You seem a little happy using that word:shifty:
Actually, I only used it once. All the rest of the times came directly from
And if you really wanna know racism, just look up forsyth county georgia and search for some threads about racism there. (yes that is where I live) I came here in my senior year of high school, and the first day I walked into that school, looked around, and asked the first person that passed me, where are all the black people? His response, we don't have but one darkee (i guess thats how its spelled) here. I was completely floored by this concept coming from NC where they had racial balancing in schools (at least 30% minority) The one black guy (gawd I bet that was hard) was a football player and I knew of him, didn't really know him all that well, but he just didn't act like the black people I was accustomed to. You have to understand why people develop opinions, and I was fortunate enough to experience two totally different scenarios. Had I not been down here for one year of high school, my opinion would be rather low of most blacks. The ones I knew in NC were a bunch of idiots. Looking back I understand their situation a little better (most had at least a 45 minute bus ride so the "rich white kids school" was racially balanced) They all wanted to fight constantly, a few of which I got involved in. But after living here where there was no tolerance when I moved here, to what it is now, I can see it all in a different light. I personally don't really care, my opinion is more leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you the hell alone, and that goes for EVERYONE. I live in a culturally diverse area, where I am more or less the minority now. We have lots of indians, pakistani's, foreigners of all makes and models