The fabrication skills of many of my fellow Mark owners continue to blow me away. Imagination is not a lost talent among the users of this site. My hat is off to all of you for thinking outside of the box. Let me re-state - not just out of the box. You're thinking outside the house. You guys have the pride to not only accomplish the task, you make it look good, too. I gave the Piston Slap guy sh*t for spending too much time here - now, I get it. Every time I log on, you give me a different solution or design idea. My wife says she thinks this will end up a never-ending project. She's probably right. Just as soon as I decide - yes, that's the way I want my car to look and drive - I see someone else's ideas that change my mind. You keep an old man thinking - and judging from some of my PM's, I am not the only guy of advancing years who appreciates seeing this avocation being driven by new blood. Thank you