no its not... the entire line of app radios has been terrible, some would say even worse that the F series debacle from years past. even the newest version is piss poor.
while a capacitive screen sounds like a great ideal vs the resistive screens that we have been using for years, the responsiveness of the screen is bad, many time not picking up your touch or having a long delay.
the "app radio" interface is really bad and has a lot of connection issues, and while the ARLiberator app unlocked and fixed a lot of crap with the AR1 and AR2 it hasn't been supported on any of the newer models.
the iphone connection is a joke, for a radio that requires you to use a phone for most of its resources, on top of the radio, you need to buy many expensive adapters, as in one box of cables from pioneer, then you need to buy two different parts from fukcing apple (becasue pioneer either couldnt figure out how to make it or wouldn't pay apple the licensing fee) then you have this huge "digital AV" adapter hooked up to two different cables that run behind the dash just to plug in your phone
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just what i want coming out of my dash to plug my sexy phone into my new sexy radio right? lol
the android connection is a joke... pretty much see above and also if you have a MHL connection, here to praying that you have the right version...
and if you have mirror link, heres to praying that you have a "compatible version" what ever that means, I though that the point of an interface standard was so that they work...
did I mention they freeze often?
honestly, its one of the few radios that I sell that makes me hate my job sometimes...
I sh!t you not, of the 20 or so that were sold at my store in the last year, I'm almost positive that all but maybe two were either returned/exchanged or warrantied out after either failure or the glitches were just too much to bare (of the ones that needed to be replaced, would anybody care to guess how many people went with the same model?) allow me to elaborate...
a couple of weeks ago this dude comes in with an 07 ram with the standard radio (non OEM navigation) looking for phone integration and navigation...
he sees the price of the AR4, and is instantly drawn to it as he really concerned with price (which I get, nothing wrong with that...) but after showing him that by the time he bought all the extra adapters, he really wasn't saving much money, and I also warned him of past customer experiences and urged him to go home and even maybe read bunch of reviews, but regardless he wanted to go ahead and do it, he also decided he wanted to do a back up camera at the same time... whatever, its money coming in and work going out so I get him set up for everything he comes in a couple of days later and I get it all put in....
upon him picking up his car, he looks at me and says " what the fukc is this contraption coming out of the dash where he is supposed to plug his phone in, while trying not to be an ass, I remind him of our previous conversation where I specifically warned him about this, and even went over it again while ringing him out when he asked why I needed to grab so many parts, and why did he need all these parts if the radio was made for phones...
whatever, fast forward to the beginning of this week when he came back in to complain how big of a piece of sh!t this radio was and that he should have to deal with all this BS with the kind of money he spent, nothing works like he expected it to, and had a whole list of problems that must have been my fault for installing it wrong... for starters, everytime he starts the car and sometimes just when driving around, the radio will show the back up camera (without the car being in reverse of course) sometimes it goes away, sometimes it doesn't... it freezes up his iPhone at least once a day. then it must have blown his speaker in his pass door because it sounds terrible half the time (the rest of the time it sounds fine)......... so yeah, I say that coming a mile away, I tell him well if it was me, I would exchange it for something that isnt an appradio, he can either go cheaper and just get something like a simple AV receiver and just use bluetooth for phone integration (exactly like soulsoak's radio) or he could spend a bit more and either get Alpines new CarPlay receiver or a full blown nav system... after looking into it, we see that the Alpine will only be another $60 bucks so he decides that is what he wants to try.
so now I've got to burn a few more hours pulling everything out of the car and pretty much redoing the entire installation (minus the camera) a second time without any more labor dollars coming in, and with my rate of pay, we pretty much broke dead even on the job (which you can't really run a business like that...) but he came in on friday and brought us a pizza for lunch and told us how this new radio is 100 times better and hasn't had even one of the problems he had before.
also pretty much what happens with that radio either once or twice a month depending on how many we sell. its ridiculous.
fukc the AppRadio
fukc the horse it rode in on
and fukc everything it stands for.
(steps down from soapbox)