Suicide LS Idea Scratched


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 4, 2005
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Talking to guy at buddies shop. He would be the one doing the work. Said suiciding the rear doors would ruin the car. Now, I have owned my LS for 12 years. I plan to keep it forever. I love my LS. With that being said. Suiciding the doors would result in them sagging and structurally damaging the LS. I love my LS to much to ruin it over "cool factor" mod. Since the cost has dropped quite a bit. I will have the LS custom painted next fall. When he has a spot free in the shop. The interior will be done immediately afterwards.
I thought you really loved your current color. Do you have an idea of what color direction you'll go for the new paint job ? said that you were told that suiciding the rear doors would ruin the car, PLUS you plan to keep it forever.

I say, whatever the cost is that's associated with doing that to doors...and even though you said you wanted to keep your LS forever (plans change), the return on the investment with a quality paint job versus spending $$$ on ruining your CAR (not just the doors), would be like spending money on your home with a kitchen renovation versus spending money on a windmill for your power source.
T-Money, keeping the Autumn Red as the base color. The whole will be repaired with. Ustom graphic design over it down the sides. Cost about $3500.

LandOfLincoln, the cost to suicide the doors($7000) is not worth ruining the LS. Suicide doors will cause structural problems later. The "cool factor" just doesn't warrant to risk or justify the cost.
It does look cool!

suicide doors.jpg
Nice, my paint job was $3500 also and I am very happy with the quality.. Good luck.
Suicide doors look cool but it a bit out of my interest zone.

I'm with you all on repaint. I'd like to get mine re-painted but with a bit more pearl. The metallic silver looks nice but I wouldn't mind if it played with the light just a tad more.
oh I'm definitely getting suicide doors...

as soon as I save up enough for the 64 Continental to go with them!
can he explain WHY it would cause the doors to sag structurally damaging the LS? It seems that with the correct amount of reinforcement, it would only strengthen said area?.....(and adding weight, i know)
I could see it being structually unstable if you completely removed the b- pillar. But just swapping the hinges on the rear door. Doesnt seem like it would make a difference. Your chassis and body make up the strength of the car not the way the doors close.
Knowing a little about structural design (probly enuf to get me in trouble), I dont see why changing the location of the hinge would damage the structural integrity of the car. If the latch is just as strong as the factory latch, why would changing the location of the hinge matter? Is this a body guy telling you this or someone who REALLY knows about structural engineering? It seems to me that moving the hinge to the back on the rear door would take the load weight of the door and put it further back where the structure is stronger. It seems that would help the structure of the car. Im not an engineer but it makes sense to me anyway. Were you suciding the front doors too?....that may be another story altogether
I could see it being structually unstable if you completely removed the b- pillar. But just swapping the hinges on the rear door. Doesnt seem like it would make a difference. Your chassis and body make up the strength of the car not the way the doors close.

Yes....removing the b pillar altogether would definately ruin the car. That would be no good for sure.
Knowing a little about structural design (probly enuf to get me in trouble), I dont see why changing the location of the hinge would damage the structural integrity of the car. If the latch is just as strong as the factory latch, why would changing the location of the hinge matter? Is this a body guy telling you this or someone who REALLY knows about structural engineering? It seems to me that moving the hinge to the back on the rear door would take the load weight of the door and put it further back where the structure is stronger. It seems that would help the structure of the car. Im not an engineer but it makes sense to me anyway. Were you suciding the front doors too?....that may be another story altogether

I'm pretty sure the "C" pillar couldn't support the weight of the door.
I'm pretty sure the "C" pillar couldn't support the weight of the door.

IF thats true (could be, I dont know) it seems that could be reinforced fairly easily , for a custom shop... even if you had to connect both sides below the roof skin and into the rear quarter... maybe thats asking too much.
To remove the b-pillar. You would need to basicly build a cage for the car. If you did not, the car will fold in or collapse in on itself.

You cannot use the factory hinges to suicide the rear doors. Because the basic design of them is all wrong for a suicide application. Aftermarket hinges are never as strong as the factory hinges. Ask anyone that has done Lamborghini or suicide doors. The biggest problem with the LS is. The location area used for the suicide hinges to be mounted. Right above the rear tire wheel well area. Lots of cutting and reinforcing. Which over time the weight of the door will cause problems. I want keep my LS forever. I don't want to deal with long term issues of sagging. Not to mention the damage the sagging will do to the paint over the long term life of the car.

As for Kyles experience with suicide doors. I will take is advice any day on customizing. He has built many show stopping vehicles. Many featured in major magazines. Sport Truckin' & Mini Truckin'. Help build and paint 4 vehicles in the last 12 months that were feature in said magazines. Including helping build and paint SEMA House of Color Best winner in 2012 Toytota Tocoma extended cab mini truck. I am typing this from cell phone. So posting pictures of the shops is not possible. But trust me his advice is dead on accurate.
BTW Rollin, you ever run into any troubles with running the hood without the thermal noise blanket on the inside.
noticed in some of your older pics it was removed and all cleaned up underneath, I need to clean up some corrosion
and was planning on running it without the blanket. Any ill effects long term?
BTW Rollin, you ever run into any troubles with running the hood without the thermal noise blanket on the inside.
noticed in some of your older pics it was removed and all cleaned up underneath, I need to clean up some corrosion
and was planning on running it without the blanket. Any ill effects long term?

Absolutely none. Took it out in 2005. Never had a single issue.
Great, thanks for the info.
So the suicide door can be done, they just wont last long on the ls?
Was just thinking about that ls with the suicide door that was posted above, wondering how long those will last.
So the suicide door can be done, they just wont last long on the ls?
Was just thinking about that ls with the suicide door that was posted above, wondering how long those will last.

The guy, BrokeLS, has had it for sale for over 3 years. The price keeps dropping. In the beginning, I know he was asking WAY to much. But the price keeps dropping. Maybe the doors are too? But custom cars are a niche market. I have made the decision based on the info and opinions of those I know and respect. I want to keep the LS for a very longtime. Suiciding the rear will compromise structure of the LS.

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