I had this happen to my Explorer in the Home Depot lot. I always park in the last row, out towards the end (uphill from the cart return!) by the Contractor Entrance--you know, the spot that's absolutely farthest from the general customer entrance?Ric said:I guess this thread is a pet peave of mine...must be why I can't let it die. Did you ever find a nice corner-end spot in a lot where you felt reasonably secure leaving your car? You park all the way over to the side where your tires are up against the curb so as to leave the next car all the room in the world to open his door without coming close to yours and....every freakin' time...the next car doesn't pull into the middle of the spot....he's gotta park over the line within striking distnce!!!
It's a hot summer day, and I'm already aggravated that I had to stop what I was doing to come into town to buy a part to finish, and I come out of the store carrying heavy stuff (did I mention it was Africa freakin' hot?) to find this she-devil (expletive deleted) has parked her trash-laden poopbox Cadavalier so close to the driver's side of my Explorer that I couldn't get between the vehicles. My first instinct was to open the passenger door, pull my Beretta out of its storage container, and redecorate the hell out of her car, but my overwhelming desire to avoid jail time prevented that.
Fortunately, she didn't do any damage to my car (she parked so close that her passenger-side doors couldn't have been opened), so I just packed my stuff and left...