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fossten said:Bush claims elusive WMDs still in Iraq
And chicken little claimed the sky was falling. So?
fossten said:Bush claims elusive WMDs still in Iraq
97silverlsc said:And chicken little claimed the sky was falling. So?
barry2952 said:Now go rest that stupid smiley.
Calabrio said:He'll consider it if you can make sure I don't have to see that stupid "OWNED" time everytime Johnny fools himself into thinking he made a point.
fossten said:Traces have been found, but no major caches yet.
BTW, if Bush announced that we found WMDs in Iraq, the MSM would either not report it or use a headline like this:
Bush claims elusive WMDs still in Iraq
barry2952 said:I have no control over Johnny. I personally think all the smileys and other signs are stupid.
fossten said:Well, Barry, maybe if you took a more positive outlook on life in general you'd appreciate smileys more.
Do you really think a Demodrat will win??? Especially if you guys run Hillarity?95DevilleNS said:I'm sure he'll have a more positive outlook come 2008.
Nowbarry2952 said:I have no control over Johnny. I personally think all the smileys and other signs are stupid.
barry2952 said:Bryan,
Coming from you I take the attention as a compliment.
Are there any viable independents?
Who are you guys going to run, the puppet master?
barry2952 said:That would be like pretending that GWB is smart.
fossten said:Is a dirty bomb considered a weapon of mass destruction? Hmmm?
I thought so.
YOU try again.
fossten said:Traces have been found, but no major caches yet.
Calabrio said:No, the U.S. hasn't found any substantial stock piles so far.
Calabrio said:What a lovely trick,
you redefine the issue everytime you're proven wrong.
No one ever said Iraq HAD a nuclear. The issue was, they intended to DEVELOP one.
Do you even know what the definition of WMD is? Didn't think so.JohnnyBz00LS said:Does a "dirty bomb" result in a "mushroom cloud"?? Didn't think so.
JohnnyBz00LS said:BTW, RB3 was the one that "redefined the issue" from neuclear weapons to dirty bombs, not me.
MonsterMark said:Do you really think a Demodrat will win??? Especially if you guys run Hillarity?