Thank You President Obama

Really? So, the Democrats (and even then ACORN Activist, Barack Hussein Obama) had nothing to do with forcing banks to make a percentage of their loans to people who could clearly not afford said houses?

And, pray tell, who is at fault for this? Couldn't be the Unions, with their overpaid, benefit laden members who can't make a decent product, could it? Who are the unions blowing? Yup. That's right. The Democrats.

Let's blame the business owners who were practically terrorized into having to pay more for labor because of these unions. Those evil business owners who like to make money, so they pass the cost increases to the end consumer, which a lot of the times is the same Union shop employee.

Think about it, man! Business owners are in it to make a fair profit. But when Unions, regulations, and yes, even Taxes start cutting into the business owner's fair profits, guess what? The business owner passes these costs onto the consumer. This is simple stuff you learn in Economics 0.

This, my friend, is stuff that someone in your position of never having owned a business (no, the Lemonade stand you had as a kid don't count), will never understand. People like you (don't even go there, you know what i mean) will always love them Government Entitlements because this is all you will likely know. Until you sign the front of a paycheck that's coming out of YOUR bank account, you'll never understand why National Health Care is a bad idea, why the aforementioned batteries made in the US cost more than the same batteries made in China. You will never understand why taxing the Rich (the people who create jobs), into oblivion is a bad idea.

If you ever start your own business, I guarantee you will change your tune about most of the stuff you believe in now.

In a way you're right, and yet wrong. I'd love to get into it, but I'm hanging upside down and typing is a bish.

I don't even want to get into what you are doing "hanging upside down", you will more than likely say "helps with back pain"

I think American products can be made better, there is no reason why my LS should have had 3 coils replaced with less than 50,xxx miles, but the Mazda millenia I put 140,xxx miles on never gave me a problem. America has made quality products, My grandfather has a 1972 Buick Skylark GS that has never gave him a problem. I understand cost pertaining to business, my dad and step-mom own 9 rental houses in detroit, a janitorial service, and they still work full time jobs. They were not bothered by the poor economy of the US, thats fwhy I say its the individuals fault. I was approved for 435,000 when I bought my home, my house only cost 125,000. Just because banks offer it to you, that doesn't mean take it. I am sure you get offers in the mail all the time, do you accept them?

So I may not have to worry about my paychecks being taken away, or never having health insurance, but everyone can take the steps I took to put themselves in a situation similar to mine.
I don't even want to get into what you are doing "hanging upside down", you will more than likely say "helps with back pain"

I was born in Transylvania.

I think American products can be made better, there is no reason why my LS should have had 3 coils replaced with less than 50,xxx miles, but the Mazda millenia I put 140,xxx miles on never gave me a problem. America has made quality products, My grandfather has a 1972 Buick Skylark GS that has never gave him a problem. I understand cost pertaining to business, my dad and step-mom own 9 rental houses in detroit, a janitorial service, and they still work full time jobs. They were not bothered by the poor economy of the US, thats fwhy I say its the individuals fault. I was approved for 435,000 when I bought my home, my house only cost 125,000. Just because banks offer it to you, that doesn't mean take it. I am sure you get offers in the mail all the time, do you accept them?

Actually... I don't get such offers in the mail. I've opted out from such offers with the Credit Bureaus a long time ago.

So I may not have to worry about my paychecks being taken away, or never having health insurance, but everyone can take the steps I took to put themselves in a situation similar to mine.

How? By signing up to be all they can be?


By supporting entitlement programs that give everyone "free" healthcare and welfare?
I was born in Transylvania.

Actually... I don't get such offers in the mail. I've opted out from such offers with the Credit Bureaus a long time ago.

How? By signing up to be all they can be?


By supporting entitlement programs that give everyone "free" healthcare and welfare?

They can join the Army if they want, if you know anybody give them my number. But they can make smart financial decisions, stop spending all of your pay check on bullcrap, stop financing everything, save up for a year and pay cash. I financed my first car, a 1999 Mazda Millenia with 62000 miles paid $27000 for it. if i would have saved for a year, I could have bought it cash for $8000. the only thing you should finance is a house. This goes back to greed, majority of us, "have to have it now", and thats how banks make their money, the charge us for paying them. I hate free healthcare, and welfare, I have always hated it, and always will. I hate my sister because she lays in her bed and have all these muddafu3kin kids, and my tax dollars pay her rent, light, gas, and healthcare. I am sorry for getting personal, but I hate her. Americans can do better for themselves, its not the goverment's job.

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