Stupid Drunks!

I can beat that

I treasure my car like my own baby.
few months after I got it, I let my younger brother take it on his date.
sad to say, my car was de-virginized by him.
I saw somethings left on the car along with few unmentionable stains.
I cried. it was almost like finding out your own daughter is having sex.
after that, he's no longer allowed to take it on a date.
that bastard. I almost want to do it in his car.
it's still upsetting after 2 years...
loveLSE said:
I treasure my car like my own baby.
few months after I got it, I let my younger brother take it on his date.
sad to say, my car was de-virginized by him.
I saw somethings left on the car along with few unmentionable stains.
I cried. it was almost like finding out your own daughter is having sex.
after that, he's no longer allowed to take it on a date.
that bastard. I almost want to do it in his car.
it's still upsetting after 2 years...

Take his girlfriend not his car!
eL eS said:
yeah I have a few range rifles and thought about emplying them in my anti-cat on the car strategy. It is kind of woodsy out here and I hear shots all the time so I don't think that would be a problem. I am curious if they do taste like chicken heck who knows maybe that otion is still on the table but I'd prefer psychological warfare. I'd rather terrify them and whip them into submission that way they stay off of everyones car and pet owners can still have their cute little fluffy cat.

I should find a taxidermist and see if he can get me a stuffed cat and just put it on top of the car maybe they have a professional courtesy where they wont try to get on top of an occupied car.

Well I have to say that the whole stuffed cat thing sounds great even if it didn't work. I mean can you imagine the talk onthe streets when everyone in the neighborhood saw you put a stuffed calico on top of your car every night. Yeah I hate to shoot them also, but I really don't like cats, I'm a dog man myself. And no I don't mean dawg man as in the University of GA. Yellow Jackets all the way for me.
SurfjaxLS said:

Go Tech, especially this next month in March Madness!

I'm a second year student at Tech. Tech bball is definately exciting. As for football, well thats another story...
I've got my girlfriend trained to respect my car and treat it like i do.....its just the little things like closing the door by the window or tracking in rocks that drive me crazy (i detail cars for a living and having to spend extra time on mine for someone else getting it dirty gets old). She used to be bad at that, but now she is great for not messing up my car.

And on the subject, you're right, nobody will treat your car with respect unless they take pride in their car.......and from the cars i detail most people don't. To give you an idea, the other day a customer brought their car in to get detailed and they had dumped some milk on the back carpet. Only problem is they didn't really clean it up and it mold (we're talking the carpets were supposed to be black but they were gray/green with mold)...........yeah, way to go people. Honestly, i think a clean car reflects on the person. If their car is a pit, just think about it........
yeah, i had a drunk guy puke in my Mom's Conti. years ago. I told him before he got in that if he puked in there i was going to pound him. Needless to say, he did...and i did. Pulled up to the local car wash, dumped him out next to the vaccum, finished my business of clean up, and with some time left on the machine, stuck the hose to his face and left him there! haven't seen or heard from him since.
NICE work mayhawboy! I have to say most females have no repsect for nice autos. I am sick of hearing why is your car so clean dont you have anything else to do! Here is my new 2.0 Response to that comment, " I am sorry do have nothing to do but stand in front of a mirror 8 hours a day!?" My current gf has a 5 yr old son and he actually respects my LS because he got in trouble one day we he put his feet on the back of seat. Needless to say his mother and I got into fight about it but sometimes it takes lil things like this to realize how someone feels about there car. Side note besides my father (passed away 10/30/04) I dont let anyone at ALL touch my 1967 E-Type Jaguar roadster. Not even my mother!

That picture I promised never did get posted did it? Too late now, it came off nicely with some acetone. A bit of wax and it was good as new.

Good thing Timmy's uses cheap paint on their posts :D.

Turns out another guy in the car managed to screw up the window regulator on his side - the windows were froze, and they were holding the switches down trying to free them. It broke the next weekend on a 3 hour drive home from a ski trip :mad:. Fixed that with a block of wood :rolleyes:.

Damn drunks!

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