Taillight problem?

So your lights work when you brake, but not when the headlights are on? And they also work with the turn signal? Maybe it's the headlight switch. No other problems?
NYC LSC said:
The bulbs?

Would the bulbs both burn out at the same time?

To the other question,

Yes, press the brake peddle and the brake lights work.

turn on the signal lights and the signal lights work.

turn on the headlights and the headlights come on but the taillights don't.

I've checked the taillight fuse and it is not blown.
That does seem odd. Does your dimmer switch still work, as in does the cluster dim and brighten when you roll the switch? When you turn on the turn signal, does the appropriate front side marker light up? Oh, and don't drive the car in the dark like that. If Wisconsin is anything like Maryland, you can get pulled over and get a work order for the car. Then you've got a limited amount of time to fix the problem before you get into trouble. Just FYI>
JoshMcMadMac said:
That does seem odd. Does your dimmer switch still work, as in does the cluster dim and brighten when you roll the switch? When you turn on the turn signal, does the appropriate front side marker light up? Oh, and don't drive the car in the dark like that. If Wisconsin is anything like Maryland, you can get pulled over and get a work order for the car. Then you've got a limited amount of time to fix the problem before you get into trouble. Just FYI>

Dimmer switch works the cluster dim and brighten.

When I turn on the lights the amber signal light turns on, and when I turn on the signal light the side lights turn on.

(I haven't driven it at night, except the night I found out they were burned out, only 2 miles to get home)
mespock said:
turn on the signal lights and the signal lights work.
Are all of the RUNNING LIGHTS (like your dash and cornering) working?

Signal, flashers, and brake lights are on ONE circuit, then running lights or parking lights are on another.

Now, the BULB has two elements; a low and a high. Once you hit the signal switch, you activate the high element. Tommy said check the bulb so check the bulb!

Lastly, check all the fuses ... not just what you think is the cause.

If all else fails, change out the switch!

"I'm not a real mechanic, I just play one on the net."
- John OldSchool Dancy
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Glad that worked. It is still strange to me that the fuse was at fault, but not all of the components of that fuse were out. At least it was a simple fix! :)

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