Sold my Marks and bought this


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
What do you think?

wild cat small.jpg
With all the rain we have been having lately I would need to order one with the rudder option.
looks like a snowmobile and a motorcycle got drunk one night, and this is their bastard child. Not saying it's a bad thing, but looks like a snowmobile with wheels.

Might be fun to drive though. AT your age, you probably want something that won't fall over on it's own. :p
Well... You are getting up there in age, Mespock... Up there when you need training wheels on your scooter.

Good decision. I'd hate to see you go around a corner on the wing and... just plop over.


Have you ever seen the Honda gold wings with the retractable training wheels
rich, for your tattoo jokes at me here is one for you, real men only need 2 wheels, old men buy things like that cause they cant balance anymore. mid life crisis????
They just look like they can scoot ... I've wanted to ride one since I've seen them.

The way that they are designed they look like they should be fun in the curves ... the guy who owned that one I'm sitting on said it really snaps him back went it takes off.

Don't worry Pepps I didn't sell my Marks ...

Oh and Jamie ... you just need to be more creative with your tattoo...
My roomates dad had a T-Rex before he moved to England. Thing was CRAZY fast. Breaks the tires loose in every gear when you get on it. 0-140 in no time flat.
I would have thought the T-rex was quicker than 3.92 seconds from 0-60...

And only 144MPH? Hell, my V-rods can do 140... well, not with me on them... My chest acts like a wind sail.

How many friggin vehicles do you have?

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