Ted Nugent: Bambi rights vs. BBQ; what kind of candidate are you?


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Bambi rights vs. BBQ; what kind of candidate are you?

By Ted Nugent, Texas Wildman

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I have a few questions for those running for president and expect some answers.

After all, the winner will be my employee, serving "we the people," pledging an oath to the U.S. Constitution.

* America is $9 trillion in debt. Does this concern you, and if it does, what would you specifically do to work toward eliminating this debt and shave the flagrant waste and corruption of out-of-control bureaucracies?

* Do you think too many Americans receive a paycheck, one way or another, from the government?

* Do you believe the average American is taxed too much, not enough or just about right?

* Name three specific agencies or departments of the federal government you believe could either be drastically reduced or eliminated.

Now name five more.

* Should people who obviously don't care about their health, based on irresponsible lifestyle choices, be included in a nationalized health care program?

* Approval ratings show that Americans are disgusted with politicians. That means you, regardless of political party. Why do you believe this is? What are you going to do about it?

* If "None of the above" were listed on the ballot for president, do you believe "None of the above" would win? Do you know why?

* Would you support changing tax day (April 15th) to the Monday before the first Tuesday in November (the latter being Election Day)?

* As commander in chief, if you could personally shoot Osama bin Laden, would you? What caliber of weapon? Where would you aim?

* Is defending our culture worth going to war?

* Should convicted pedophiles be executed?

* There are scientists who believe global warming is much ado about nothing, pure bunk. Do you think these scientists could be right?

* Do you believe gun control is effective at stopping or reducing crime? Can you share some evidence to support your answer?

* Do you own a gun? Do you trust me carrying a gun? If our taxes didn't provide you with unlimited armed security, would you carry your own gun?

* Do you believe that animals have rights? What is your favorite barbecue recipe?

* Do you believe that the answer to a better education system is to spend more money and make children take more tests?

* Why do you believe that the history of war and the study of the U.S. Constitution are basically ignored in our schools, as well as taxes and the Internal Revenue Service?

* Do you like rock 'n roll music? What are some of your favorite songs?

* One-third of Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week. Over 80 percent of Americans have shopped at a Wal-Mart in the last year. When was the last time you shopped at Wal-Mart?

* As president, if you knew a terrorist group was planning on setting off a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon in New York within 24 hours and one of the terrorists was in custody, and if the only way to get information about the bomb's location was to torture the one in custody, would you authorize torturing the individual?

* If you came home and saw a stranger eating your food at your kitchen table, would you call the police and have the individual arrested for illegally entering your home?

Candidates, I await your replies.
Yep, he's another great american hero.

The World According to Ted Nugent
Quotes and Stories from Ted's Writings and Interviews


"My being there (South Africa) isn't going to affect any political structure. Besides, apartheid isn't that cut-and-dry. All men are not created equal." - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990

(About Haiti) "We should put razor wire around our borders and give the finger to any piece of :q:q:q:q who wants to come here." - Westword Newspaper , Denver, Colorado, July 27, 1994

"[Ted Nugent's] conversations are peppered with the word :q:q:q:q:q:q. He refers to his upcoming tour of Japan the Jap Whack Tour." - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990

"...Yeah, we want to go to Saudi Arabia, man, and see if we can't get a four iron and knock people's laundry off the top of their heads. Wear laundry on your head and die, is the basic theme of the Damn Yankees ... (The Damn Yankees was Ted's band in the '90s)" - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 25, 1990

"... And in my mind, I'm going why can't I just shoot this guy in the spine right now; shoot him in the spine, explain the facts of life to him... [Ted referring to an encounter with a Hare Krishna]" - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 28, 1990

"About national health care: The government must stay out of my life. If there are weenies who are in the liability column of our nation, tough :q:q:q:q." - Westword Newspaper , Denver, Colorado, July 27, 1994

"... Yeah they love me (in Japan) - they're still :q:q:q:q:q:q:qs. These people they don't know what life is. I don't have a following, they need me; they don't like me they need me ... Foreigners are :q:q:q:q:q:q:qs; foreigners are scum; I don't like 'em; I don't want 'em in this country; I don't want 'em selling me doughnuts; I don't want 'em pumping my gas; I don't want 'em downwind of my life-OK? So anyhow-and I'm dead serious ..." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., November 19, 1992


"Anybody that doesn't think it is better to blow someones brains out than to be raped, deserves to be raped! If you don't think your life is worth it then please go out there, don't wear any underpants and get RAPED!! Cuz you deserve it ..." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 23, 1991

"When other guys were getting high, I would grab a couple babes, go squirrel hunting and see just how mini mini-skirts could get." - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990

"... I met a couple of guys in line yesterday and they say write something to my girlfriend, she won't let me go hunting. I wrote her something, I wrote Drop dead bitch. What good is she, trade her in, get a Dalmatian, who needs her, the wench." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 25, 1991

About Hillary Clinton: "You probably can't use the term 'toxic :q:q:q:q' in your magazine, but that's what she is. Her very existence insults the spirit of individualism in this country. This bitch is nothing but a two-bit whore for Fidel Castro." - Westword Newspaper , Denver, Colorado, July 27, 1994

And if you're a woman who feels that his lyrics to ditties such as the immortal 'Wang Dang Sweet Poontang' are sexist, Nugent says, ':q:q:q:q you and go to a Garth Brooks show. Kiss my dog's dead, diseased, rotting ass. If you don't have a sense of humor, you're not allowed in Ted's world. I don't objectify women. I'd like to think that I'm optimizing their hardware.' - Westword Newspaper , Denver, Colorado, July 27, 1994

Ted Nugent has forked over $75,000 ... paying the price for shooting off his mouth ... Interviewed in late '92 on WRIF-FM ... he referred to Heidi Prescott (of The Fund for Animals) as a 'worhtless whore' and a 'shallow slut' and suggested 'Who needs to club a seal, when you could club Heidi?' Detroit Free Press , April 5, 1995


"I have a brain and I work that brain and it works and it knows the difference between right and wrong and it's got a thread of common sense. And that it's not Ted's opinion. It is how it is ... we're just working hard, playing hard and anybody that wants to get in our way does not deserve anything less than a bullet between the eyes ..." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 23, 1991


"... Rock and roll, the great outdoors and short skirts is what makes Ted Nugent tick...the reason that Ted Nugent kicks major ass is because I've never done drugs. I've never touched chemicals. I've never drank. I've never touched tobacco." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 26, 1991

"I smoked 50 joints in the '60s and snorted two lines of coke once in Detroit." - People Weekly , Feb. 28, 1977


He claims that 30 days before his draft board physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days, he ingested nothing but Vienna sausages and Pepsi; and a week before his physical, he stopped using bathrooms altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with his own excrement, stained by his urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says. "... but if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd killed all the hippies in the foxholes...I would have killed everybody." - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990


..."unethical," says Mr. Caires, who was angered after he took Nugent out on a hunt in April. "He shoots at anything," Mr. Cairnes claims. "You should kill what you can use. He just likes to kill a lot of animals." (Cairnes is a hunting guide who takes people out to stab wild pigs in Hawaii) - The Wall Street Journal, July 25, 1995, 'Why Sit on the Beach When You Could Stab a Wild Pig?

"... First thing I slayed...I was nine years old. It was a squirrel, these ladies were feeding it, you know, and I said, 'excuse me, bam.' No it wasn't a pet squirrel. I had it stuffed and petted it for years after that." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 26, 1991

Whacking is a term Nugent uses to describe what he does to his prey with bow and arrow. Whack 'em and stack 'em,' he says. - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990

Participants pay the Renegade Ranch (a fenced in, 300-acre canned hunting recreation area) for the animals they kill - anywhere from $500 for a wild boar to $5,500 for a six-point elk. Nugent tacks on a $250 fee for serving as celebrity guide. - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990

"I don't hunt for sport, I don't hunt for recreation, I don't hunt for meat, I hunt to hunt ..." - Detroit Free Press , p. 12D, April 17, 1989

Ted Nugent's Down to Earth, promises raw, unedited footage of America's no. 1 rock 'n' roll bowhunter as he whacks 'em and stacks 'em. Nor was it hyperbole. In the first 10 minutes, viewers got bird's-eye of broadheads fatally piercing such fearsome creatures as an armadillo, a squirrel perched in a tree, some pigs and a goat. 'I love that part,' said the glinty-eyed Nugent after running death scenes in sequence. 'Let's see it again.' And the appalling whack 'em and stack 'em compendium ran all over in slow-motion replay. - The Washington Post , Recreation Section, September 23, 1990

Nobody hunts just to put meat on the table because it's too expensive, time consuming and extremely inconsistent. - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine, Volume 1/ Number 3, March/April 1990, p.7

"On my first bowhunt on the property a few years back, I was on my own for twenty-two days and killed an amazing thirty-three head of big game. I'm surprised I even came home. I was in heaven." - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine, Volume 1/ Number 3, March/April 1990, p.15

"... My deer were put here on the earth. God even said, 'Hey Ted, whack 'em.' He said this, right in the bible, Genesis, 'Dear Ted, whack me a buck ...'" - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., Sept. 24, 1991

"I contribute to the dead of winter and the moans of silence, blood trails are music to my ears ... I'm a gut pile addict ... The pig didn't know I was there ... it's my kick ... I love shafting animals ... it's rock 'n' roll power." - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine, Volume 1/Number 4, May 1990, p.12


"The first thing I do is be sure to cut the entire head off the animal I wish to bleach and/or paint Most butchers saw the skull plate off at the base of the antlers, thus eliminating the major skull section that we desire. Since I butcher most of my own deer and big game, I take special pride in the personal handling of all the precious by-products of my kills. I cut the head off at the base of the skull and begin the meticulous task of skinning and fleshing the entire skull down to the minimal meat and bare bone. I will actually scrape the remaining flesh from the skull bone with the edge of my knife blade, but stop short of taking any actual skull material. ... Hunt on. Kill on. Eat on. Paint on. Live on."

Yeah, there is no chance of him in any way being facetious or taken out of context in any of those quotes. Oh, wait! Being facetious and/or taken out of context describes all those quotes.

Care to provide some accurate and substantive critique of what the Motor City Madman laid out in Fossten's post, or do you only have petty attempts at ad hominem smears of Nugent to offer?
Just because a man has done and said some questionable and perhaps outrageous things does not dimminish the quality of his current comments towards the candidates.
Just because a man has done and said some questionable and perhaps outrageous things does not dimminish the quality of his current comments towards the candidates.

Especially when all of those quotes(the ones that were dated) were from at least a decade ago.

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you're not allowed in Ted's world"

"Anybody that doesn't think it is better to blow someones brains out than to be raped, deserves to be raped! If you don't think your life is worth it then please go out there, don't wear any underpants and get RAPED!! Cuz you deserve it ..." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 23, 1991

I doubt the person who mined this quote even understood what Ted was talking about here. Ted was saying that women should be allowed to conceal carry guns for protection. Hardly an "anti-woman" quote. :rolleyes: Also, I wonder why they included the Hillary quote under the "Women" heading? ;)

By the way, my brother in law regularly hunts deer with a bow. Got a problem with that?

Phil, posting all those quotes only makes me like Ted even more. Thanks for posting them! Political incorrectness is a virtue, not a vice.
Terrible Ted

Ted rocks! I don't hunt anything much I can get at the grocery store, but as long as you eat what you kill, go for it! I love slaughtering helpless veggies!
We wouldn't have terrorists sneaking into the country if Ted was in charge. He'd authorize us to do what we have to to keep American citizens safe. Let the rest of the world's governments take care of their own- Americans for Americans first, then help the rest.
Personally, I'd just as soon be executing terrorist a-holes alongside baby rapers. Hey, maybe we oughta give each of them a dull spoon and two at a time they could try to de-ball each other- maybe we'd let the winner finish a life sentence insted of a .50 cal round to the back of the brainpan.
Hey I'd prefer Ted over any of the choices for president we have now and would vote for him in a New York minute.
Hey I'd prefer Ted over any of the choices for president we have now and would vote for him in a New York minute.
Hey, welcome to the forum Ron, good to see you.

Everybody, be nice to my friend Ron, he's over here from the concealed carry forum, so he's armed. :D
now we have two gun nuts! :D

Welcome, Ron.

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