Super Sport model?

jdsimons said:
Well friend of mine is manage at a audio store here and well he hooked me up real good. 1700 for the unit , can't even get em off ebay for that with shipping and everything. He said that they are supposed to sell for 2000 i think or 2100 something like that.. I haven't even had it turned on yet its killing me having this thing and not being able to use it.. lol

I can Imagine. I'm getting it for the same price around here he would sell the unit for like around 2500. I'm trying to get the price lower cause I like to bargain so lets see if that works out!! I just can't wait to get it no more getting lost lol!! I'm also trying to get some lcd monitors for the headrest (have to talk it over w/the wife first) for the kids so when we go on long trips they can watch there favorite movie!! My friend at the car audio store has the lcd screens there I just have to ask how much it would cost to get them installed it shouldn't be that much tho well I hope not Hope to get that done in another month or so but when I do I'll post picks of it and have some pics of them installing the eclipse too!! Hey you should post some pics of your LS on the Photo garage too!! I'll have some more pics of My LS8 this week if the weather isn't that bad!!
The commercials are what kills me its like they want to guilt you like oh ^%^ who will save my family without this. What they they don't mention is they want you in that frame of mind since you may not have the choice to have it or not in your car. The commercials make it sound like there are tons of accidents all in the middle of nowhere with no cell phones and no people around. And there you are (well your family they all have families in the commercials) ready to burn to death or going into a diabetic coma. If somebody is going to spy on my I'm not gonna pay for it plus every month. You say why would they look at me well what if they just randomly decide to? Often police in towns randomly stop cars for no reason or one that normally wouldn't warrent a stop based on a certain look color etc... they see gets pulled over in said area. Just imagine what is potentially possible with say onstar. It works almost like a cellphone why couldn't they just listen? This technology is a slippery slope and I won't nor would i recommend to others pay for the grease.
:soapbox: Onstar is just one step closer to the police state Bush wants us in. Yes, it's paranoid but you kinda have to be...
They scare the public into thinking they need to be more controlled in order to be safe.
If you want onstar, you might as well have yourself "chipped" next...that'll show you're no terrorist.

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