Soon to be a LS owner


LVC Member
May 21, 2005
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Hey all, I'm new to these forums and I thought I would just say what's up. I'm planning on purchasing a LS in the next month or so, and I thought this community seemed pretty cool so I signed up =). Not sure on what year or model I'll be getting though... I wanted standard but from my research so far I see that it's only offered between the years 2000 - 2002 and is super rare =(

Regardless of which LS I buy though, I'm sure my grin will be ear to ear :steering
u will love ur ls i can guarantee that. y do u want the standard, y not have the best. u will love it here on lvc and welcome
itsnotmydaddys said:
u will love ur ls i can guarantee that. y do u want the standard, y not have the best. u will love it here on lvc and welcome

i think he means manual transmission!!!
itsnotmydaddys said:
u will love ur ls i can guarantee that. y do u want the standard, y not have the best. u will love it here on lvc and welcome

manual transmission rules! And this selectshift sounds like standard on training wheels..if you know what I mean

thanks for the welcome btw! :Beer
welcome, i like standard alot too but in my opinion this car is geared more toward luxury then sport so ls + manual doesnt fit in the same equation ..again thats just my opinion
ls is a luxury sport vehicle. It kinda does fit the equation.
I'll probably have to end up getting the selectshift instead because of the difficulty finding the car in manual. So that's not much of a problem. Now I'm debating v6 vs v8... ultimately I want the v8 sport. But it seems easier to find a good v6 =/

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