taking out the drive shaft

Well there really is no easy way. Dop the gas tank and the exhaust [not in that order]. When I had my tranny replaced he said that they would probably drop the rear diff housing to pull the shaft, Being a mechanic and spending a lot of time staring at my car I personally did not think this would be easier. And when I got my car back 2 weeks later I was too ancy and didnt ask how he did it.:cool:
Easiest way would probably be a cutting torch...

Right way is a different story... :D
Easiest way, I think, is to remove the bolts holding it to the end yoke. :D

Lowering the tank will make the job even easier... still have to remove aforementioned bolts though.

WRONGO.. Noobflogger
SAWZALL is easier..
easier yet is a small blob of C-4 or Thermite
Do I have to take the tank completely off or can I just lower it

You'll probably want to take down both driveshaft loops, which means you need to take the tank out.

I've heard of removing the diff bolts and letting it sag down out of the way and pulling the shaft out thru the loops.

but.. seems like MORE work just to get out of dropping the tank which is STUPID FISCHER PRICE easy.

4 bolts the tank falls out of the car.. pretty much.

Dont spend MORE time trying to do it some other way.. just do it once, do it right and be done with it.

WHILE your IN there.. remove the insulation that is ABOVE the driveshaft because over time, it falls down.. and contacts the shaft and WILL cut the driveshaft IN HALF.. which I dont need to tell you IS a bad thing to happen
Where is the poor guy going to get his hands on 6g of C4, or even.... 12?'ish grams of thermite, and an accelerant, like a magnesium ribbon? Seriously, dude. Get with the program!

We all know he should just use a cutting torch, or preferably a plasma cutter. Both, widely available. :D
Where is the poor guy going to get his hands on 6g of C4, or even.... 12?'ish grams of thermite, and an accelerant, like a magnesium ribbon? Seriously, dude. Get with the program!

We all know he should just use a cutting torch, or preferably a plasma cutter. Both, widely available. :D

Like I said before....:D

And tommy... a SaWZALL??? Really now?
Where is the poor guy going to get his hands on 6g of C4, or even.... 12?'ish grams of thermite

I "think" the Corps of Engineers field manual can provide that stuff it's a couple of pages past where they tell you how to super glue a persons skull back together after gently placing the grey matter back inside
:lol: @ ants!

I was under my car yesterday at my new ranch and hear a sound I only ever hear in movies. I look over and about 4' away is a coiled rattle snake looking at me and shaking his tail. Slammed my forehead into my K-memeber and then rolled out as fast as I could.
Damn thing scared the hell out of me and then tried to strike. I went inside and grabbed the AR-15 and shot the hell out of that damn thing. :lol:
AR-15? a little overkill, don't you think? 5.56 ammo is expensive nowadays. hah

Yes and yes. Ammo is .50 a round now and I spent $2.50 on the bastage. The 12 gauge had its lock on it and I havent found my keys yet and the pistol was in pieces. :mad:
Ammo is getting out of hand... it really is...

I cant even take my Kimber to the range anymore!
Yup, even the pistol ammo has gotten nuts. I have to get 9x18 which dont help eaither. :(
damn that thing doesn't want to come out, wonder how much it would cost to take out... also i noticed the transmission mount kind of moves side to side could that cause the vibrations
the trans mount shouldn't move side to side..that will cause vibrations as well.

Why cant you get the shaft out? you dont give us much info to go on, so we cant really help.

saying "it wont work"... wont work
Mount will cause vib, will it not come off the rear pinion, get a bar in there or bang it with a rubber mallet.

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