Super weird problem???


LVC Member
Apr 11, 2007
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Ok, so I go out to my car today and all the windows are down and the sunroof is open. When I got out of the car the night before everything was up. This is the second time this has happened. The first was about a year ago. Anyone else have this happen to them???:confused: If so what was the problem and the fix? The car is an 02' V8 if that helps.
maybe you accidently pressed (and held) the button down on the keyfob deal
Have you put anything on your keys? If you hold down the unlock button on your keyless entry pad it will unroll all of your windows and open your sunroof.
No $hit? I did not know that, I bet that is what happened. Let me go see for myself....BRB.
Yep, that had to be it. Maybe my wife or I accidentally held down the unlock button. Makes me feel better anyway, at least there is nothing wrong! Thanks for the help guys!
Have you put anything on your keys? If you hold down the unlock button on your keyless entry pad it will unroll all of your windows and open your sunroof.

I love this feature, and FYI if you install a factory remote start you will lose it. I really wanted a remote start until this came to my attention.
Yeah I've done it once before accidently; came out of work and was like WTF? :lol:
take the key fob apart and check for corrosion off of the contacts. my fob was shorted out on the unlock position, every time I would roll them up they rolled themselves back down.
If you hold the lock button, do the windows all roll back up? or is this only when you hold the lock position with the key in the door? I know it works both ways with the key in the door...
I love this feature, and FYI if you install a factory remote start you will lose it. I really wanted a remote start until this came to my attention.

Yeah, I lost it.. now when I hold down the unlock button for a couple seconds it goes into some "safe mode" for lack of a better word. When I start it after that the headlights flsh for about 3 minutes. and if I turn them off, all the interioir dash lights flash for that long, it's quite weird. All I have to do is hold the unlock button down to stop it from happening, but I always wondered why people were pulling over in front of me til I found out why
If you hold the lock button, do the windows all roll back up? or is this only when you hold the lock position with the key in the door? I know it works both ways with the key in the door...

Rolling up only works from the key. This is a safety feature that the lawyers probably required.
I love this feature, and FYI if you install a factory remote start you will lose it. I really wanted a remote start until this came to my attention.

only if your installer does not know his systems or your car, either way avoid him

i have a viper 5701, on top of lock, unlock, start and trunk pop, i have one of the extra channels roll down the windows, the second extra channel roll the windows up (none of you "factory remote" guy's have this, ha ha:D ) and the last extra channel pops the gas tank (i know thats silly but i had an extra option and i didnt want it to go to waste)
This is awesome! I didn't know our cars had this feature. 1LoudLS, I would totally love a gas tank button on my fob. Like just yesterday I went to get gas, forgot to hit the button and then had to walk back to the driver's side to hit the button. Or how about all of the times you go to open the fuel door and it slips off of your fingers and slaps shut! DOH
I wonder if BestBuy will play the dumbcard if I start mentioning how I want the spare channels with the remote to do those functions like LoudLS said.

Sometimes when you go to a place where they SHOULD know what they're talking about, they simply are like....duhhhhh wat does that mean????? durrhurrr
My Viper remote will roll the windows and sunroof half way or all the way down if you hold the buttons longer.
Also rolls the windows up if you hold the lock button.
only if your installer does not know his systems or your car, either way avoid him

i have a viper 5701, on top of lock, unlock, start and trunk pop, i have one of the extra channels roll down the windows, the second extra channel roll the windows up (none of you "factory remote" guy's have this, ha ha:D ) and the last extra channel pops the gas tank (i know thats silly but i had an extra option and i didnt want it to go to waste)

He said factory remote start. In which case you most certainly do lose it.
why the hell didnt i know about this, i went in the dealer yesterday and jus found out, the guy who sold me the car didnt even know it does this, thats awesome, so where can i get a remote start and still keep this feature, i think that would be SICK watch the P**** rate go up
I keep both remotes on my key fob.
I have a Viper remote starter which rolls down and up the windows and roof,
but the factory remote still works the windows independant of the viper.
I think i would buy a Viper just so i could roll my windows up, so i dont have to walk my lazy ass outside to do it. And my friends with the Honda's always brag about how they can roll their windows down with the remote, this would give me 1 up on 'em.:p I can't be only as good. :D
Lucky you are in Fla, man, cause if I did that hee, I'd have 8" of water in my car!

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