Tea partiers may be "angry white men" but leftists carry pitchforks and torches

Tell me, fox, what percentage of the tea partiers would have to be 'of color' for you to declare them 'diversified?' State for the Republicans as well, please.

Why is "diversity" even relevant?
Why is "diversity" even relevant?
It's relevant to foxpaws because it allows her a platform from which, through innuendo, to call the Tea Partiers racist. Democrats have always been obsessed with skin color over character, which goes AGAINST what Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted.
I doubt you can even articulate the Tea Party's main gripe with the government in one word
main gripe - well, since tea stands for Taxed Enough Already - lets go with Taxation...

And I stand by the statement that the tea party is the party of angry white men - once again foss, not once have you answered the question - what is the makeup of the crowd at the rallies - it is a sea of white faces. You won't answer that question because it will show that indeed the tea party members are almost entirely white, and mostly men.

It's also funny how linear your thinking is - your only idea of the term 'diversity' refers to color of skin necessarily, and ignores content of worldview altogether. That linear thinking shows how myopic and shallow you are. For example, the Republican Party embraces both atheists and Christians. You Democrats look at surface only, instead of realizing the truth - that political parties are made up of people who seek others who think like them when it comes to political goals. Who's more focused on race? Liberal Democrats.

I see you have glommed onto my earlier statement that you and shag think linearly (try for some original thought if you want to show that you don't think linearly Foss).. This is a great example of how linear your thought patterns are. You believe the misdirection of the tea party when they showcase the very few minorities they have, however you turn a blind eye to the obvious evidence of the crowd makeup and organizers that the party is largely white.

The Republican Party also claims to embrace people of color - however, there is very little evidence that people of color in large groups embrace the Republican party.

Is there a lot of evidence that atheists embrace the Republicans? Foss - that is silly, even the Republicans know they don't...

"This Republican Party of Lincoln has become a party of theocracy."
U.S. Representative Christopher Shays, R-CT,
main gripe - well, since tea stands for Taxed Enough Already - lets go with Taxation...

And I stand by the statement that the tea party is the party of angry white men - once again foss, not once have you answered the question - what is the makeup of the crowd at the rallies - it is a sea of white faces. You won't answer that question because it will show that indeed the tea party members are almost entirely white, and mostly men.

I see you have glommed onto my earlier statement that you and shag think linearly (try for some original thought if you want to show that you don't think linearly Foss).. This is a great example of how linear your thought patterns are. You believe the misdirection of the tea party when they showcase the very few minorities they have, however you turn a blind eye to the obvious evidence of the crowd makeup and organizers that the party is largely white.

The Republican Party also claims to embrace people of color - however, there is very little evidence that people of color in large groups embrace the Republican party.

Is there a lot of evidence that atheists embrace the Republicans? Foss - that is silly, even the Republicans know they don't...

"This Republican Party of Lincoln has become a party of theocracy."
U.S. Representative Christopher Shays, R-CT,
I see you and the Democrats are still totally obsessed with color. I guess you need a little lesson in bigotry:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Fox, when did we start talking about the Republican Party? Be careful when you spread lies, because it's hard to keep them straight.

You still haven't answered my question, race baiter. You need to define diversity or else your entire argument that the Tea Party is racist is moot.
Fox, when did we start talking about the Republican Party? Be careful when you spread lies, because it's hard to keep them straight.
I used Republicans as an example of a group that also isn't diverse, however tries to create the illusion that they are by using the few people of color within their group as high profile spokespeople. And then you added that somehow republicans embraced atheists as well as Christians. A truly hilarious statement.

You still haven't answered my question, race baiter. You need to define diversity or else your entire argument that the Tea Party is racist is moot.

diversity - a point of difference

And over and over again Foss - I don't think the tea party is racist - they certainly don't bar people of color to be members. I do think that the tea party appeals mostly to white men.

And are you ever going to answer my question about what you see when you view footage or images of the crowds at tea party events? You will never answer this question will you - because it instantly proves my point. When you look out at those crowd you see almost entirely white people. And since you continue to avoid this question I can only assume that if you answered it honestly it would add credence to the CNN poll.
Fox, you're on a fool's errand here. You're trying to make the case that every black person in the crowd was fake. You cannot prove any such thing. Nobody believes you. You're just wasting everybody's time. You cannot even define the parameters of diversity beyond color. It instantly proves your myopia and the fact that you're a race baiter.
Fox, you're on a fool's errand here. You're trying to make the case that every black person in the crowd was fake. You cannot prove any such thing. Nobody believes you. You're just wasting everybody's time. You cannot even define the parameters of diversity beyond color. It instantly proves your myopia and the fact that you're a race baiter.

No I am not Foss - you appear to be the fool if you can't answer my question - what do you see when you look out at the crowd shots of the tea party gatherings? White faces.

The blacks they have on the podiums aren't fake - nor are the one or two that appear in the crowd shots. However, as a group they don't appeal to blacks. You don't see blacks embracing the Tea Party movement. A few people of color will find their message appealing, but as a whole, they are not flocking to the tea party as a party that they feel represents their beliefs and concerns.
No I am not Foss - you appear to be the fool if you can't answer my question - what do you see when you look out at the crowd shots of the tea party gatherings? White faces.

The blacks they have on the podiums aren't fake - nor are the one or two that appear in the crowd shots. However, as a group they don't appeal to blacks. You don't see blacks embracing the Tea Party movement. A few people of color will find their message appealing, but as a whole, they are not flocking to the tea party as a party that they feel represents their beliefs and concerns.
I'm a fool? That's rich coming from a race baiter.

So which is it - were the blacks 'trotted out' or did they come legitimately of their own accord? You can't seem to decide.

You're obsessed with color, fox, which is contrary to Martin Luther King's teachings. You FAIL, racist.
The leadership of the tea party saw opportunities to be able to feature on the podium the few members of color that they have. You can 'trot' out someone who is in your boat already- in fact it is best, they are the ones who believe, who will be sincere in their pleas. They will be able to survive the scrutiny of the other parties. You don't want to place on the podium someone who is just a shell, they will be outed before you know it...

Now, before this goes any further Foss - what do you see when you look at the crowd shots taken at Tea Party events? A sea of white faces-correct?
The leadership of the tea party saw opportunities to be able to feature on the podium the few members of color that they have. You can 'trot' out someone who is in your boat already- in fact it is best, they are the ones who believe, who will be sincere in their pleas. They will be able to survive the scrutiny of the other parties. You don't want to place on the podium someone who is just a shell, they will be outed before you know it...

Now, before this goes any further Foss - what do you see when you look at the crowd shots taken at Tea Party events? A sea of white faces-correct?
Your boorish, stubborn, condescending tactics won't work on me. You want some sort of admission from me when we all know that your entire point is that the Tea Parties are racist. I've already dealt with that, and you have no point left to make. You're desperately clinging to any argument you can so that people will be distracted from the fact that you are a race baiter.
Your boorish, stubborn, condescending tactics won't work on me. You want some sort of admission from me when we all know that your entire point is that the Tea Parties are racist. I've already dealt with that, and you have no point left to make. You're desperately clinging to any argument you can so that people will be distracted from the fact that you are a race baiter.

Well, over and over I have stated that the tea party is not racist - they aren't.

But, you can't answer the question of the crowd makeup foss? Why? Simple question... simple answer. It is white, because the party doesn't appeal to people of color. Why is that important to you foss? There are lots of things that appeal to one group or another. The green party appeals to a 'group' of people. La Raza appeals to another. Look at a group shot during a La Raza rally - you might notice a majority of the people at the event are hispanic. Obviously the tea party appeals to a certain group of people. Just look at the crowds - white.

I am curious, why can't you admit that Foss?
Well, over and over I have stated that the tea party is not racist - they aren't.

But, you can't answer the question of the crowd makeup foss? Why? Simple question... simple answer. It is white, because the party doesn't appeal to people of color. Why is that important to you foss? There are lots of things that appeal to one group or another. The green party appeals to a 'group' of people. La Raza appeals to another. Look at a group shot during a La Raza rally - you might notice a majority of the people at the event are hispanic. Obviously the tea party appeals to a certain group of people. Just look at the crowds - white.

I am curious, why can't you admit that Foss?
So your entire point is that the Tea Party is predominantly white? BFD, so is the population of the United States. So is the US Senate. So is every leftwing mainstream media outlet. Why does it matter to you? You keep demanding an answer but you refuse to make any point.

I guess you don't have a point.

You're just trying to waste everyone's time.

Buh-bye, race baiter.
I thought I explained the MSM's Tea Party race issue quite well.
Liberals are the biggest racists there are.

Dear Liberal: Why would you hold down a group of people just to maintain power if you weren't a racist?

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