Swine Flu (Mexican Flu)

So far, just one death in the United States. Regular flu kills more. Sheesh.
Does it infect so many so rapidly? Is it as highly contagious?

Just cause it dont kill you should you suffer from it? Will it single out the rest of the globe and leave us Americans with nothing to fear?

Im not that worried like I said but its a bit more of something some people especially those living in more populated areas should take seriously.


Thats just wrong-Dude!:lol:
It's a mutation/sub-type of the Spanish Flu, which decimated(and then some) back in the day.
Not quite. It was the "worst pandemic of the modern era," and a lot of people died in the Spanish Flu pandemic, but it didn't decimate anything. As Cory Doctorow notes in his article ( http://www.boingboing.net/2009/04/29/spanish-flu-of-1918.html ), 72% of Americans didn't contract the Spanish Flu, and the global survival rate was over 97%. It killed a lot of people in absolute numbers, but that's what happens when you take even very small percentages of very large numbers.

I haven't checked his numbers, but on Mike Huckabee's show tonight, he said that 100 people in America die from the "regular" flu every day; thus far, the H1N1 flu has killed one toddler in the US. Yes, that one death is tragic, and yes, you should take normal precautions (which boils down to "mind your manners"), but there's no reason to panic.


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