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How hard is it to replace the spark plugs and wires on my 2000 Lincoln LS V6 and should I just take it to my machanic. What is the cost.
How hard is it to replace the spark plugs and wires on my 2000 Lincoln LS V6 and should I just take it to my machanic. What is the cost.
also, it is not easy at all.
i guess you could call the springs and boots the spark plug wires if you really want toThe spark plug wires are really hard to change because you can't find them.
(To the OP: It's a Coil-On-Plug engine, there are no spark plug wires.)
half or the job being easy and the other half being a PITA, sounds like a PITA job to unless you only want to change half of the coils out...
I'm wanting to learn my way around the car a little. I'm reading the tech article (for spark plugs) and it doesn't make sense to me. Each spark plug should be inspected for different problems? The first one for a bridged gap then next one for oil fouling. ...
-Also, I need tools. Probably a ratchet set. Is there anything anyone can recommend for a starter like me?
Sorry for the minor thread jacking!
*edit okay I see you need to get to the ignition coils. Read the deneau manual.
I have an 04 V8. Thank you for replying. One day soon I'm gonna attempt this. I'll let you guys know how it works out