This might be kind of technical, but I would love some input. I have a 2000 Lincoln LS V8. I also have a CarChip EX data logger that reads inputs from the computer as you drive. I was monitoring Vehicle Speed, Throttle Position, Intake Air Temperature, and long term fuel trims. I noticed that when I would floor the car, it would only read about 93% throttle position. Today I took it out on a 2 minute drive where I idled for about 1 minute, then gradually accelerated to the floor, and gradually let off twice. Then I punched it and let off a couple of times too. I looked at the graphs. While idling, throttle position was a steady 18%. When I gradually floored it, it only got up to about 25%, leveled for a second or two, than jumped kind of jagged to about 30% maximum when I had it to the floor. The second time I gradually floored it and let off, the reading did go pretty steadily up to 75% and steadily back down, but it never got above 75% with it floored. When I punched it and let off about three times quickly in a row, the TPS stayed at 18% (Granted it only logs data every 5 seconds, I was doing this for more than 5 seconds) I have no driveablity problems other than lower gas mileage than expected on the highway. I have also noted with the car chip that the computer stays in open loop when it is floored, I thought it should go to closed fuel enrichment mode, but I don't know. So my question is, do you think the TPS is bad, or are those readings pretty normal. Any input is appreciated. :L :tmi: