barry2952 said:
So, if I understand you correctly you believe that once something is written, it automatically becomes gospel? Don't you ascribe to the fact that the history is written by those in power?
Yes, and that's why I realize that history surrounding the McCarthy hearings has been horribly one sided. Unfortuantely, it's been one side AGAINST McCarthy. If the revision of history had been favorable, would we be having this discussion right now?
Did you read Michael Crighton's book about global warming? The facts he presented were so convincing that he created many converts. The fact is, what he wrote wasn't based on all the data. It was just snapshots of data that made his point.
I haven't read this book, but it has nothing to do with what we are discussing. Or my main criticism of DeVille's logic.
I was born in '52. All I remember anyone saying about McCarthy is that he unnecessarily ruined some innocent people's lives just by issinuation of guilt. I was not touched personally by those hearings.
First of all, you do not have first hand knowledge of the events either.
Second, can you can name one innocent person who was ruined by the insinuation of guilt.
As far as I know, the only person who has ruined because of it was Elia Kazzan, and that's because he provided the names of communists, and he was forever condemned and villified by Hollywood. There was even controversy when he was awarded an achievement award recently, 50 years later. McCarthy didn't ruin him, Hollywood did.
I don't believe that those hearings could take place today. I don't think those tactics would be tolerated today.
Are you taking issue with the tactics or the purpose.
And everyone talks about the tactics, but no one can ever say provide contextual examples of what he did wrong. We've just all been taught that "McCarthy was bad." I was taught this. Everyone is taught this. But we never actually learn the whole truth.