Sold ! Sold ! Sold


Active LVC Member
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
I just sold my 2002 LS. I enjoyed driving it for the past two years. I would like to thank everyone on here who helped me with replacing parts and for some of the items I bought from you guys. I been looking at 06's but not sure when I will be getting another LS. Hopefully it will be soon.
Actually you should get a Camry. Then come back here and tell us how superior it is.


Are you carless or do you have another vehicle?
I sold the car complete with all the mods I had done. I know that grille was hard to come by but the new owner (young kid) knew what it was and was sold completely on how different the car looked from all others he checked out. I think the angel eyes stood out the most. I will be on here keeping in touch since I plan on buying an 06' if I could find one at a decent price.
wow, what a low blow sorry to say.
I mean, could have kept the McLaren Grille within the LVC family instead of selling it to "some kid"

... all the help you received here, like you said.

Personally myself, I would have put the stock grille back on and sold it like that and then offered
the McLaren Grille up for sale to helpful members here on LVC.

To each his own, I guess.
The grille was the center piece that stood the car from all others. That was the main reason the buyer enjoyed the car along with the angel eyes. The only thing I kept was the C.A.I. that I built. I am also selling that.
The grille was the center piece that stood the car from all others. That was the main reason the buyer enjoyed the car along with the angel eyes. The only thing I kept was the C.A.I. that I built. I am also selling that.

How much and do you have pictures?
wow, what a low blow sorry to say.
I mean, could have kept the McLaren Grille within the LVC family instead of selling it to "some kid"

... all the help you received here, like you said.

Personally myself, I would have put the stock grille back on and sold it like that and then offered
the McLaren Grille up for sale to helpful members here on LVC.

To each his own, I guess.

How is it a low blow if someone sells a car to someone? Nobody here should feel entitled to anything. As much as I am for keeping parts in the LVC family if I want to sell a car to someone and a mod is the deciding factor then it's gonna be sold with said mod.
how is it a low blow if someone sells a car to someone? Nobody here should feel entitled to anything. As much as i am for keeping parts in the lvc family if i want to sell a car to someone and a mod is the deciding factor then it's gonna be sold with said mod.

How is it a low blow if someone sells a car to someone? Nobody here should feel entitled to anything. As much as I am for keeping parts in the LVC family if I want to sell a car to someone and a mod is the deciding factor then it's gonna be sold with said mod.

The only way I would take anything off my car if I sold it is in the event the buy wanted oe parts for something, other than that it goes as is. But I won't ever sell the car, wouldn't get enough out of it to be worth it, certainly would not be new car money.
How is it a low blow if someone sells a car to someone? Nobody here should feel entitled to anything. As much as I am for keeping parts in the LVC family if I want to sell a car to someone and a mod is the deciding factor then it's gonna be sold with said mod.

Here we go again!

.... How is it a low blow if someone sells a car to someone?

I clearly typed;

... McLaren Grille

not entire car, you understood that!

.... Nobody here should feel entitled to anything.

Correct, nor did I say, that anyone should.

However ....

.... As much as I am for keeping parts in the LVC family ...

I clearly typed;

.... Personally myself, I would have put the stock grille back on and sold it like that and then offered the McLaren Grille up for sale to helpful members here on LVC.

So many folks here looking for the McLaren Grille, and as he mentioned,
"I would like to thank everyone on here who helped me with replacing parts and for some of the items I bought from you guys."

Low Blow ?, Ok perhaps wrong choice of words, let's try "would have been nice" instead.

As in nice to have offered a McLaren Grille up for sale back to the LVC community in exchange for all the help/parts he received.

Instead of letting another McLaren Grille wonder off into nowhere land as apposed to it landing in someone hands on here.

Not required of him to do so, "not at all" but would have been nice to pass it onto someone here.

I already have my McLaren Grille ... so I wasn't speaking of selling it to me,
there are plenty of others that would like one.

If it was a deciding factor in the sale of the LS, then so be it, can't blame anyone there.

OK, are we good and clear now ?
I've expressed myself correctly possibly this time ?
You do understand I said, it would have been my own personal choice to have done something different with that Grille, right ?
and you do understand from clearly reading my post, that I was referring to perhaps consider paying back to the LVC community by means of offering the grille back to someone here ?

I know it wasn't required, didn't say he had to, just something I would have done instead.

If that doesn't please you then so be it.

argue2 //END
Lets put it this way. If I had taken the grille off and tried selling the car. I would have gotten less than the amount I got. He was happy and so was I. There's a thread on the C.A.I. Its posted today.
true enough, same idea as taking the diamonds out of the ring, wouldn't fetch as much.

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