This is the first census I will be filling out for myself and my household. Comparing to other census' doesn't make me feel any better about the current one. Shows me that we haven't bettered it at all. This tangent about the oil fields isn't helping me either.
I feel that It's all political BS. I mean way beyond that fact that it's used to count people for the electoral system or how many seats each state gets in the House. It just seems like no matter what the outcome of the census that we're strewed either way. California has a problem and this census isn't going to make it any better. They'll find we have more illegals then ever and just keep letting the problem get bigger. I'm not just talking south of the boarder, it's also from overseas the problems we're having here. I'm tired of people thinking that when someone says illegal immigrant that they assume mexicans. In fact, I'd rather California not have as many votes in the House. Most politicians here are morons, and that's being nice. For the record, I hate nancy pelosi and can't wait to see her gone.
Paranoia it may be, I still do not like it. I love the area I'm in, but I don't like the state as a whole. We need change, just not the backward kind of change that going on in washington right now.
Well, MB, gotta go with your opinion of old Nancy... but it will be hard to get rid of her, they adore her in her district.
So, here is what the constitution says about this...
[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they (congress) shall by Law direct.
And here are the directions the first congress sent to the census marshals in 1790 (the first census, and perhaps close to what the founding fathers had in mind)...
Cause the number of the inhabitants within their respective districts to be taken; omitting in such enumeration Indians not taxed, and distinguishing free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, from all others; distinguishing also the sexes and colours of free persons, and the free males of sixteen years and upwards from those under that age.
So, fill out what you want - but be warned, you might get more attention by not filling it out, or not filling it out completely, than by completely filling it out. Incomplete forms will be followed up by a census taker, in person.
Various levels of government do depend on the census as far as getting Federal funds. Things like roads, schools, hospitals which are funded by the Feds use the census as one way to direct them on how to allocate funds. And you really don't want to lose representatives in congress. Once again, that helps direct federal funds to your state, along with the house passing bills that would benefit your state in other ways.
The home ownership is a barometer on the health of the economy - more home owners, healthier economy.
Sex question - because they look at this according to things like equal employment opportunities in an area.
Age - so they can forecast what is in store for SS and medicare.
Race - to make sure that some races aren't being discriminated against in receiving federal funds. (They review districts and if they find out that many districts which are heavily black are receiving far less federal funds than neighboring white districts, they look at why those districts are being left out).
That is pretty much what they are looking at. I realize I might sound like a 'shill' for the administration, but these aren't extraordinary questions by any means...
In 1950 this is what they wanted to know...
* address
* whether house is on a farm
* name
* relationship to head of household
* race
* sex
* age
* marital status
* birthplace
* if foreign born, whether naturalized
* employment status
* hours worked in week
* occupation, industry and class of worker