Students for a better America


Dedicated LVC Member
May 9, 2004
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This is a club in my school, with you know the punk rock pale make up wearing kids, the kids that hate bush because thier punk bands hate em. So anyways they decided to start a club at school for anti bush, but thier whole club is based on the stupid michel moore movie. I do plan on attending this movie showing/party they are having. anyways there is a teacher behide this who should be able to give there students the truth not the michel moore lies.

anyways people can vote for who they choose, but michel moores movie is a out right lie
Don't go to that showing alone is my advice to you, and try to stay cool and keep your comments appropriate to the setting. No offense to anyone here, but politics is volatile anyway, and especially when it comes to Bush-hating. Good luck.
If you want Brad, I'll bring a group of 12 of my friends down that love to take on Bush haters and we'll be happy to kick the crap out of anybody that gives you hard time. Serious. I bet not one of those punks will have the nuts to speak up.
MarkOfDeath said:
.......but michel moores movie is a out right lie

Have YOU actually SEEN the movie? Or are you making that statement based off what the GOP wants you to believe?
CaptainZilog said:
Michael Moore is a proven liar. And he's fat. Haha.

{borrowing a defense strategy used here by others...........}

Really? You know, I keep hearing people say that, but they've never given any concrete examples of this accusation. Could you please show me an example of where MM LIED in this movie?
Bowling for Columbine - he shows himself walking out of the bank with a rifle that he just got for opening a CD account.

Unfortunately for him, he's a lamer, and that would never happen in real life. The woman from the bank was pissed, because she was protrayed as some idiot. Moore NEVER EVER walked out of that bank with that rifle. All tricks. It took over a month for him to get that firearm. Then he went back to the bank with it and made it look like he walked out with it.

Or when he injected wording into the commercial for some killer who was set free... I forget the whole thing except that he added words that weren't there and it made Bush Sr look REALLY bad.

There are more, but that one is my favorite. Try a google search on it.
CaptainZilog said:
Bowling for Columbine - he shows himself walking out of the bank with a rifle that he just got for opening a CD account.

Unfortunately for him, he's a lamer, and that would never happen in real life. The woman from the bank was pissed, because she was protrayed as some idiot. Moore NEVER EVER walked out of that bank with that rifle. All tricks. It took over a month for him to get that firearm. Then he went back to the bank with it and made it look like he walked out with it.

Or when he injected wording into the commercial for some killer who was set free... I forget the whole thing except that he added words that weren't there and it made Bush Sr look REALLY bad.

There are more, but that one is my favorite. Try a google search on it.

OK, so he over-dramatized, even exaggerated the "Free gun for opening an account" issue. However, faking the walking out of the bank w/ a gun DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT that this bank was giving out free guns for opening an account. And apparently the SICK IRONY of a BANK giving out GUNS was missed on you.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
OK, so he over-dramatized, even exaggerated the "Free gun for opening an account" issue. However, faking the walking out of the bank w/ a gun DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT that this bank was giving out free guns for opening an account. And apparently the SICK IRONY of a BANK giving out GUNS was missed on you.
:monkey: "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"
"And apparently the SICK IRONY of a BANK giving out GUNS was missed on you."

You ignorant fool. Don't be an asshat because you don't understand a lie when you see it. And don't blab at me about 'irony', because first off, Alanis, the action of gettting a gun from a bank is not f'cking ironic, and second off, you're a moron and here's why:

More doctors, by over an order of magnitude, kill by malpractice than do guns per year.
The ONLY murder attributed to a legally owned machine gun was by a cop in Ohio in the 1960's.
Getting a gun is not as easy as 'go into store, get gun' as you mouthbreathers seem to think it is.
Moreover, it was not the bank giving out guns. It was a company hired through the bank.
And, finally, WHO GIVES A CRAP?!? Civilized people don't shoot each other. People who open bank accounts don't then use that gun to kill people. It required a thousand dollar CD. I could buy a better gun for $50 from some loser gangbanger if I wanted to start killing people. Therefore, your point, if it made any sense in the first place, is invalid.

Next, he didn't *simply* overdramatize it, he LIED. His lies are why I don't listen to him any more. If you don't believe that he lied about anything, fine, you have the perogative to not listen to things like facts. But don't go around telling me I missed something based on a 2 paragraph summary I wrote of the movie, dolt. I understand completely what skewed point the fatass was trying to make and HE F'CKED IT UP by changing important facts around. End of story. He's no better than Bush or Kerry. He had an opportunity to take the high road, and he didn't. Now he's trash.

And finally, don't *ever* talk to me as if you're going try to belittle me. It'll take far more intellect than you've got to do such. I don't take kindly to jerk-off antics like yours, and what's funny is that I knew based on your previous post content that talking to your simpleton ass would lead to you pissing me off in some way. So go get yourself a clue and then you can talk to me, how's that sound?
Allow me to say: Tone it down to a dull roar. We wouldn't want to wake up Joey from his slumber.
Really, ease up a bit. Thanks!!!
That's funny Bryan. You telling people to tone it down!
Hey everybody, how 'bout them Yankees/Red Sox?
CaptainZilog said:
"And apparently the SICK IRONY of a BANK giving out GUNS was missed on you."

You ignorant fool. Don't be an asshat because you don't understand a lie when you see it. And don't blab at me about 'irony', because first off, Alanis, the action of gettting a gun from a bank is not f'cking ironic, and second off, you're a moron and here's why:

More doctors, by over an order of magnitude, kill by malpractice than do guns per year.
The ONLY murder attributed to a legally owned machine gun was by a cop in Ohio in the 1960's.
Getting a gun is not as easy as 'go into store, get gun' as you mouthbreathers seem to think it is.
Moreover, it was not the bank giving out guns. It was a company hired through the bank.
And, finally, WHO GIVES A CRAP?!? Civilized people don't shoot each other. People who open bank accounts don't then use that gun to kill people. It required a thousand dollar CD. I could buy a better gun for $50 from some loser gangbanger if I wanted to start killing people. Therefore, your point, if it made any sense in the first place, is invalid.

Next, he didn't *simply* overdramatize it, he LIED. His lies are why I don't listen to him any more. If you don't believe that he lied about anything, fine, you have the perogative to not listen to things like facts. But don't go around telling me I missed something based on a 2 paragraph summary I wrote of the movie, dolt. I understand completely what skewed point the fatass was trying to make and HE F'CKED IT UP by changing important facts around. End of story. He's no better than Bush or Kerry. He had an opportunity to take the high road, and he didn't. Now he's trash.

And finally, don't *ever* talk to me as if you're going try to belittle me. It'll take far more intellect than you've got to do such. I don't take kindly to jerk-off antics like yours, and what's funny is that I knew based on your previous post content that talking to your simpleton ass would lead to you pissing me off in some way. So go get yourself a clue and then you can talk to me, how's that sound?


So this is how you examplify "taking the high road"? I'll refuse to stoop to your level with personal insults. However, I'll re-ask my original, un-answered questions:

Have YOU actually SEEN the movie? Or are you making that statement based off what the GOP wants you to believe? Could you please show me an example of where MM LIED in this movie?

And I'm referring to F-9/11, NOT Bowling for Columbine. Please stay on topic.

BTW, I'm a gun owner myself, I know exactly how easy or difficult it is to obtain a gun.
I have not seen Fahrenheit 911. I will as soon as it comes out on tv just like I did Bowling for Columbine, but I will not rent it. I don't have to step in dog crap to know that it stinks (I stole that line). Here's just one of the sites I found when I typed in "lies in fahrenheit 911" on google:

Defending Michael Moore's fiction as fact is not a wise thing to do if you want to be considered credible by any reasonable person.
MonsterMark said:
If you want Brad, I'll bring a group of 12 of my friends down that love to take on Bush haters and we'll be happy to kick the crap out of anybody that gives you hard time. Serious. I bet not one of those punks will have the nuts to speak up.
So much for freedom of speech!!! If you don't like what they're saying, kick the crap out them.
I have a feeling that MonsterMark is, in reality, a little man. It would take 12 of him and his friends to kick the crap out of a teenager. Grow up MonsterMark.
Kbob said:
I have not seen Fahrenheit 911. I will as soon as it comes out on tv just like I did Bowling for Columbine, but I will not rent it. I don't have to step in dog crap to know that it stinks (I stole that line). Here's just one of the sites I found when I typed in "lies in fahrenheit 911" on google:

Defending Michael Moore's fiction as fact is not a wise thing to do if you want to be considered credible by any reasonable person.

Point taken.

Thanks for the link, I was unable to read every word, but I did get to the high points. However, I do detect some amount of "spin" in those rebuttals as well. So nobody's perfect. I'll chalk this one up as a valid answer to my question.

My whole point, which was something I took away from watching Bowling for Columbine, DON'T believe or trust everything you see / hear / read from the media or from any political administration. Research the facts for yourself, ask questions, engage in discussions, and decide for yourself.
'So this is how you examplify "taking the high road"?'
No, that is how I exEmplify being talked down to by someone whose entire argument is baseed on assumption, then uses said assumptions to try to make me look like an ass. I admit, I could have been less harsh, true, but when you act like a dick you get treated like one. Simple as that.

'Have YOU actually SEEN the movie?'
I saw the worthless pile of trash. How do you think I know what I'm talking about? Actually, no, I'm talking (typing I suppose) out of my ass, because it's fun for me to invent all sorts of stuff.

'Or are you making that statement based off what the GOP wants you to believe?'

I hate the GOP. I trust them even less than fatty. Yet another assumption on your part... Let's only have two sides to our whole entire country, and forget those who have a brain for a minute, so that we can bring out the dumb little political name calling. BTW, I hate the damn Democrats too, just to get that assumption out of the way before I have to deal with it.

Why not do some of your own fact checking, instead of relying on me? I tell you something is false, you go look it up, and if I'm wrong, call me on it. Kbob already did the easiest thing in the world for you. Type that phrase (fahrenheit 9/11 lies) into Google and BAM, you'll get "about 162,000 hits" (according to Google, at the moment).
barry2952 said:
I have a feeling that MonsterMark is, in reality, a little man. It would take 12 of him and his friends to kick the crap out of a teenager. Grow up MonsterMark.
I'm the one that brought up the possibility of an altercation and I stand behind my advice to be careful of Bush-hating zealots, teenagers or not. There's nothing wrong with a little support from friends.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Point taken.

Thanks for the link, I was unable to read every word, but I did get to the high points. However, I do detect some amount of "spin" in those rebuttals as well. So nobody's perfect. I'll chalk this one up as a valid answer to my question.

My whole point, which was something I took away from watching Bowling for Columbine, DON'T believe or trust everything you see / hear / read from the media or from any political administration. Research the facts for yourself, ask questions, engage in discussions, and decide for yourself.
I agree with the spin statement. That's why I hesitate posting links on political issues because of the possibility of my credibility being questioned when I use the same sort of spin that I try to refute. As Cap bluntly summarized, the Republican and Democratic parties are both very guilty of this practice. So we all actually agree on something :Beer
barry2952 said:
I have a feeling that MonsterMark is, in reality, a little man. It would take 12 of him and his friends to kick the crap out of a teenager. Grow up MonsterMark.

Man I cant even tell you how wrong you are
:I (W/K-Bob)That's the way it should be. We are all big boys and girls here. Everyone needs to stop forcing their beliefs on everyone else in the name of I'm right and you're wrong and the sheeple need to wake up and choose the person THEY believe is the right person for the job. This is exactly why I choose a "third party" candidate, they are doing what ALL politicians should do, they're out there busting their butts trying to vie for your vote,instead of slamming the opponent down"Because I'M a better person than........" This is also the same reason now more than ever every leap year I just want to ball-up in my bed and hibernate for about 11 and a half months (give or take) to escape the character assassinations and slandering and shameless pandering . I am almost 33 years old I've been able to make my own decisions legally for nearly a decade and a half now.(12 years if that decision includes alcohol.) It's as if there is a total lack of respect to anyone who wants to make a thought-out conscious decision anymore!
On the subject of Michael Moore, I admit, I used to be one of his greatest fans,(anyone remember TV Nation or The Awful Truth?) He used to speak to my core of beliefs on issues such as Corporate welfare,
However, I lost all respect for him within 30-seconds(or-so) when he gave that "false president" speech at that awards show about two years ago.
And there has also been proof of fallacy in his first movie"Roger and Me" (I know it is not Farienheit 9-11, but I did see and loved Roger and Me) In the scene when the family is evicted out of their home on "Christmas Morning," in which Mr. Moore claims that family was evicted due to the fact of Roger Stempel's closing of the Flint,MI GM assembly plant, when in fact, the family was being evicted for not paying the rent for reasons other than Mr. Moore presented to the public. To conclude, If Mr.Moore lied 15 years ago, how would I know if he's being honest now?
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