Mr Wiggl3s
Dedicated LVC Member
Lol. Yo, idk where that came from, but i'm straight.Perhaps Wiggles could post a picture of himself dry humping Mohammad next.
Lol. Yo, idk where that came from, but i'm straight.Perhaps Wiggles could post a picture of himself dry humping Mohammad next.
Do you think before you post, or do you just enjoy defending the indefensible.
Perhaps Wiggles could post a picture of himself dry humping Mohammad next.
You haven't wiped it Cal - isn't that within your power? If it is that offensive then how about creating a police state here and delete it.
Lol. Yo, idk where that came from, but i'm straight.![]()
Then post a picture of a pig doing that to a koran-
See how that goes over.
That's what is happening, the avatar designed to offend.
However I think it's absurd when a person does something that is designed to provoke and insult and then takes offense and become indignant when they are challenged regarding it.
sodomizing now? wow. talk about taking things too far. see alot of animals standing in that position at times through the years. if thats what their doing, then i guess biology is wrong and animals self produce. oh wait, i know, immaculate conception for all.
you've been busy shag. unfortunately i don't have the luxury of such time nor the motivation to be as diligent as you.
but i'm arguing against points being made to me. what would you expect for an answer. yes, you're right?
and vitriol and derision i argue with? i view it as the PASSION i argue with.
as with anything, it depends on how you view it.
you take it your way, i take it mine.
i've disliked your signatures, and dislike your present avatar, but i'm hardly gonna make a federal case of it.
but keep whining about it. it brings out your true colours.
and this coming from the kid who whines of others going off topic.
Offense is in the eye of the beholder Cal - what is offensive to me, isn't offensive to others and visa versa...
And what looks like sodomy to some, looks like the discovery channel to others - especially when viewed with the fact the avatar deals with 'evolution'.
And Shag's avatar isn't designed to offend a group of people as well? To me it looks like we have a double standard here - Is something that is offensive to some Christians 'more' offensive than something that is designed to be offensive to Democrats? Is there a hierarchy here?
So, is indignation towards religion is worse than disparaging other subjects?
But it's not about either of our sensibilities.Offense is in the eye of the beholder Cal - what is offensive to me, isn't offensive to others and visa versa...
O.K... then it's not sodomy, merely something having sex from behind with a spiritual symbol. A distinction without a difference. I don't think it's "intention to offend" would be any less if it were in missionary position either.And what looks like sodomy to some, looks like the discovery channel to others - especially when viewed with the fact the avatar deals with 'evolution'.
First- why is it offensive to say that Obama is a socialist. Would it be offensive to write "capitalist." So on that level, you're attempt to equate the two fails. There is no comparison.And Shag's avatar isn't designed to offend a group of people as well? To me it looks like we have a double standard here - Is something that is offensive to some Christians 'more' offensive than something that is designed to be offensive to Democrats? Is there a hierarchy here?
We've addressed this.So, is indignation towards religion worse than disparaging other subjects? I just want to make sure I have this 'right'.![]()
You haven't wiped it Cal - isn't that within your power? If it is that offensive then how about creating a police state here and delete it.
First of all, that statement is completely untrue and if pressed for examples, you wouldn't be able to provide any.Things do seem to disappear around here lately.
No explanation why.
Police state not too far behind I fear.
First of all, that statement is completely untrue and if pressed for examples, you wouldn't be able to provide any.
I have seen this on posts if they are edited if the whole post is deleted there is no signature.Every "edit' anyone does leaves a signature, so you're completely talking rubbish.
And if you really think you're ability to express yourself and engage in conversation is being restricted, then feel free to provoke Fossten somewhere else.
To a degree, but this goes beyond the pail. If something is offensive, the problem isn't always with the person taking offense. If I started referring to you constantly as a whore who needs to shut her mouth and get me a beer, I think you would get offended. There are plenty of times you and hrmwrm have shown offense at something I or someone else has said or done. When is it justified to be offended and when isn't it then?
When have you ever seen fish do that on the discovery channel? That is not how fish procreate. Another specious argument in a dishonest and disingenuous attempt to defend your complete lack of decency.
If you hold Obama in as high regard as people of faith hold their religion, you have a problem.
People without faith don’t see a reason to hold faith in a high regard. They view the issue far differently then we do. They often view faith as a sign of weakness and compromise. Go to the Ayn Rand Institute site if you want to see how some rational people view faith.People of faith hold that religion is very high regard. Even if you don't hold that faith in high regard it is only civil to treat it with respect when others of faith are around (as they are in this forum). There are some basic standards of appropriateness that anyone with some degree of civility would recognize (that, apparently would not include you). Would you start making dead baby jokes to someone who just had and infant die of SIDS?
Beyond the pale? Your pale is easily breached Shag… And I love the whole fish procreate argument – that is hilarious – can you come up with more along those lines? I actually think one might be a newt – it has legs… No, wait, it is obviously immoral – interspecies sex – aggggghhhhh… I am soooo offended.(this way you get to call my argument even more specious and dishonest and that I have even less decency. Oh that's right - I can't have 'less decency' I already am completely lacking decency already. Oh Shag, this is classic!!!)
I might be offended at the whore/beer reference – but I am sure there are a few women who would smile and fetch for you Shag – once again – offense is in the makeup of the beholder.
Nope, I don’t hold Obama in as high as regard as I do my religion, but, I find hrmwrm’s avatar on about the same level as yours as far as ‘intent to offend.’ Yours offends me slightly, so does his, however, both are intended to offend.
Placing an avatar of Rush Limbaugh in an SS uniform with swastikas behind him and the word Nazi underneath would offend me as well. However it is ‘only’ political. The offense level would be the same as the Obama/ socialist/ hammer and sickle avatar is to me, and the hrmwrm avatar.
The question is - would that ‘Rush/Nazi’ avatar be more offensive to you than the Obama/socialist avatar?
People without faith don’t see a reason to hold faith in a high regard. They view the issue far differently then we do. They often view faith as a sign of weakness and compromise.
I wouldn’t make dead baby jokes in general shag – that is beyond my level of offense. However if people want to post them, fine. They should be held to the same ‘standards’ that others are – admit they are offensive to some, but be willing to take the criticism. You seem to take the point that your avatar is above criticism, it isn’t. It is offensive to some people, and perhaps you should just admit that -
Thanks for the advice.You can decide what kind of Cal you are.
Calabrio of LVC Or
Calvin Louie of .org
I didn't accuse you of muting a view point.Ford Nut, consistent with what you've been posting lately, I can only imagine how thoughtful they were and how much energy and concentration it took for you to compose the "missing" posts. That would be very frustrating to find that an articulate argument was removed in an effort by moderators to silence a view point or make you look bad.
No need to PM.But if you can think of what's missing, send me a PM and I'll find out why (or if) they disappeared. I know of one evening where I trimmed some ridiculous cross talk and bickering (in an entirely bipartisan way) and it was clearly stated at the time.
Thanks for the advice.
Now you have to decide- are you going to act like an adult and demonstrate your ability to construct and articulate complicated thoughts related to society and policy while contributing to the forum. Or if you're just going to be a jerk who simply posts stuff with the sole intention of aggravating people and elicitation a negative response. An older, and arguably even less entertaining, of PeteSweet, you might say.
If you're sole reason for participating in the forum is to post one or two sentence responses designed to troll, grief Fossten or just disrupt, go somewhere else. I, again, encourage you to honestly and actively participate and contribute to any discussion here. And I mean that even more if you disagree with me on issues and world events. That's what makes it interesting to participate.
As I said, mine makes a legitimate point and is not crude. There is a huge difference.
So your hypothetical example of Limbaugh in Nazi dress compared to my picture of Obama is a false analogy; apples and oranges. My picture of Obama is making a legitimate point while your hypothetical is mischaracterizing and distorting to set up a straw man and marginalize.
Nope. The question is; is there legitimacy in either case? In one case the answer is no and in the other the answer is yes.
The point is that there is a strong degree of truth in the point I am making, which is why I posted it. But the avatar hrmwrm posted is not making any point except to offend, and your Limbaugh example is simply distorting and smearing. I never said the avatar was above criticism. I posted it to make a legitimate point. I have backed up that point on more then one occasion on this forum. If you are offended by the truth, maybe the problem lies with you.
Now, I think the laundry needs to be done, run along. Though I must say I am impressed. Even with that tiny female brain, you were still able to figure out how to get onto the internet and type up a coherent post.*
No, this is a classic example of your deliberate obtuseness, being melodramatic in order to distort Shag's point and obfuscate the truth.Beyond the pale? Your pale is easily breached Shag… And I love the whole fish procreate argument – that is hilarious – can you come up with more along those lines? I actually think one might be a newt – it has legs… No, wait, it is obviously immoral – interspecies sex – aggggghhhhh… I am soooo offended.(this way you get to call my argument even more specious and dishonest and that I have even less decency. Oh that's right - I can't have 'less decency' I already am completely lacking decency already. Oh Shag, this is classic!!!)
There are no double standards. And despite all the encouragement, you still behave like a troll more interested in getting a response than contributing to the dialog.Touche on PeteSweet shot Calvin.
If the double standards were droped and real discussion was encorarged here it might be fun.
QFT.There are no double standards. And despite all the encouragement, you still behave like a troll more interested in getting a response than contributing to the dialog.
Crude as applied to sexual innuendo in hrmwrm’s avatar? Sexual innuendo is often used to make a legitimate point.** Are you going to be the arbiter of taste – tawdry doesn’t lessen the ‘legitimate’ nature of the point Shag.
No Shag, placing into argument another example of similar content isn’t a false analogy here. Just because you ‘believe’ your avatar to be representational of ‘your’ truth, wouldn’t preclude someone from posting the Limbaugh/Nazi avatar as representational of ‘their’ truth. Go to Rush, Newspeak and Fascism: An exegesis and you will find a compelling argument for that case.
You believe you have compelling argument to back it up. The author of the link above has compelling argument to back up the hypothetical Limbaugh logo.
However, avatar’s are not about compelling argument, but of personal representation or persuasion. I believe hrmwrm’s is an example of personal representation, perhaps the same as your avatar, shag.
Actually, Shag, she may very well be past that point by now.It is rather telling that you keep talking about a "compelling" argument. A compelling argument is not a reasonable argument. In fact, the can be two very different things. All fallacious arguments are (or can be) compelling, but they are not reasonable or logical. If you are looking primarily for a compelling argument instead of a reasonable one, that would suggest that your thinking is based mostly in emotion. Too much estrogen mixed with that small female brain it seems*. Is it your time of the month?*
*the author of this post realizes that all the comments denoted are generally considered "offensive"
Crudeness does hurt the conveying of a point.
I will spell it out for you: The analogy is false because the Limbaugh example is not legitimate; it is a blatant distortion and smear attempt. The Obama example is legitimate because it is based in reality and not in distortion and lies.
It hurts his credibility in any argument he makes concerning religion in general and Christianity specifically. But, given his history on this forum, it is clear that he is not concerned with convincing anyone, only insulting others and frustrate debate here. That gives a strong indication as to what the purpose was behind the avatar.
Too much estrogen mixed with that small female brain it seems*. Is it your time of the month?*