Subwoofers in rear dash?


New LVC Member
Sep 2, 2009
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Im in the middle of an interior swap and decided to put some more sound deadening down while everything was out. While looking at the rear dash, I notice its pretty solid...and big. I know there's a lot of :q:q:q:q under the dash, and ive read posts about people relocating all that stuff to the side so im not too worried about that.

So heres my question, anyone tried this? The dash looks like it shouldn't have much problem holding 2 12's, im more worried about flexing and whatnot while driving. Ive never seen a rear dash so solid and wasnt sure if it was like that for a reason. My cross braces in the back look good still, and I dont plan on removing them or anything.

Thoughts/opinions? is there anything im not thinking about before i go chop my baby up?

For those interested, I have 2 13Ov.2's from Elemental Designs along with 1 Nine.1 amplifier (had 2 but I dont feel comfortable with that much power in an IB setup, but we'll see.) Pics of swap and install will be posted once finished.
No problem putting them on the rear deck.

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If you're going all aftermarket, there is nothing to relocate, unless you need the compass to show you what direction you're going in. The rest of that junk on the tray can be disconnected, pulled out and all the wires can be tucked back behind the carpet on the passengers side.

Just make sure not to get in the way of the trunk lid rods with the magnets but as above in the pics, you can it that it's been done. Free air subs, if not enclosed are recommended for what you're trying to do.
Awesome, thanks for the reply's. I guess tomorrow it begins then. Im pumped. :)
How do free air subs hit compared to sealed or ported enclosures with the same size speakers and same size amps? I know its apples and oranges, but I'm kinda curious.
Free air (or infinite baffle) give a flatter frequency response curve then sealed or ported boxes. They also handle much less power since there's no pressure on the subwoofer, so it can easily rip itself apart if your not careful. My subwoofers wernt designed for free air, but are more then capable. To give you an idea of the power drop, im going from 900-1100w ea to about 400w ea. Im not sure how im going to like the drop in output, but it should sound much more natural....we'll see.

Right now the boxes I have my suboofers in were built for my old audiobahn subwoofers and are making my subs hit like crazy on some songs, then not nearly as much on some other songs. Going to this setup will hopefully even things out, if not I'll probably build some sort of box to come up underneath the dash and give them each their own amplifiers again.

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