The BBC Believes In 9/11 Conspiracy Theories


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Mar 8, 2004
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Southern New Jersey.
Lee Rogers
July 8, 2008

The bottom line is that there were news reports stating that WTC-7 had collapsed before the event took place meaning that the most likely explanation is that the building was brought down in a controlled demolition.


Heres the video. The reporter is telling you it has collapsed and it is still standing in full view behind her!

Another great video on this strange collapse.

The BBC which just recently aired a hit piece on people asking questions about the events of 9/11, also posted an editorial by Mike Rudin on their web site attempting again to rationalize how they managed to report that WTC-7 had collapsed before the building actually fell. WTC-7 is the third building that collapsed on September 11th, 2001 at approximately 5:20 PM EST despite the fact that no plane crashed into the building. Amazingly, BBC reporter Jane Standley reported on the building’s collapse even though WTC-7 clearly stood in the New York City skyline while she gave her report. The editorial claims that the BBC received incorrect information from Reuters which lead them to report this news in advance of the collapse. Rudin doesn’t even question how this supposedly erroneous news report from Reuters managed to accurately predict a future event. As a professional journalist, Rudin should know full well that this warrants further investigation. A statement Rudin quotes from Reuters has them citing a local news story as the original source of information but he doesn’t even bother to follow up and find the original source. According to Rudin, it is enough just to say that Reuters incorrectly reported the story even though this fails to answer a ton of questions. The bottom line is that there were news reports stating that WTC-7 had collapsed before the event took place meaning that the most likely explanation is that the building was brought down in a controlled demolition. It is impossible to predict that a building is going to collapse before it does unless it is brought down intentionally. Not only that, but the building came down in 6.5 seconds at close to the speed of gravity, had light fire damage prior to its collapse and there is no historical precedent for a building to collapse in its own footprint due to fire damage. Considering that it is impossible to load up a 47-story building with explosives in 7 to 8 hours for the purposes of demolition, explosives had to have been planted in advance indicating certain people had foreknowledge of what was going to happen on that day. Of course, the conspiracy theorists at the BBC are going to do everything in their power to make sure that all information they report fits in line with their 9/11 conspiracy theory that they blindly support.

What’s really interesting about this whole situation is that right when this news came out, the BBC claimed that they lost the video footage of Jane Standley’s report.

Here’s what Richard Porter from the BBC said about the missing tapes back in 2007.

I should also mention the missing tapes. As you’ll see from the details above, the absence of the BBC World tapes hasn’t made much difference to our ability to look back at what happened. We have all the tapes of other BBC channels (and I now know that quite a few of you have your own copies of BBC World, which is an interesting discovery… ).

Some of you find it hard to believe we didn’t keep the BBC World tapes… but we had several streams of news output running simultaneously on the day, both on radio and television as well as online and we have kept all the tapes from BBC News 24 and Radio Five Live, as well as all the BBC One bulletins. Obviously I wish we’d kept hold of the World tapes alongside all the others, but we didn’t… and I don’t know whether they were destroyed or mislaid. But as a result of this week’s events, I have asked our archivists to get hold of copies of our original material from the organisations which do have them.

And just to be clear, the BBC policy is to keep every minute of news channel output for 90 days (in line with the Broadcasting Act in the UK). After that we are obliged to keep a representative sample - and we interpret that to mean roughly one third of all our output. We also keep a large amount of individual items (such as packaged reports or “rushes” - ie original unedited material), which we use for operational reasons - such as when we come to broadcast fresh stories on the subject. We do not lack a historical record of the event.
Amazingly a year later they have managed to find the tapes.

The following is taken from Rudin’s editorial talking about how they finally found them.

The mystery of the missing tapes didn’t last that long. One very experienced film librarian kindly agreed to have another look for us one night. There are more than a quarter of a million tapes just in the Fast Store basement at Television Centre. The next morning I got a call to say the tapes had been found. They’d just been put back on the wrong shelf - 2002 rather than 2001. Not so sinister after all.

These people are a bunch of liars. How could Porter say that they didn’t have copies of the original material and a year later, Rudin makes an entirely different excuse saying that the tapes had been misplaced and put on the wrong shelf? Not only that but how does video footage of one of the most important events of the 21st century get misplaced on a shelf designated for 2002 rather than 2001?

The BBC has pretty much admitted that they were being dishonest about the whereabouts of these video tapes, so how can they be trusted to give an unbiased view on the events of 9/11? If they are not being dishonest, than they must be incompetent, take your pick.

Here’s what Rudin said about Reuters being the source of the information they used in Standley’s news report.

It turns out that the respected news agency Reuters picked up an incorrect report and passed it on. They have issued this statement:

“On 11 September 2001 Reuters incorrectly reported that one of the buildings at the New York World Trade Center, 7WTC, had collapsed before it actually did. The report was picked up from a local news story and was withdrawn as soon as it emerged that the building had not fallen.”

Rudin doesn’t even think that it is worth following up on this to find the real source. What sort of journalist would stop there and not dig deeper? The most ridiculous thing about this is that Rudin proves what many have accused the BBC of doing which was reading off of a pre-packaged media script. He admits that the BBC retrieved this information from Reuters which gives validity to what many were saying about this news being planted in advance of the event.

This is just one aspect of the BBC engaging in an incredible amount of deception. As hard as this might be to believe, this is nothing compared to the insane amount of lies and deceit that is packaged in their new documentary “The Third Tower” that attempts to prove the insane conspiracy theory that WTC-7 was brought down due to fire damage. It is so incredibly biased and misleading that several articles if not a small book would be necessary to fully analyze the pathetic debunking attempts. Look for my complete analysis of the documentary shortly.​
Correlation does not equal causation. Reuters or BBC reporting something by mistake is not unheard of, and certainly does not equate to a conspiracy. Remember the mine collapse where the news incorrectly reported that they had been rescued? Does that mean it was a conspiracy? Furthermore, if you accept that Building 7 was a conspiracy, the rest of 9/11 must be a conspiracy also. That's just not plausible.

Also, linkage
The bottom line is that there were news reports stating that WTC-7 had collapsed before the event took place meaning that the most likely explanation is that the building was brought down in a controlled demolition.

There's a non sequitur...

Some news reports were premature and wrongly stated that the WTC had collapsed when it hadn't yet. Obviously that means that it was planned and a "controlled demolition".

There is no way it could have been a mistake on the news source's part. Maybe speculation, or an assumption on their part, considering the national and international panic at that moment. No, not a chance...

It also must have been a conspiracy that all the national news stations wrongly called Florida for Gore, and later had to retract that...
Explain how it fell too bud.
In a CONTROLLED manner when it wasnt even hit, just a few small fires.
DO your research on this building you will find it mind bending.
Explain how it fell too bud.
In a CONTROLLED manner when it wasnt even hit, just a few small fires.
DO your research on this building you will find it mind bending.
Did you click my link?

Also, please account for the "mind bending" number of people that would have to keep their silence in a conspiracy that large. You'd have to account for anyone responsible for all buildings, plus all flights including Flight 93 (care to explain that one?). That means the demo experts, anyone who planned or executed the attack, and any potential witnesses. Or did Cheney and Bush run around in the dark of night by themselves setting up C-4?
So the media are in on the conspiracy too.

How idiotic.
"Dewey beats Truman" must be true cause it was printed.

I think it was A+E that did a special on how and why the towers fell the way that they did, basicaly it was a dominoe effect of the floors collapsing onto each other like a cardboard box being crushed
Explain how it fell too bud.
In a CONTROLLED manner when it wasnt even hit, just a few small fires.
DO your research on this building you will find it mind bending.

Geno, since you seem to wanna overlook it, I will post the relevant portions of Fossten's link:

FACT: Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA's preliminary report, which said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated. "The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7," NIST's Sunder tells PM. "On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom — approximately 10 stories — about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out." NIST also discovered previously undocumented damage to WTC 7's upper stories and its southwest corner.

NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact proportion requires more research. But NIST's analysis suggests the fall of WTC 7 was an example of "progressive collapse," a process in which the failure of parts of a structure ultimately creates strains that cause the entire building to come down. Videos of the fall of WTC 7 show cracks, or "kinks," in the building's facade just before the two penthouses disappeared into the structure, one after the other. The entire building fell in on itself, with the slumping east side of the structure pulling down the west side in a diagonal collapse.

According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down."

There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."

WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors — along with the building's unusual construction — were enough to set off the chain-reaction collapse.

Contrary to what you claim, the building was hit (by enough debris to "scoop out" a significant portion of the building) and had rather intense and significant fires (not "a few small fires") that were left to burn for hours; weakening the metal in the building's structure.

I've watched the videos of the collapsing north tower. At least 50 stories careened over the top of Bldg 6 and smashed into the bottom of 7.

If you watch the video of the building collapse, the south truss collapsed first. That was easily viewable by seeing the penthouse drop first. At that point the building was standing on 2 trusses NOT designed to hold the building, but to bridge the power station located within/under the building.

The building was another tube/in/tube design. That is why it fell. 56 stories of weight on a weakened base will do it.
More on this here:

You may not like the guy but listen to his GUEST.

This is a good one too, despite the language barrier. Watch the entire video.

VERY good one with the BBC Reporter himself. In the last video watch what the Italian Demo Expert says and he doesnt even know what building or when it happened at the time he watches this vid. Also if you can find the documentary on this with the Italian Guy and much more I just can't remember the name of it.

For pete's sake have an open mind and look at all the details.
When Larry Silverstein said "pull it".

Conversation with Secretary at Controlled Demolitions.

Female receptionist: Good afternoon, Loizeaux Company.
Jeff: Um, sorry, do I -- is this Controlled Demolitions?
CDI: Yes it is.
Jeff: Ok, I was wondering if there was someone I could talk to briefly -- just ask a question I had?
CDI: Well what kind of question?
Jeff: Well I just wanted to know what a term meant in demolition terms.
CDI: Ok, what type of term?
Jeff: Well, if you were in the demolition business and you said the, the term "pull it," I was wondering what exactly that would mean?
CDI: "Pull it"?
Jeff: Yeah.
CDI: Hmm? Hold on a minute.
Jeff: Thank you.
CDI: Sir?
Jeff: Yes?
CDI: "Pull it" is when they actually pull it down.
Jeff: Oh, well thank you very much for your time.
CDI: Ok.
Jeff: Bye.
CDI: Bye.
More on this here:

You may not like the guy but listen to his GUEST.

This is a good one too, despite the language barrier. Watch the entire video.

VERY good one with the BBC Reporter himself. In the last video watch what the Italian Demo Expert says and he doesnt even know what building or when it happened at the time he watches this vid. Also if you can find the documentary on this with the Italian Guy and much more I just can't remember the name of it.

For pete's sake have an open mind and look at all the details.
Do you have an open mind?
We already have enough false conspiracy theories going on here without this 9/11 bullsh!t. I don't know who's worse, 9/11 "truthers" or you "Obama is a Muslim" fruitcakes. My God, this is so infuriating. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
We already have enough false conspiracy theories going on here without this 9/11 bullsh!t. I don't know who's worse, 9/11 "truthers" or you "Obama is a Muslim" fruitcakes. My God, this is so infuriating. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

The 9/11 Truthers are the worst of all the conspiratorial goofballs.
We already have enough false conspiracy theories going on here without this 9/11 bullsh!t. I don't know who's worse, 9/11 "truthers" or you "Obama is a Muslim" fruitcakes. My God, this is so infuriating. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I don't see any strong authorities (on the level of Popular Mechanics) debunking the Obama Muslim connection. All I see are assertions and name calling. There's plenty of ambiguity and unanswered questions about Obama's past, and there is evidence that he has some sort of muslim background. If you can find me a strong debunking source that you know I would respect, then you'd have my attention.
We already have enough false conspiracy theories going on here without this 9/11 bullsh!t. I don't know who's worse, 9/11 "truthers" or you "Obama is a Muslim" fruitcakes. My God, this is so infuriating. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

It's all one connected conspiracy...
Bush is allowing Bin Laden to put a sleeper agent (Obama) in the White House to increase profits for Haliburton, just like he allowed, and even coordinated the 9/11 attacks to increase his oil profits. I think the ultimate goal is to covertly fund the construction of a Death Star, or Genesis Device, or something...
"KAHN!", Lord Vader and the Legion of Doom may be involved... :lol:

Seriously, there is no potential "conspiracy theory" anywhere on this site near as absurd as what Mr. Frank Chu proposes on the video at this site. You should be able to watch the video here.
I think it is ridiculous that the truthers think that due to the melting point of the steel being higher than the burning temperature of the jet fuel, they think that it should have had no effect what so ever on the structural integrity. Sure, that's like saying to completely knock a tree down one would have to saw it completely in half, when we all know that taking a few swings at it will weaken the structure enough to bring it down.
The melting temperature of aluminium is about 580 C (around 1076 F). Try to melt aluminium foil in your own open air fire, using kerosene or petrol burning in open air. eg. roll up some aluminium foil and expose it to open flames from your gas stove, or fire from a pan full of burning kerosene (any hydrocarbon fuel), where the only source of oxygen is open air.

Does the aluminium foil melt and start dripping like a liquid?

If so, your air fire is hotter than the melting temperature of aluminium (around 580 C, or 1076 F). Go on, try it ! In fact, paper fire burns at Fahrenheit 451 F or about 233 C. Even under strong winds, with lots of extra oxygen supplied, air fires rarely get hotter than 600 C, and can barely melt aluminium or glass.

Now the melting temperature of steel (iron+carbon) is 1532 C, or 2790 F.

Iron can only be melted in a specially designed blast furnace (where lots of extra oxygen is pumped into the furnace), or by using an arc or induction furnace.

Knowing the above facts, please explain HOW the steel shown in the following videos can melt in open air fires. Please watch all movies carefully first before you comment:

Do you notice molten metal each time you start up your lawnmower petrol engine, or air-cooled motorcycle engine? Does your car's engine start dripping with molten metal, or does it fall apart, everytime you start it?

Well they should, if air fires can really damage steel! Because these things are always exposed to AIR-FUEL fires, or COMBUSTIONS... that's why they are called internal COMBUSTION ENGINES... they BURN air-fuel fires internally, and the iron/steel components are always exposed to fires!

But why do they not fall apart?

Please do not believe a word I say... go to your nearest foundry or University metallurgical or materials testing lab, and measure the temperatures of open air fires.

You can use petrol, kerosene, turpentine, oil, any kind of hydrogen fuel source, and burn it in open air (where the only source of oxygen is the open air we breathe).

Measure the flame temperature using a pyrometer, or thermal imaging camera, or carefully calibrated thermocouple... whatever accurate sensor you can get... measure the temperature of the flames, especially in the hottest oxygen-rich blue zones of the flames. Measure the temperature of open air fuel fire.

Then try to melt some aluminium and steel in such flames.

Go on, try it !

Do not trust me, trust what you see with your own eyes. Then ask yourself:

"Where did all that molten metal come from, in those movies above?

Why is it that out of over 100 reported fires that occurred in steel-framed highrise buildings... NONE OF THOSE STEEL FRAMED BUILDINGS COLLAPSED!

That's right. No steel-framed highrise building has ever collapsed completely due to fire, in the entire history of civil engineering construction.

The ONLY buildings that have been reported to have collapsed due to fire, were the 3 buildings that fell at free-fall speed, just like controlled demolitions, on 9/11 . Why is that?

Doesn't that sound peculiar and strange to you?:eek:
Forgot this:

This building in Madrid, Spain burned all night long. . . .


Same building next day!


The Madrid, Spain building fire shows steel buildings will stand even after massive fires. Not on 9/11, 3 buildings collapsed at near free-fall speed on that day.

Before 9-11, no modern steel framed building had ever collapsed due to fire.

It's simple, flames in a building fire do not melt steel!
Try to find video any another steel framed building collapsing due to fire.
You cannot, because it never happened before or since 9/11.

That's a fact. Prove otherwise.

Can you say false analogy? Lets look at this absurd argument...

The Madrid, Spain building fire shows steel buildings will stand even after massive fires.

Wrong. the Madrid fire only shows that the building pictured wouldn't fall due to the type of fire it sustained.

This argument is a fallacious argument (specifically, a false analogy). A few things need to be proven to be the same in both cases for them to be even close enough to try and draw an analogy. Specifically:

  • Both buildings were constructed similarly. Similar materials, similar architecture, similar foundations, similar weight distribution, similar number of floors, similar protections against fire, etc. (this is almost assuredly not the same case in the two examples)

  • The fires in both instances were similar. Similar causes and temperatures, etc. If the fire in Madrid didn't burn as hot as the fires in the WTC, it had less weakening of the material used; steel, concrete, etc. (again, something that is most likely not at all similar between the Madrid building and the WTC)

Even if those can be proven to be similar, the argument is still a fallacious false analogy because the Madrid building wasn't hit by a large plane. The impact of the plane (and concussive forces involved in that impact) have been shown to knock the fire retardant off the load bearing structures in the building, allowing the fire (magnified by jet fuel) to weaken the structure.

This combined with the structural damage already caused by the initial impact of the plane sealed the fate of the buildings.

Building number 7 had a similar instance when the collapse of the two towers took out nearly 25% of the building's load bearing structures.

Before 9-11, no modern steel framed building had ever collapsed due to fire.

I doubt you can prove that. either way, it doesn't matter, as what at the WTC wasn't solely due to fire; it was also due to extremely structurally damaging impacts. Your analogy ignores that fact, and is thus fallacious and invalid.

It's simple, flames in a building fire do not melt steel!

That is a mischaracterization of the reasons giving for the building collapse that you are making. No one ever claimed that the buildings collapsed due to fire melting steel. All that is being said is that fire can weaken steel. You know that to be true if you have ever done any type of work where you heat steel up to change it's shape.

That's a fact. Prove otherwise.

Sorry, you don't get to shift the burden of proof. That is logically on you to prove your absurd assertion.
The melting temperature of aluminum is about 580 C (around 1076 F).

Now the melting temperature of steel (iron+carbon) is 1532 C, or 2790 F.

Iron can only be melted in a specially designed blast furnace (where lots of extra oxygen is pumped into the furnace), or by using an arc or induction furnace.

The ONLY buildings that have been reported to have collapsed due to fire, were the 3 buildings that fell at free-fall speed, just like controlled demolitions, on 9/11 . Why is that?

Doesn't that sound peculiar and strange to you?:eek:

Again, you are mischaracterizing the reasons given for the collapse. The only people making any claims about steel (or any other metal) melting due to fire in the WTC is the people on your side of the issue on this; the 9/11 Truthers, etc.

The reason given for the WTC collapse (in addition to the severe damage caused by the impacts involved) is that the fire weakened the steel; not that it melted the steel (or other metal). If you are going to disprove an argument, then do so. Don't misrepresent to set up a straw man argument.

Your argument also consistently ignores the fact of the severe structural damage caused by the impact of the planes (or the tower collapse in the case of WTC-7).

I'll make it simple for you; to prove your case, you need to show that the fire didn't weaken the metal in the load bearing structures involved, that the impacts involved didn't compromise the structural integrity of the buildings, and that those two factors couldn't combine to cause the WTC buildings to collapse.

FYI: If you intentionally misrepresent an argument then disprove that argument, you are not proving anything to anyone here, and are only demonstrating a lack of intellectual integrity. :)
Again, you are mischaracterizing the reasons given for the collapse. The only people making any claims about steel (or any other metal) melting due to fire in the WTC is the people on your side of the issue on this; the 9/11 Truthers, etc.

The reason given for the WTC collapse (in addition to the severe damage caused by the impacts involved) is that the fire weakened the steel; not that it melted the steel (or other metal). If you are going to disprove an argument, then do so. Don't misrepresent to set up a straw man argument.

Your argument also consistently ignores the fact of the severe structural damage caused by the impact of the planes (or the tower collapse in the case of WTC-7).

I'll make it simple for you; to prove your case, you need to show that the fire didn't weaken the metal in the load bearing structures involved, that the impacts involved didn't compromise the structural integrity of the buildings, and that those two factors couldn't combine to cause the WTC buildings to collapse.

FYI: If you intentionally misrepresent an argument then disprove that argument, you are not proving anything to anyone here, and are only demonstrating a lack of intellectual integrity. :)
Scholarly work, Shag.

Using the absurd to illustrate the absurdity of the straw man argument:

Position: In addition to other factors, the steel was weakened by fire caused by the crash.

Straw man argument: Steel cannot be melted by woodpeckers pecking on it. Therefore, 9/11 was an inside job.
Explain the pentagon then...why were there no traces of an airplane and if you look at angle the plane took to hit building it was virtually impossible! Why were all video tapes from the surrounding areas confiscated by the feds? Why were there reports of a missile fired from an aircraft or helicopter? Flight 93 why were there no traces of bodies or of the plane? Did anyone know the day of 911 they were running mock drills of flying planes into buildings and thats why everyone was so confused as to if what was taking place real or a drill. why is flight 93 still in operation today? Why were half of the terrorists listed on the reports that flew the planes are still alive? Sorry people but despite what you believe or are forcefed this whole thing was a conspiracy by our own caring government. Weeks prior to 911 why were their black suits in both towers with sections roped off and unaccessable to the public? Why were workers and witnesses threatened over witnessing this and the other events? Is explosives a far fetched idea?? NO!!!!!!!! go to you tube and watch the zeitgeist movie. i remember watching tv on this ugly day and remember all of the reports and truths later covered up after all was said and done. Another fact to consider is that the twin towers were built and designed for such an attack as what happened on this day and you're going to tell me it failed? Especially when the planes hit higher up in the structure,common sense would tell you they would have to hit lower to compromise the main structure for it to collapse. The media and propaganda crap they feed us is just like terrorism to make us believe what they want us to so we can live in fear. This has been going on since the first world war right on thru today with desert storm and now iraq! Why do we support or give money to nations who hate us and contribute to terrorism and openly admit it? That kind of :q:q:q:q burns me up!!!! We are eventually going to turn into a russia if this crap continues....recession is just around the corner...We need to wake up before its too late if it isn't already. btw building 7 was a bank with trillions of dollars in it and it still remains missing with no records...and did you know the people who were in charge of the bank,its money,documents and functions were all related to our president. that explains all the funding needed to set this up and blame it on terrorism. Hmmm can't wait for the next batch of lies and propaganda in anymore coming events!
bank with trillions of dollars in it and it still remains missing with no records...and did you know the people who were in charge of the bank,its money,documents and functions were all related to our president. that explains all the funding needed to set this up and blame it on terrorism.


It cost trillions to hire a couple of guys in black suits and send them in these 3 buildings to set explosives.

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