Weird, I don't understand why you'd be looking in that area to begin with....
Because penis is all that JWERNER2 thinks about all day long...hahaha...nice one man
Weird, I don't understand why you'd be looking in that area to begin with....
hahahaha....I see why you and JWERNER2 are broke because you both have jobs that involve sitting at a desk all day taking turns sucking each other off....hahaha...With all this hate, I am going to sleep so good tonight...Thanks haters....hahahaha
Apparently he can read as well as your grammar... No periods, no caps, no comma, run on sentence etc, etc
Is this where a bitch slap would be in place?
Apparently he can read as well as your grammar... No periods, no caps, no comma, run on sentence etc, etc
Is this where a bitch slap would be in place?
Nope your slap has been caught and returned to you....I didn't know that this was being for real....Is that all the hate you can bring? WEAKSAUCE.....hahaha...come on think of something better or don't post at all, by the way I like the color burple
Sorry, man. I'm not gay.
How many successful people don't have a desk at which they sit? Oh wait, CEO's don't sit at a desk, Presidents don't sit at desks, managers don't sit at desks... need I go on?
You think I'm hating? I'm surprised your head doesn't explode, considering it's size. You must have a HUGE helmet for when you ride your motorcycle.
Don't get all bent out of shape. Bitch.
What'd the 5 fingers say to the face?
:Beer awesome. How did you get that pic of me?
Everyone's fair game...
Damn, i leave to go pick up my son and come back and there's another three pages of this foolishness. Lets get past this 7" screen nonsense for a minute and get back to his woodgrain interior. Thats where he's got you all beat, thats the way to tell you he's loaded with money and waaaaaay more successful than you are.
Did you guys know that woodgrain around the console speakers makes his tunes sound way better than yours?
Did you know that the woodgrain around his shifter makes his car way faster than yours? I bet he's even got one of them fancy woodgrain toilet seats at home.
Did you know that the nut sacks in his gay porn look way bigger on his 7" screen than yours?
Did you know that with his remote control he doesnt even have to reach up and touch his stereo? Reaching is for us broke folks.
Did you know that he's got way more storage space than your LS? He needs that space cause his wallet is SOOO fat.
I say we all just give it up because Slick's got us ALL beat. There is no way any of us could top him. Damnit!!
id you know that with his remote control he doesnt even have to reach up and touch his stereo?
You should probably only make it 7" though. That way he'll at least have one thing in the dash that's 7"
BRAVO only took you ALL day to think of that...Just found another hater...Please hate some more because it is very entertaining....hahaha...come on what else????