static in the sound system .. please help


LVC Member
May 30, 2006
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I am new to this forum and am by no means mechanically inclined but am hoping someone may have some suggestions in regards to 'static' I am hearing in my '95 Lincoln Continental. The static is in the passenger side door and occurs all the time the radio is on. The static volume doesnt change w/ the volume and the speaker does work but just has static.

Any help is appreciated.
No ~ its not the cell phone interference. It is in the passenger side rear speaker.. and it is intermittant.. like last week it was doing it all week but this week I havent heard it. .. but it will happen again Im sure as it has been doing this on and off for some time.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
Check your balances, your highs, and your lows. It might affect what sound you're getting out of it. It might even be blown. I'n the drivers side rear in my Mark VIII, I was getting that sound, and I just switched it out, and it works. But the speaker isn't JBL, and it bothers me, so I'm on the prowl for a 5 x 7 JBL speaker. Hope everything works out for you.
I have a Mark VII LSC 89 and the passenger side rear speaker has static in it when ever im driving but when the car is still the speakers fine. I think its a short in a wire somewhere but i cant seem to find it. I also tried taking the same type of speakers out of my dads 90 MarkVII LSC SE and put them in mine but if the volume goes past a certain point a the speakers shut of so i dont know what the hell's goin on
I know the 98 JBL system has a built in radio diagnostic system and it can test the speakers one by one, check signals, etc. Don't know if it exists in the 95. I'd be happy to post up the overall process.

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