Sound System Project

you haven't heard about kicker? if you haven't heard about them then i'm sure you haven't heard of all the other superior stuff there is out there as well. the only thing you need to have is a deep wallet. 1LoudLS's system is pretty extensive, mine is somewhat similar w/ the 2 amps and i have 4 177R's alpine 6.5 in all my 4 doors and 4 more 6x9's on my rear deck, alpine r types and some mb quarts. and 3 tv's. the kicker knocks though, ask Artur
After owning a few Kickers I would never buy another product from them. The L7 can't even compare with their older solo's when they were round. I had 2 of the new L7's and a kicker 1000 watt mono amp. My Alpine type X hits harde and clearer by itself. It is a 12.
After owning a few Kickers I would never buy another product from them. The L7 can't even compare with their older solo's when they were round. I had 2 of the new L7's and a kicker 1000 watt mono amp. My Alpine type X hits harde and clearer by itself. It is a 12.

my friend has to alpine x types 12's in his 300 and i was not impressed. also, it always depends what you couple them with (any amp, sub combo) as well. all in all, i've had over 5 kicker products and none have disappointed me till this day.
If he has 2 Type X 12's and your not impressed, then either they are under powered, in the wrong enclosure, wired wrong or they are really type R's or type S's. The only single sub that I have personally heard that comes close is the JL 13W7. But Kicker use to be good but they are just garbabge now. Notice you need those SOLObarics in pairs. They were named SOLObaric because you were supposed to only need one. When they were round that was true but the square ones suck balls.
After owning a few Kickers I would never buy another product from them. The L7 can't even compare with their older solo's when they were round. I had 2 of the new L7's and a kicker 1000 watt mono amp. My Alpine type X hits harde and clearer by itself. It is a 12.

except for the fact that my boy was the orignal kicker fan, he had two round 15" solo's (even tho you should only have one)in a ported box in his t bird vs my 2 15" square in a sealed box in my mark and i was about 4db louder after that he picked up two 12" squares and a new amp and got himself an extra 2db.
sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with kicker, but somthing must have been wrong, the type X will sound clearer but never louder,
I'll put my Ls up as a bet that 2 L7's will never hit harder or louder than 2 Type X's. If both systems are set up right, there is no way 2 L7's would hit harder than 2 Type X's. I have been doing this for along time. It is true that i use to be a fan of Kicker, but after they got bought out they have never been the same. My S-10 pick up hit 157db's with 6 10 solo's. They were the round ones, But the square ones just don't cut it. The guys at Kicker will tell you the same thing. Due to physics, Sound doesn't travel properly from a square. Thats why all other speakers are cone shaped.
why would the guys at kicker say that there top 3 lines of subs are inferior?

if so, wouldn't the guys at kicker go back and redesign a better round sub?

if not, why would they not try to be the best?
The guys at kicker will tell you that the round solobaric was a better sub and more effecient. Of course they are going to tell you they make the best subs. But they will also tell you that the L6 was better than the L7. and the square sub was put out to boost sales. It was a gimmick sub. People wanted something different than everyone else and a square sticks out in a world of circles. I am sure you bought your L7's because of the hype or you heard your buddies who bought his because off the hype. If I could blind fold you and stick you in about 10 identical cars with all the same setup except the subs, you would be amazed where you place the car with the L7's. The new MTX is a better sub and the Orion. But if you are use to something then it might be hard to change your mind. What do you think about JL?
JL's good, expensive but good, we put 2 w7 13" in a old school STS last year and it had more bass than a crackhouse, the jackhole even tried to blame us when his windshield cracked a couple months later from a small rock chip. i defently dig their amps, they pretty much build them bullet proof.

trust me, i dont give a hoot about hype, i went in to my cousen's shop, they had 3 cars with 12" top notch setups,one had two rockford T2's, one had two titanium eclipse's, and the last had two L7's. I listened to them all and then made my decision. the rockfords and the eclipse did sound cleaner but the l7's were louder and hit much lower than anything that i have heard. when i go to competitions the only guys that beat me are the guys with solo x's, not anything else.
Those other two subs that you mentioned that I cant even waste my breath on are garbage subs. I would put the L7's about number 5 on my list of subs that I have personally heard. My old system in my Tahoe actually sent a magnet through one of those rockfords. I had a 0.3 amp, I told the guy that his precious T2 coludnt handle the power, He didn't believe me and found out the hard way. Eclipse really still makes subs? I thought they learned their lesson.
Can't believe I missed this post :rolleyes:

I'm rockin a full Pioneer set up and it bangs! 2 12s in the trunk and Pioneer Premiere 4-ways all around it's extra crisp.




forgive the blur, also the subs are powered by a Hifonics Brutus Amp wired at 1 ohm
I'm getting the Roadmaster 10" sub from Kmart. I've heard those POUND...
what about a zapco amp? i ultimately like low base and i have my 8 speakers (not including tweeters) for the clarity. my goal is 2 12" kicker X's. i've never entered a decibel drag but i know in my mind that my kicker bumps and any louder might rattle my brain a little too much, lol. also, i might add, the setup i have around my sub has made my sub bump louder due to the echo effect and the sound waves having a more difficult time exiting my trunk space.
This is probably a bad idea because I am a huge kicker fan haha. But here are the latest pics of one of the L7 10's I have. Its my fault, I should have put 3 in instead of just 2. But here is what happens when you put a 1100 watt memphis class D amp on 2 10" L7 Subs.




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