land"
It's not "opposed to" anything. It has nothing to do with the politically inept the handling of the Ground Zero Cordoba mosque and racketball center.

Right under Foss's post stating the need to commit genocide.....
Are you making a point? You seem to mistakenly think that smugness and sarcasm are the same as making a thoughtful point. It's isn't.

And Fossten's point about engaging in a proactive, aggressive war has nothing to do with the point I made. Your decision to confuse the two demonstrates why communication with you is demonstrably pointless.

The right
The right? Who are "the right?"

are the only ones reporting that there will be any form of retaliation if the mosque is moved.... The only thing the planner have said was that if people intervened and denied them their constitutional rights, that there would likely be an outcry that could lead to more terrorist attacks or other things of that nature.
So the right said there the Imam said there was a threat of retaliation if this mosque were built else where. You belittle this conclusion because moving the mosque will just lead to "more terrorist attacks or other things of that nature."

Glad you cleared that up.

Kinda like how Foss insists we need to carpet bomb the middle-east every time they burn a flag or a bible or kill an american.
Are you equating murdering Americans to burning the flag?

You've thoroughly demonstrated your ignorance on the subject of Islam and the threat it currently poses to the West. As admirable your effort to read the Koran was, it's not a complete education of anything. Even if you read the book in it's original Arabic, you understood the chronology of the events, you'd still need to read the supporting books in order to make sense of the philosophy of the religion. The Koran isn't the complete teachings of Islam.

You clearly have bought into the lie that it's a "religion of peace."
That's a mistake.

It's not PC, but Islam AGAIN presents a genuine threat to Western civilization.
It's not a tolerant religion. It's not a peaceful religion.
I wonder - if this preacher just wanted to dunk the Qur'an in a urine-filled bowl, would you lefties object?

That's what he should do instead.
"Piss Koran."

B&W photo... make it real classy.

If not, they're doing some artful stuff with cowdung in Manhattan these days.....
That's what he should do instead.
"Piss Koran."

B&W photo... make it real classy.

If not, they're doing some artful stuff with cowdung in Manhattan these days.....
Maybe he'll get a federal grant for it if he calls it 'art.' :D

Petard. Hoist. LOLz.

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