Steele: Limbaugh 'entertainer', whose show is incendiary and ugly

This wasn't an event that was designed for media consumption.

The Limbaugh speech was from a conservative, to a room full of conservatives. There's no spin, BS, or deception going on because he's speaking to the choir. He's speaking with the intention of reaffirming what they believe.

You yourself went through great effort here to make sure we are aware that his speech was in a different context than in his show (which is meant for media consumption). And now you're telling me it's the same?

It is different. I can see that by watching his speech on youtube and comparing it to listening to his radio show - and yes, I listen. My opinion isn't shaped by soundbytes as you seem to think; rather, I get the great pleasure of hearing him blab away about the conspiracies the Democrats are pulling over us while my coworker listens to him ten feet behind me. On his show, he is a lot more incindiary and spends a lot more time claiming the Democrats are plotting and scheming all kinds of evil ideas - it's like reading a newspaper tabloid. Refreshingly, the speech lacked much of that and, not surprisingly, I enjoyed listening to the speech about a million times more.

And no, the feminist comment doesn't insult me, but I do find it to be rather ignorant on his part. I hope it was a joke, but, having never heard him say it and only seen it in text without context, I have no way of knowing for sure if it was or not.
My opinion isn't shaped by soundbytes as you seem to think; rather, I get the great pleasure of hearing him blab away about the conspiracies the Democrats are pulling over us while my coworker listens to him ten feet behind me. On his show, he is a lot more incindiary and spends a lot more time claiming the Democrats are plotting and scheming all kinds of evil ideas - it's like reading a newspaper tabloid.
Do you think Democrats don't plot? Do you really think they've amassed the largest welfare state in the history of the world by accident? :rolleyes:
That's all well and good. He is fat.
And based on those things, I would not hire him to be a swimsuit model.
But beyond that, it's irrelevant.

I agree it is irrelevant I was just pointing out he sweats because he is fat.

If you feel that way, you can continue to vote for the party that is owned by George Sorros.

I can't help but find it funny that the far right here likes to tell me were I stand on issues and how I vote.

Because I don't fit in the mold of the conservative republican I get tossed into the far left loonie bin.
There is no middle ground, its us vs them confrontational battle here.
I know if you voted in my district our ballots would mirror each other.
I doubt you would vote for Al Franken, I know I didn't.
Hell I even voted for McCain despite his choice of running mate.
The very thought she was that close to the white house scares the life out of me.
But the way Obama and Congress spends scares me more.
We are not that different.

Did you read the speech or watch the video link?
Just for the sake of discussion, put away the confrontational bravado and tell me what you think of the speech itself. Note- it wasn't a speech to persuade or win people over. It's precisely the conversation that conservatives have when no one is looking.

I watched, I can't stand Limbaugh he is a blow hard.
Sure he says all the right things all the things conservatives want to hear.
He knows were his bread is buttered.

For him to be the "face" of the party is a complete joke.
Hes a talk show host for gods sake.

Michael Steele said what he thought.
To give Limbaugh an apology shows lack of leadership.
The man has no backbone to stand up for what he believes.

The party is in a mess.
Here is the “Rush” poll as it stands on The Tacoma News Tribune tonight.

A voice for conservative principles at a time when Republicans and America needs one.

A dangerous, divisive voice at a moment we need unity.

Just a talk show host whom people are taking way too seriously.
Total Votes: 1497

Almost three times the total votes as yesterday and the percentages are holding. I would have thought that in my part of the country the number of people on board with Rush would have been lower but it seems to be at right about the same percentage as the national numbers. (A number from a DNC poll so take it for what it’s worth)

That Newsweek story is an outrage.
Propaganda at its most obvious and a violation of the public trust.

I’m having a little problem wrapping my mind around this. Is it the fact it was written by a card carrying conservative an outrage. Or was it that David Frum didn’t share your and Rush’s view of where the Republican Party should turn? Maybe it’s something else entirely. I don’t get it.

I also wasn’t aware that something that Frum wrote as basically an op-ed piece could be labeled as “Propaganda at its most obvious, and a violation of the public trust.”Wouldn’t this make Rush’s whole show “Propaganda at its most obvious”. I guess the “violation of the public trust” would depend on who you are listening to and which side you support.

I have to give kudos to Rush. He found his niche. He has 25% of the public that likes and supports him and 75% that don’t. I’ve managed to piss off a fairly large number of people over the years and I haven’t found a way for it to make me a millionaire. I have to admit to a little jealousy.

Here is another op-ed piece from the conservative web site that relates to this subject.

Yes, I know it’s the same site David Frum writes for. What do you want from me? I run left center. I can only take so much.

I think that Carville had it right in the article that Calabrio put up in response to my post. “It’s great for us, great for him, great for the press,” he said of Limbaugh. “The only people he’s not good for are the actual Republicans in Congress.”
When even "Salon" turns on Obama and supports Rush, you knows things are going very bad for the Messiah.----------------------------------------------------------------------
Heads should roll
President Obama's clumsy, smirky staff is sinking him -- and resurrecting a deflated GOP!

First it was that chaotic pig rut of a stimulus package, which let House Democrats throw a thousand crazy kitchen sinks into what should have been a focused blueprint for economic recovery. Then it was the stunt of unnerving Wall Street by sending out a shrill duo of slick geeks (Timothy Geithner and Peter Orszag) as the administration's weirdly adolescent spokesmen on economics. Who could ever have confidence in that sorry pair?

And then there was the fiasco of the ham-handed White House reception for British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, which was evidently lacking the most basic elements of ceremony and protocol. Don't they read the "Iliad" anymore in the Ivy League? Check that out for the all-important ritual of gift giving, which has cemented alliances around the world for 5,000 years.
Case in point: The orchestrated attack on radio host Rush Limbaugh, which has made the White House look like an oafish bunch of drunken frat boys. I returned from carnival in Brazil (more on that shortly) to find the Limbaugh affair in full flower. Has the administration gone mad? This entire fracas was set off by the president himself, who lowered his office by targeting a private citizen by name. Limbaugh had every right to counterattack, which he did with gusto. Why have so many Democrats abandoned the hallowed principle of free speech? Limbaugh, like our own liberal culture hero Lenny Bruce, is a professional commentator who can be as rude and crude as he wants.
He sweats because he is fat.
The truth hurts.

Let's see a picture of you dude. When you reduce an argument to physical appearance, you lose all credibility.

But in the sphere of ideology, liberals always lose, so no surprise one would resort to that tactic.

You are all over the the place with your ideology. With you, I need to check with the meterologist first before knowing where you're coming from.

Let's see how great looking YOU ARE before you spout off again behind the keyboard about someone's appearance.
Fat and sweaty. Have you ever sat under those lights in a black jacket for over an hour and pounded away with eloquence not provided to you by a teleprompter? He uses his arms to jesture to make a point. Do you know what the temperature was in the room? The humidity level? I'm just saying taking a crack at his weight is a cheap shot from the cheap seats.

It should scare the hell out of you that Obama can't utter a word without a teleprompter feeding him his every line. Talk about a marionette puppet. Whose pulling Obama's strings?

Do you hold the same disdain for Oprah, the elephant queen? (see, was that last comment fair to her because I disagree with her views?)

Personally, Rush has enough money to buy health and eliminate the one criticism liberals have of him, his weight. When he got his weight downc once before, the fat jokes continued unabatedd, but if I was Rush, I would eliminate that cheap-assed criticism once and for all.
Let's see a picture of you dude. When you reduce an argument to physical appearance, you lose all credibility.

But in the sphere of ideology, liberals always lose, so no surprise one would resort to that tactic.

You are all over the the place with your ideology. With you, I need to check with the meterologist first before knowing where you're coming from.

Let's see how great looking YOU ARE before you spout off again behind the keyboard about someone's appearance.
Fat and sweaty. Have you ever sat under those lights in a black jacket for over an hour and pounded away with eloquence not provided to you by a teleprompter? He uses his arms to jesture to make a point. Do you know what the temperature was in the room? The humidity level? I'm just saying taking a crack at his weight is a cheap shot from the cheap seats.

It should scare the hell out of you that Obama can't utter a word without a teleprompter feeding him his every line. Talk about a marionette puppet. Whose pulling Obama's strings?

Do you hold the same disdain for Oprah, the elephant queen? (see, was that last comment fair to her because I disagree with her views?)

Personally, Rush has enough money to buy health and eliminate the one criticism liberals have of him, his weight. When he got his weight downc once before, the fat jokes continued unabatedd, but if I was Rush, I would eliminate that cheap-assed criticism once and for all.

No problem would you like one with clothes on or do you prefer one with me naked ?
We all know how some on the far right likes to hide in the closet.


If you spent the time to read my posts you would understand were I come from, and its consistent.

Let me see if I can explain it.
Keep your religon to yourself and out of politics.
If the party could manage to do that they could find the middle they need to get back to power.
Going more to the right will put them into the wilderness for 40 years.

As far as Oprah goes, I can't stand her, I put her in the same boat as Rush.

Now if you want that pic naked....I would have to PM you that. ;)
And what does that comment mean to you? Are you offended by it?

You know, if Rush had 'joked' about women just a dozen times or so, I would say that his comments were just 'jokes', but obviously those 3 divorces have affected him. He is at best confused by women.... and appears not to have a good grasp on how to relate to them... He even needs a 'summit' to improve his relationship with them, and to try to garner women listeners.

I would say he is trying - but, let's wait and see, his 'anchorette' comment is a good example of old habits die hard. He caught himself at least with that one.

Never mind that this country was not founded on that but actually wanted a religious people.
Ah, actually Fordnut is right... the founding fathers weren't too keen on 'organized' religion creeping into politics... They were for the most part Christian men, and religious men, as you state Shag, but many of them were quite outspoken on the whole concept of organized religion and it's place outside government.

"I am for freedom of religion, and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendency of one sect over another." --Thomas Jefferson
We all know how some on the far right likes to hide in the closet.
Well, if there are one or two of them the media will sure find out and make them front page news stories.

If you spent the time to read my posts you would understand were I come from, and its consistent.
I do try. One day left, one day right. You make it tough.

Keep your religion to yourself and out of politics.;)
There are certain functions that religion serves. Would you agree the nation is becoming less religious?

If the party could manage to do that they could find the middle they need to get back to power.
It is too late. There are too many government employees in the U.S. right now and more people with their hands out than are people working and contributing a [net plus] to the system. Obama doesn't understand he can't squueze the top 2% and make the country run on their money. The money is moving overseas. It is a lost cause. I see the money fleeing this country almost daily now. Nobody in our business group has any plans to invest here. I'm guilty also. Production tools now made overseas. Assembly made overseas. Foreign ownership. I'm just be paid a fee. The assets stay over there. You folks have no clue how bad things are going to get now that the government has declared war on the producers here in the States. Do you have any idea that U.S. businesses pay the highest taxes and tax rates in the free world.

And I'm not apologizing or feeling guilty. Obama started this redistribution plan against businesses and the very people that produce. Businessmen are going to fend for themselves.

Going more to the right will put them into the wilderness for 40 years.
Going more to the right is the only thing that will save this Country. I am very serious about that.

As far as Oprah goes, I can't stand her, I put her in the same boat as Rush.
I don't. Rush I actually agree with 90% of the time. Guess I'm a lock-stepper. Oprah uses people that can't think for themselves. Big difference.

Now if you want that pic naked....I would have to PM you that.
No thanks. I don't want to get caught with kiddie porn on my computer.:D
Well, if there are one or two of them the media will sure find out and make them front page news stories.
True it makes good news.

I do try. One day left, one day right. You make it tough.

Actually its not that tough.
Fiscal I am all republican....On social issues I fight the party.
I dont care of gays get married, and feel its not my place to tell a woman what she can do with her body.

There are certain functions that religion serves. Would you agree the nation is becoming less religious?

Yep I agree 100%, but not so sure its a bad thing if the nation becomes less religious.

It is too late. There are too many government employees in the U.S. right now and more people with their hands out than are people working and contributing a [net plus] to the system. Obama doesn't understand he can't squueze the top 2% and make the country run on their money. The money is moving overseas. It is a lost cause. I see the money fleeing this country almost daily now. Nobody in our business group has any plans to invest here. I'm guilty also. Production tools now made overseas. Assembly made overseas. Foreign ownership. I'm just be paid a fee. The assets stay over there. You folks have no clue how bad things are going to get now that the government has declared war on the producers here in the States. Do you have any idea that U.S. businesses pay the highest taxes and tax rates in the free world.

And I'm not apologizing or feeling guilty. Obama started this redistribution plan against businesses and the very people that produce. Businessmen are going to fend for themselves.

That has been going on for years.
I have been in manafucturing for over 25 years, I have seen everything to hard drive components,to parts for gun cleaning kits go overseas.
Not just the jobs but the technology, and the tooling going to foreign competition.
You have to admit its been going on a long time.
Its hard to blame Obama....he isnt giving any answers, but it has been happening long before he came into office.

This country needs to go back to being producers not just consumers.
Can Obama see this ?
I have no idea....and I am no fan of "tax the rich to feed the poor"

Going more to the right is the only thing that will save this Country. I am very serious about that.

There is no doubt your serious, but for that to happen they need more support.
The only way that is going to happen is if the party comes more to the center.

I don't. Rush I actually agree with 90% of the time. Guess I'm a lock-stepper. Oprah uses people that can't think for themselves. Big difference.

No thanks. I don't want to get caught with kiddie porn on my computer.:D
touche :D
fordnut said:
That has been going on for years.
I have been in manafucturing for over 25 years, I have seen everything to hard drive components,to parts for gun cleaning kits go overseas.
Not just the jobs but the technology, and the tooling going to foreign competition.
You have to admit its been going on a long time.
Its hard to blame Obama....he isnt giving any answers, but it has been happening long before he came into office.

This country needs to go back to being producers not just consumers.
Can Obama see this ?
I have no idea....and I am no fan of "tax the rich to feed the poor"

Yes it has. The very first question you will be asked if you walked into Walmart today is: Where is your product made? If you dare say U.S., they tell you to take the product overseas to lower the cost. Walmart knows the cost of making products in this country is too high. The know the effects of punitive taxation.

Having goods made cheaper overseas is not all bad as it expands our purchasing power. However, as a long term trend, it is horrible.

We are not educating our kids in the urban public schools and we don't have the brainless assembly line jobs. They have no future here in the United States except to sit home and collect a paycheck. That is so sad. I find you the info that demonstrates you can have a higher standard of living sitting at home than you can working an entry level job.

Where are the building plans to tear down delapidated housing and industrial buildings and putting in their place incubators for small businesses. Why are we wasting money on trains no one will use and that we will have to subsidize for decades to come instead of providing business incentives (no taxes, lax OSHA regulations) to encourage risk taking to build new industries.

I'm sorry, I see no happy ending the way we are going. Just more misery, socialism and redistribution of wealth from the producers to the takers.

Obama is in the process of reworking ALL congressional districts so they will automatically have 218 members going forward in the House for decades to come.
You know, if Rush had 'joked' about women just a dozen times or so, I would say that his comments were just 'jokes', but obviously those 3 divorces have affected him. He is at best confused by women.... and appears not to have a good grasp on how to relate to them... He even needs a 'summit' to improve his relationship with them, and to try to garner women listeners.
Awww, listen to the Internet Psychiatrist try to diagnose somebody, as though she has enough credibility to comment on Rush's show anyway. :rolleyes:

Keep demonstrating that you don't listen to the show, it's amusing.

I would say he is trying - but, let's wait and see, his 'anchorette' comment is a good example of old habits die hard. He caught himself at least with that one.
And yet women call his show and tell him how much they love him. I guess it's only 'certain' women who don't care for him. I know exactly what type they are too. You clearly aren't familiar with the term 'tweaking.' It's just like Rush says, the left has no sense of humor about themselves.

Ah, actually Fordnut is right... the founding fathers weren't too keen on 'organized' religion creeping into politics... They were for the most part Christian men, and religious men, as you state Shag, but many of them were quite outspoken on the whole concept of organized religion and it's place outside government.

"I am for freedom of religion, and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendency of one sect over another." --Thomas Jefferson
And yet our government seeks to bring about a legal ascendancy of Islam over Christianity.
Yep I agree 100%, but not so sure its a bad thing if the nation becomes less religious.

You have absolutely no clue why the Framers thought that religion was necessary for America to thrive and succeed as a nation, do you.

speaking out of willful ignorance once again. :rolleyes:
Yes it has. The very first question you will be asked if you walked into Walmart today is: Where is your product made? If you dare say U.S., they tell you to take the product overseas to lower the cost. Walmart knows the cost of making products in this country is too high. The know the effects of punitive taxation.

Having goods made cheaper overseas is not all bad as it expands our purchasing power. However, as a long term trend, it is horrible.

We are not educating our kids in the urban public schools and we don't have the brainless assembly line jobs. They have no future here in the United States except to sit home and collect a paycheck. That is so sad. I find you the info that demonstrates you can have a higher standard of living sitting at home than you can working an entry level job.

Where are the building plans to tear down delapidated housing and industrial buildings and putting in their place incubators for small businesses. Why are we wasting money on trains no one will use and that we will have to subsidize for decades to come instead of providing business incentives (no taxes, lax OSHA regulations) to encourage risk taking to build new industries.

I'm sorry, I see no happy ending the way we are going. Just more misery, socialism and redistribution of wealth from the producers to the takers.

Obama is in the process of reworking ALL congressional districts so they will automatically have 218 members going forward in the House for decades to come.

Its funny you mention Walmart.

About 4 years ago we did alot of work for Outers out of Onalaska, WI.
Making parts for gun cleaning kits.

I was told by the sales dept. that Outers was getting into Walmart, all of us were pumped up.
We were guessing we were going to get a ton of work, and it was good work, getting into Walmart would open the door to a bigger market.

It went the other way, Outers had to get the parts cheaper so they could get into Walmart and we lost most of the work overseas.

We beat every penney out of those parts trying to keep them.

But hey the customer is happy he can get a brush for 20 cents cheaper.
Over half or shop is gone because we cant get work.
Can't beat those Walmart prices.
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But hey the customer is happy he can get a brush for 20 cents cheaper.

Yep, that's exactly how it goes. I splash Made in USA on everything we make here but people still buy the cheapest crap they can.

It starts with the American consumer. We are a selfish lot and our own worst enemy.
I don't think it's fair to blame the consumer for their buying habits-
we need to shake up the government so that they end the class warfare rhetoric and return to making an environment that embraces small business.

Founders like Jefferson though that America needed to be an agrarian culture in order for it's survival, but he was wrong. It needs to be a landscape of small business each contributing something and each with a strong stake in the country.

Government has the atmosphere toxic.

There's something fundamentally wrong with our environment when it's cheaper to ship the resources to the other side of the world, have them made, and then ship them back for distribution than to have them built here.

We need fundamental changes in labor and taxation in this country. If that's done, we'll see such a phenomenal recover and explosion of innovation, it'll be another American century, and a 21st century renaissance.
Awww, listen to the Internet Psychiatrist try to diagnose somebody, as though she has enough credibility to comment on Rush's show anyway. :rolleyes:

And you are an expert on all things as well - I was speculating dear Foss... heck, what fun is this if you can't speculate occasionally?

Keep demonstrating that you don't listen to the show, it's amusing.

I said earlier, I listen to his show only sporadically, I don't have the stomach for long extended periods of his tirades.

And yet women call his show and tell him how much they love him. I guess it's only 'certain' women who don't care for him. I know exactly what type they are too. You clearly aren't familiar with the term 'tweaking.' It's just like Rush says, the left has no sense of humor about themselves.

However, even Rush admits his women viewership is pretty small - his need for summits and all. Now, this is just an example - I am not trying to equate Rush with these men - there are women who marry convicted serial killers in jail - it doesn't mean that most women would like to marry serial killers...So, just because some women call into Rush and espouse their adoration of him, and the wish to have his babies, doesn't mean that 'most' or even 'many' women have the same urges. ;)

And I laughed at the unattractive woman/feminism joke - it was funny. But to constantly use the term feminazi - that isn't funny, especially over and over again. It is demeaning and prejudicial.

And yet our government seeks to bring about a legal ascendancy of Islam over Christianity.
Got legislation on that Foss? An HB or SB number?
However, even Rush admits his women viewership is pretty small - his need for summits and all.

Ah, he was being facetious. Learn to take a joke. :rolleyes:

And I laughed at the unattractive woman/feminism joke - it was funny. But to constantly use the term feminazi - that isn't funny, especially over and over again. It is demeaning and prejudicial.

It is also damn accurate. the modern feminist movement (as characterized by NOW) is not truely about equal rights and is somewhat similar to nazi in methodology. There is, once again, the facetious nature in it. You need to lighten up. :rolleyes:

Got legislation on that Foss? An HB or SB number?

Can you say "moving the goalposts"?
And you are an expert on all things as well - I was speculating dear Foss... heck, what fun is this if you can't speculate occasionally?
First...don't call me dear. It's nauseating coming from you, Miss Condescension.

Second...your little tu quoque won't work. You jumped to a conclusion about Rush and devolved the discussion into a personal attack. When called on it, you play the "Wha? Me?" card. Sophistry. If you're called on something, respond to it like an adult, instead of running away or misdirecting like a child.

I said earlier, I listen to his show only sporadically, I don't have the stomach for long extended periods of his tirades.
I seriously doubt you listen at all. You've done nothing but spout common misconceptions of his show from the first moment you commented.

However, even Rush admits his women viewership is pretty small - his need for summits and all.
Good example of you not listening to his show - he never said that. In fact, this is quite shoddy work by you, considering that the information about the summit has already been discussed, and yet you're still getting it wrong.

Now, this is just an example - I am not trying to equate Rush with these men - there are women who marry convicted serial killers in jail - it doesn't mean that most women would like to marry serial killers...So, just because some women call into Rush and espouse their adoration of him, and the wish to have his babies, doesn't mean that 'most' or even 'many' women have the same urges. ;)
Straw man. Nobody even came close to making the argument that you're trying to knock down.

And I laughed at the unattractive woman/feminism joke - it was funny. But to constantly use the term feminazi - that isn't funny, especially over and over again. It is demeaning and prejudicial.
Once again, you prove that you don't listen to his show. I listen every day, and I can tell you that I haven't heard him use the term 'feminazi' in weeks, maybe even months. He coined it, but that doesn't equate to 'constantly use.' That's known as a non sequitur.

Got legislation on that Foss? An HB or SB number?
Since when does it have to be legislation? Tsk tsk, fox, you think in such a linear, muddy fashion. Who pays for government schools?
It is also damn accurate. the modern feminist movement (as characterized by NOW) is not truely about equal rights and is somewhat similar to nazi in methodology. There is, once again, the facetious nature in it. You need to lighten up. :rolleyes:

And Rush is a obnoxious, invidious, chauvinistic, obese, white pig - remember Shag, there is a jocund ring to it - lighten up ;)

Got legislation on that Foss? An HB or SB number?
Can you say "moving the goalposts"?
Can you say - put your proof (legislative bills) where your accusations are?:)
Can you say - put your proof (legislative bills) where your accusations are?:)
Can you say - narrowminded linear thinking? Not too bright, fox, assuming that all government action is limited to the legislative branch.
Rush bitchslapped Steele today and Steele deserved it.

Those in Power in the RNC are looking for a BLACK to counter-balance BARRY,,they "JUST HAD" to pick this OH SO SOFT SPOKEN,,guy STEELE. He's TOO MUCH PANSY FOR ME. Need a Black Guy like Alan Keyes (not him) that comes off STRONG AND LOUD,,,TAKE CHARGE TYPE.
Good example of you not listening to his show - he never said that. In fact, this is quite shoddy work by you, considering that the information about the summit has already been discussed, and yet you're still getting it wrong.
"My gender gap between men and women is 31%. Thirty-one percent is the differential between male approval and female approval. So yesterday I said, “What can I do about this? What could be done? What is the explanation for this?”

"Given this massive gender gap in my personal approval numbers, a 31-point gender gap, it seems reasonable for me to convene a summit."

Rush seems to know that his approval rating (sorry, viewership is something I deal with all the time... I forget he reigns supreme in the dying land of radio...) among women sucks.

Straw man. Nobody even came close to making the argument that you're trying to knock down.

Foss, you were stating that 'women call his show and tell him how much they love him.' I was just showing the opposite side of the coin - that it is only 'certain' women who call in - and if you go by the polling numbers - a rather small amount of the female population have this need to reach out and touch him...

Once again, you prove that you don't listen to his show. I listen every day, and I can tell you that I haven't heard him use the term 'feminazi' in weeks, maybe even months. He coined it, but that doesn't equate to 'constantly use.' That's known as a non sequitur.

He used it in September... Actually he is probably trying really hard to get those women to like him - and has been told by his handlers to cut it out - but, when a term is credited to you, I think that pretty much speaks for itself...

Since when does it have to be legislation? Tsk tsk, fox, you think in such a linear, muddy fashion. Who pays for government schools?

You stated 'to bring about a legal ascendancy'. Legal ascendancy would be placing it in law.

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