eL eS
Dedicated LVC Member
lsbit said:On the injector...I swapped one cylinder for another waiting to see the code change, but the CEL never came back on. I figured the pulse would look the same on the scope, even if it was bad, as it was not completely dead or anything, so I just replaced the one I thought was bad. I knew immediately when I started the car that it was fixed...although my mouth was hanging open in shock the first couple of days I drove it.You know...you let a problem linger for so long you figure it will never get fixed. Gas mileage went up .5 mpg.
Swapping it around is most likley the easiest way to fix it. Yeah afet I fix things or had things fixed it took about 2 weks before i felt like the other shoes was not about to drop. I must say though this thing is running very nicely right now.
lsbit said:The EMR...I can tell you that Oracle has dismounted 2 out of the 3 days we have been using it now. It is not in production yet. We have the PM product too, so I will be doing the data dump into the EMR soon. I think I would like the EMR better if it was SQL! BTW, there is ID10T's everywhere.![]()
I have worked on both Oracle and MSSQL and hands down MSSQL has delivered better reliability and greater performance.Ease of administration of the MSSQL is excellent. Oracle will have to change things dratically for me to ever consider it in product implementation or as a career choice.
lsbit said:I don't think I will make it to Atlanta. It looks like we will be moving in September, and that weekend is the scheduled garage sale. Things may change if the x-owners can move earlier.[I was going to yard sale too but I just couldn't stand the thought of haggling over a quarter. Plus I didn't feel like dealing with a bunch of old buzzards with the heat we have down here. I donated everything I could and curbed the rest and let the buzzards pick it over before trash day.
lsbit said:We have many homes and areas that are nice to live in Knoxville, but many of the homes look the same, especially on the west side of town. The build quality is usually TERRIBLE here. You have to really be careful. There are 3 major builders that buy everything here and build...they suck. We found a house that is different than any other we have seen here though, and the build quality is pretty good. The guy who built it is from northern Ohio where the homes have to be built for more severe weather, so he did things that would be considered upgrades down here. We were going to have him build a home for us, but the price was just too high for us right now, so we were lucky enough to find one used that we settled on.
Whoa...enough typing for now. My eyes are still dialated from yesterday. WTH!
I had a great experience with the customer support of the last builder but they really did not control the build quaity much at all so we had leak problems and issues with the stucco.
I'd like to buy one of those 1950's minute man missl silos and make a home out of that. Hell or high water or nuclear fallout we would be good to go.
WEll sorry ya cant mak it but 06 is rapidly approaching us and w will defintely be meeting again then.