The Case for a Federalism Amendment

So, shag, dear, once again - you are talking in circles - your favorite mode of communication. The states are doomed to remain powerless unless a convention is called, the boys and girls in Washington aren't about to push through an amendment that will strip them of power. So, you have powerless states and a stronger and stronger central government unless the states stop it, and the only way that will happen is with a convention - right?
Fox, rein in your slave.

Slave - obey...
So, shag, dear, once again - you are talking in circles - your favorite mode of communication.

You are projecting again...

The states are doomed to remain powerless unless a convention is called, the boys and girls in Washington aren't about to push through an amendment that will strip them of power. So, you have powerless states and a stronger and stronger central government unless the states stop it, and the only way that will happen is with a convention - right?

Your 1st premise and your conclusion are both wrong. I see no reason to spell things out for you since you will then use any better understanding of what I am saying (facilitated by me) to make a more coherent distortion of what I am saying.
You are projecting again...

Your 1st premise and your conclusion are both wrong. I see no reason to spell things out for you since you will then use any better understanding of what I am saying (facilitated by me) to make a more coherent distortion of what I am saying.

Well, I guess shag you are trying to replace Foss' quote in my sig - it almost worked - you want to keep any 'better understanding' of what you are saying a secret, so we won't be able to intelligibly discuss it...

got it...

My premise-that the states are doomed to remaining powerless-is wrong? Really - how do you see any majority of Federal level politicians strengthening state rights? And my conclusion, that the states will remain powerless while the Feds continue to gobble up whatever power they can is incorrect?

OK - glad to see that you live in a world that is also inhabited by the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus...

Oh, as you can see, I have distracted my slave for the time being... ;)
My premise-that the states are doomed to remaining powerless-is wrong?
Not powerless, but they are weak.
Unfortunately, the most effective way to reclaim the state rights is through the courts. A task made more difficult with every radical judicial appointment made by the administration that you campaigned for.

Montana is attempting to attack the commerce clause, however, according to what I've heard, they didn't write the laws tight enough to withstand judicial scrutiny.

It all comes down to awareness- and that's one of the strengths of the "tea parties" and rallies. Increased awareness, education, and understanding.

Unlike the left, they aren't trying to get D.C. to do anything. That's always the problem for liberty minded protesters. How do you actively protest and petition for the government to leave you the hell alone?

How do you motivate people to spend all of their time and money in an effort to get the government to leave them be? Liberal groups always want something- they want money, funding, special privileges, ect. It's like a crying baby.

Eventually, pressure can be levied at the state and local level asserting their state rights. Legislative and legally.

Really - how do you see any majority of Federal level politicians strengthening state rights? And my conclusion, that the states will remain powerless while the Feds continue to gobble up whatever power they can is incorrect?
The federal government will continue to gobble up rights.
The states will eventually have to assert themselves.
Letting those idiots that are permitting mess with the constitution is absolutely not the answer.

It's not the only way. The argument's only value is that it SEEMS like an efficient and timely way to protect the constitution. However, I don't think it would work according to plan.

This current administration, and those in government looking to expand their power, have been waiting for 40 years for that opportunity... and they'll do it under whatever guise you provide them.
you want to keep any 'better understanding' of what you are saying a secret, so we won't be able to intelligibly discuss it...
There is a difference between "we" and "you". I see no reason to facilitate your distortions.

My premise-that the states are doomed to remaining powerless-is wrong? Really - how do you see any majority of Federal level politicians strengthening state rights? And my conclusion, that the states will remain powerless while the Feds continue to gobble up whatever power they can is incorrect?

OK - glad to see that you live in a world that is also inhabited by the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus...

Speaking of distortions...

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