Some Night


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 10, 2005
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By a field in SD
Well tonight I got my first ticket :Bang . I must say F#%K it sucks balls. As of now my mom don't know yet but when I tell her I'm gonna be scared sh!tle$$. But how I got the ticket was gay as hell I'm just a dumb little young gun funking around with all the power and speed of the Mark. Anyways heres the story, me and my buddie are heading out with couple of friends to this local Gocart Racing place okay and just had to pull up to this cat in this b!t#h ass Scion coupe IDK but ya. We pull up and the the guy in the pass. seat goes wanna run em I look at him go "You serious". He goes you know what this has I look at my friend and go these guys are dumb as hell. These cats are like 25^. So b/c I was in the mood to kick some :ricesmile tonight I said what the hell and gun it, obviously these dumb smucks didn't know they were f#%kn with a Cobra and luckly the gave up b/c after a min. later my bud goes beter slow down there quite about cops on this road 15 seconds later you guessed it a PIG. So I pull over the cops a bastered ofcouse being a ignerant a$$hole goes "Turn your car off" as I did 10 seconds before he was at the door. I get out and get into his car he calls for back up he starts talking sh!t and his buddies get there he goes talks to them and I'm f#%king pissed I start hitting my head on the window his buddie opens the door and says stop hitting the window and slams the door on my knee. So the cop get back into the car and says I was doing a 100 MPH in a 30 and I tell he BULLSH!T I know how fast I was going and tell him cause his ass tries pins that sh!t on me even though I shouldn't of said how fast I was going (75) and I just said f#%k it so I told him after 10 min. In the car we got done I was real polite even though I started talking sh!t about his car b/c he didn't have carpent but ya once again I said F#%K it and took it up the ass. But anyways there were 3 cop cars there for little ol me I'm 6'3 and they all were being pricks unlike the last time I got pulled over with one headlight. After that ordeal we went to local Gocart track and I ended the night racing and wiping out people to take off some stess.

He gave me $94 ticket and said if he had his raydare gun it would be $180 so being nice I told them all have a nice night and then I flicked them off (in my mind).

I do not hate all cop but these guy tonight were F#cking a$$hole. Excuse me for all the profanity. And have a nice night. I'm out. :give
HA! That sucks. Speeding tickets in general suck, but whatever. I don't how ticketing goes in your state in comparison to mine, but just appeal it and either:

A: Hope the cop doesn't show and the judge tosses the ticket.


B: Hire a ticket lawyer and have him throw it out. Costly, but effective.


C: Prepare a defense based on the oficers calclations of your speed and test him in court. If you raise enough doubt, the judge may side with you and toss or reduce the ticket. Depending on your state, you can also get the ticket dimissed if you take drivers ed or are a first time offender. Not my state, but maybe yours.

atleas you werent doing 15 over in a school zone. that cost me about 300.
my first ticket was when i was going back to work about a year ago with my old white cougar. some f#%king dick motorcycle cop was following me and i went through a yellow light, but it was red when that bastard wanted to go through. he couldn't even catch up after that, he had somebody stop me right in front of where i work. the
f#%king dick gets up there and got right up in my face and says "what the hell did you think you were doing back there." my ticket ended up being for more than yours though. i don't have that car anymore but it attracted cops. now where i live we only have one sherrif and one deputy the others all quit because the sherriff is probably going to be fired. i like it this way it's really hard to get pulled over
Tickets suck, but some cops are pretty damn nice:

Coming home from work one day on I80, I got blocked in the left lane b/c a stupid Chevy Lumina is cruising side by side with an 18 wheeler. Needless to say I am frieken' out b/c I want to get as far away from work as soon as possible so the second the Lumina got in the right lane in front of the truck I decide its a good time to test my 60-100 time, I gun it and start flying down the highway when low and behold, at 100mph the stupid Lumina is behind me. After he turned on his interior cop lights that I failed to see before, this highway patrol guy pulled me over.... in his CHEVY LUMINA. He asks me if the car is mine as if I don't belong in something so beautiful, takes my license/registration and comes back with a wierd look on his face, give me back my info and says, "next time you decide to see what your car can do, make sure there are no cops around." That was it, I went home with no ticket and a wide open mouth, at 65 mph.
I raced a Sheriff's Deputy in my Supercoupe on Saturday morning.

Make a long story short, he came flying up beside me, and had every intention of cutting me off, as the left lane ended due to construction. I saw that Dodge truck, and I said to myself "Oh, it's" such and such, a friend of mine. I opened up that 3.8, and left him in the dust. I hit 80+ (less than 85 - Old school here. I scan gauges, not stare at them), in a 35MPH zone.

I pulled into the local Flying J, to top the supercoupe off, and low and behold, I see him turning his overheads on. My first thought was "WTF is" such and such "doing?" He KNOWS the car!

The deputy steps out, and it wasn't my buddy. I started laughing, and the poor deputy looked at me, and asked "What's so funny Sir?" I told him that I thought he was such and such, because they both drive similar Rams.

He looked at me alittle funny, and said "But I don't know you" I said "No, you do not, nor I you. But as I said, I thought you were" this other deputy, "and I wanted to fugg with him"

He kind'a chuckled, threw his hands up in the air and said "Now, I know who you are", turned around, got into his ram, and took off.

My buddy, who was behind me in my 98, (we took the supercoupe to Utah, as I sold it to a friend of mine), was shocked. He couldn't believe that I got away with no ticket.

He could have sworn that I was getting a ticket, as soon as he heard the pipes on that SuperCoupe open up.

True story.
Tickets suck, in every way. The court system does everything in their power to make it a miserable experience when taking tickets to court. I myself got 5 speeding and 1 seat belt ticket, none of them less than $112, nice. Haven't been pulled over in the Lincoln yet, but for some reason my T-Bird was a frickin' cop magnet, I got 4 tickets within 7 months in that thing!
you guys really have draconian speeding laws. Here in Quebec, I can double the limit and merely get a fine and points. You have to drive really ,really really really fast to even approach anything like criminal speeding, and even then, it's usually charged as reckless driving.....We do have zero tolerance on drunk drivers tho, which i fully support.

Also, cops don't have to show up to court. Their police report serves as their testimony. You can force them to be present though, if you want to cross examine them.
My fastest ticket was for 110 in a 55. Our roads around here are wide open and you can see for miles. I had just got the 5-speed done in my 94, and was out for a ride. Went to pass a semi, and got around him just as I looked up the trooper was there comming right at me. Normally I would run, but I have gotten ALOT older, and seen the potential aftermath of such a stunt. I took the ticket, and paid the fine with court supervision.

I just have to watch my driving for a few years. No biggie. ;)

brentalan said:
110?????? They'd cut up my license in NJ for that.

I've been told that before from people all over the east coast. :) Seriously tho....I got off easy because of my older brother,(State Trooper). I learned my lesson tho, It's just not worth it to drive that fast.

I was making a 47 mile run one time , i left a friends house at 8:05 am and i was sitting in the Army recruiters office 47 miles away at 8:27am. I was driving a 1970 Chevy Implala , I had it pegged out at 110, this was when i was 18. On the way back home a Arizona Highway Patrol Trooper followed me all the way back. I haven't done anything that crazy since.
Dude, you got off! In OH if I acted up like that, I'd be in friggin jail! Our cops are so screwed here, the ticket would be for 200. or more, go on your lisc. for 3 years and raise ins. for 3 also and we have no classes to take to lower points!!!

I agree, take em to court, but with the way you acted, I'd kiss his hiney! I wouldn't be dreading tellin mom about the ticket, I'd be ashamed to tell her how I acted! At least you cleaned it up in the end, a little.

I'm not in love with cops (don't think any MarkVIII owner is), but show yourself some respect, read some of these guys posts to your thread, hear how some levity and bs can keep your money in your pocket.

What totally sucks is you were on your way to a place where you could drag all nite.....maybe next time extend an invite and trash em in front of all your friends.

Ditto in my county, with the cops not having to be there. Oh, if you were saying stuff about a cruiser not having carpet..... people get in there bloody, crappy and puking.
Yep, your right about the carpet. You don't want bodily fluids soaking into the carpet, and insulation. Not only is it a Bio-Hazard, it's nasty as hell.
MsM8tress I first started a conversation about why his car didn't have carpet compared to HighPos and then we got into a 30 sec conversation on cop cars what year they were and all that. But I didn't just go out and say Ha Ha you don't got carpet. Reason for topic is b/c out at ford we clean up Police Interceptors that have carpet.

evillally- I am a first time offender.

But all I can say is I am so lucky I kicked the sh!t out of that scion I didn't get caught street racing. :N All I can do now is kick myself in the a$$ and maybe try to fight although I admided that I was going 75 only b/c the cop said he got me going 100+. I had a long talk with my mom and she gave a lot I'm a lot of pointers.
You raced a scion and got a ticket. what did you think it was going to pull on you?
really racing a scion is nothing to brag about.
No I'm not trying to brag you see if he would of been near me when the cop saw me BAM there would go my license and have of my teenage years do to streetracing. But he only got me for overdriving. I'm not trying to brag. Get what I'm sayin?
yeah well i got caught going 50 in a 20 and as soon as i entered the other town got pulled over and let off with a seat belt ticket and this was in NEW JERSEY now thats lucky
If you were slamming your head on the window of my cruiser and acting the way you describe, you'd have worse things to worry about not only could you complain about the lack of comfort or carpeting in the back seat,you could complain about the lack of privacy,carpeting and comfort in a cell while you thought about the price for towing, how much your insurance would go up (if applicable) the amount to get your car out of the impound yard and bail, (to name a few) for awhile until you Mom came and picked you up at the local jail. Be happy that cop was good enough to let you off with just a speeding ticket instead of stacking charges like reckless driving, causing a disturbance,attempted destruction of property (cruiser window), driving to endanger and probably a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head. Regardless of how much crap he was giving you, here's a bit of advise, be polite and don't say a word and if you still get a ticket then fight it. And yes I do drive a 1996 Mark VIII LSC.
As for the other cops showing up it's standard for Police to assist a fellow Officer. Its called Officer safety. Nowadays it's expected due to the increase of violence towards Police as well as standard procedure when there is more than one person in a vehicle. Until you've done a cops job you wouldn't understand the reasoning behind multiple Officers.
MsM8tress said:
Dude, you got off! In OH if I acted up like that, I'd be in friggin jail! Our cops are so screwed here, the ticket would be for 200. or more, go on your lisc. for 3 years and raise ins. for 3 also and we have no classes to take to lower points!!!

I agree, take em to court, but with the way you acted, I'd kiss his hiney! I wouldn't be dreading tellin mom about the ticket, I'd be ashamed to tell her how I acted! At least you cleaned it up in the end, a little.

I'm not in love with cops (don't think any MarkVIII owner is), but show yourself some respect, read some of these guys posts to your thread, hear how some levity and bs can keep your money in your pocket.

What totally sucks is you were on your way to a place where you could drag all nite.....maybe next time extend an invite and trash em in front of all your friends.

Ditto in my county, with the cops not having to be there. Oh, if you were saying stuff about a cruiser not having carpet..... people get in there bloody, crappy and puking.

hey Debi
there is a class in Ohio
they call it a Defensive driving course if you take it you can get 2 points removed from your license but only one time every 12 year you can take it

hey kid dont worry its a tiekt not the wors thing
take it from me you can still try not to get anymore tikets
unlike my disision i piled up like 29 tikets in the last 9
but iv only had 3 tikets in that last 4 years :)
so im slowing down a bit
yeah also ohio is wiked on tiket cost it cost more to pay a fine here then in anyother state i think
cleveland charged 220 for cousing an acident
and there bad if you dont have the money when your found guilty they give you cominuty service or
jail time
no payment option they just want free work of us isnt that right Debi
Jporter said:
If you were slamming your head on the window of my cruiser and acting the way you describe, you'd have worse things to worry about not only could you complain about the lack of comfort or carpeting in the back seat,you could complain about the lack of privacy,carpeting and comfort in a cell while you thought about the price for towing, how much your insurance would go up (if applicable) the amount to get your car out of the impound yard and bail, (to name a few) for awhile until you Mom came and picked you up at the local jail. Be happy that cop was good enough to let you off with just a speeding ticket instead of stacking charges like reckless driving, causing a disturbance,attempted destruction of property (cruiser window), driving to endanger and probably a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head. Regardless of how much crap he was giving you, here's a bit of advise, be polite and don't say a word and if you still get a ticket then fight it. And yes I do drive a 1996 Mark VIII LSC.

First of all I wasn't powding my head on the window hitting it to the piont where if you could tell either I was really piss or really eritated for being so stupid and read 9 threads up from here to get the full story on the carpet part.

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