Spark Plug Photo what can you tell me

Uncle Vinnie

Active LVC Member
May 5, 2006
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Hello everyone.

Last Friday my 2003 Lincoln LS started somewhat shaking at stop lights, idle.
Not sure what that means maybe you guys can shed some light.
I also decided to change the spark plugs they are 1 year old and this is what I saw (photo below) what are they telling me about the engine condition.

The plugs are in the exact same order as if you were standing in front of the car looking at the engine bay

That tells me you have leaky valve cover gasket and should replace them as well as coils and plugs.

And nothing wrong with NGK...they are the oem manufacturer for the motorcraft plugs i believe.
Well whatever it doesnt belong there.
That doesn't look like oil.. That looks like arc burns imo

I agree. Either that, or two of those were loose and combustion products were leaking out around them. #5 is suspect too.
Actually it looks to me as moisture got down in the plug neck and from plug heat caused corrosion. I do not believe it has to do with arc nor bad seals. Tips and electrode look very clean and is not surprising only being 1 yr old plugs.
One question for the OP, did you look to see if there was any liquid(e.i. water oil) down in any of the spark plug wells before pulling the plugs? If you did and there wasn't any then I'd say you're fine, just make sure you use plenty of dielectric grease when you change your plugs. If there was then you need to fix you leak.
4 and 7 look very rough, and what ever caused it, it does look like it just started on 5 also
I had the same problem so I replaced all plugs and coils. 3 months later (2 weeks ago), I noticed my car started to hesitate between 50-70mph, and shortly after, started to run rough at idle. I replaced all plugs and coils again, but this time used a generous amount of rtv on the top part of the valve cover. I agree with "mechanicboy", use plenty of dielectric grease, and definitely use rtv or some type of higher temp silicone on those coilcovers, especially if you live in rainy climate or use a carwash with an underbody spray.
So far my car is running great, but time will tell. I really believe it was due to water getting in there.
Actually it looks to me as moisture got down in the plug neck and from plug heat caused corrosion. I do not believe it has to do with arc nor bad seals. Tips and electrode look very clean and is not surprising only being 1 yr old plugs.

x2. The tips on the spark plugs look fine. Somehow the moisture has been getting in there and rusting those things out.
If moisture is getting down in the plug well in some weird fashion, it is known that moisture hitting a plug constantly can cause a plug to foul from moisture disrupting plug temp. But based on your tip and electrode so clean shows me that you are burning efficient and clean and all plugs show consistant burn in all cylinders. Your problem to me is elsewhere.
Yeah, the moisture issue is the first thing that comes to mind but normally I'd guess moisture would cause corrosion from the bottom (washer) up and in my experience, not be so dry looking, if you will. Although having said that there does look to be a lot of oil on the threads of the last on on the left. I'm less sure that moisture is the case with the third one on the right though...

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