the first problem i am having with my town


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Jax, FL
Well i am having this nosie coming from my right tire(i think).jthis happens when i turn the steering wheel. i have a vid so you can hear the nosie. what is this, and how can i get rid of this nosie. thanks in advance.
the video was taken at night so you can't see any thing. but the wheel is turning.i think it is the ball joint, i went to the mech. and he told me that it was ok. any ideas
Ok I just talked to lincoln's dealership and they said if i may have to replace my ball joint, it will be 270$ but he said if you have to buy in a assambly, it would be 720$ so please help out here guys.:feedback
never mind, I just sparyed it with a WD-40 to the joints and it was gone.
mark0101 said:
never mind, I just sparyed it with a WD-40 to the joints and it was gone.

Which one of those 3 newer Lincolns is making a popping noise? They all seem too new to need balljoints.
But if it is a balljoint popping, WD-40 won't fix it. The ball is loose in the socket and will eventually separate from the socket. I'd have it looked at more closely if you don't know how to check a balljoint.

$270.00 & $720.00?? OUCH!! 2 hours labor & an over-priced $110.00 dealer parts dept. balljoint I'm guessing.

When I bought my Lincoln they tried to introduce me to the service dept. and I said, no need, I service my own vehicles. But just for kicks, we said hi anyway. That's when I noticed the sign at the door in big red letters that said...LABOR=$79.00 per hour.....I just laughed and walked away....after a cordial hello of course.:W

Balljoint from Autozone I'm guessing....$30.00 & free labor = $30.00 + $1.00 for hand cleaner.....that's a steal.:give

Not Your Father's Lincoln said:
Which one of those 3 newer Lincolns is making a popping noise? They all seem too new to need balljoints.
But if it is a balljoint popping, WD-40 won't fix it. The ball is loose in the socket and will eventually separate from the socket. I'd have it looked at more closely if you don't know how to check a balljoint.

$270.00 & $720.00?? OUCH!! 2 hours labor & an over-priced $110.00 dealer parts dept. balljoint I'm guessing.

When I bought my Lincoln they tried to introduce me to the service dept. and I said, no need, I service my own vehicles. But just for kicks, we said hi anyway. That's when I noticed the sign at the door in big red letters that said...LABOR=$79.00 per hour.....I just laughed and walked away....after a cordial hello of course.:W

Balljoint from Autozone I'm guessing....$30.00 & free labor = $30.00 + $1.00 for hand cleaner.....that's a steal.:give

The nosie is back after it sat over night.(its the town car with 54000 miles) I sparyed all the joints and it was fixed but its back again. I don't think its the ball joint, its the part that moves both of the wheels. so what should I do now, replace the ball joint?
It's not that hard to tell where its comming from.

Have someone SLOWLY turn the wheel as you put your hand over each of the parts and feel them. You'll know what's doing it due to the vibrations you'll feel. I'd like to go out on a limb and say that it COULD be an Idler arm (Sounds like a rust-frozen one) but if this has rack and pinion steering - i'd say it's a ball joint.

Just becareful when turning - don't want to go missing an arm or hand or something...

mark0101 said:
The nosie is back after it sat over night.(its the town car with 54000 miles) I sparyed all the joints and it was fixed but its back again. I don't think its the ball joint, its the part that moves both of the wheels. so what should I do now, replace the ball joint?
Oh, yes, this is the Town Car section....duh! ;) That brings up an interesting point about the steering system on the '98 & up Town Car, it's the traditional gearbox & linkage set-up, so I agree with Redwingvksm, it could be another part of the steering or suspension. The old school stuff will eventually get sloppy after a while. Too bad the newer Town Cars don't use rack & pinion steering...less pivoting parts to wear out. You should easily notice a loose part by grabbing the tie-rod pivot areas and try to jiggle them.
I own a Dodge truck that I recently had to replace the pitman arm on. I had my wife move and jiggle the steering wheel back & forth while I looked at the linkage, the pitman arm was making a slight clunking noise and appeared to be very loose.
It could be anything under there, just check everything that moves when the steering is turned. But it could also be a worn rubber control arm bushing? A worn or missing sway bar end-link bushing? A worn or missing rubber shock bushing?

If you have the money, you might be better suited to taking the car into the dealer for a closer inspection.:) P.T.

Oh BTW....nice Mark VIII. That was what I really wanted I think, but I don't see many around for sale. I only paid 11.5k for my 2000 Town Car, but I wanted to find an older Mark VIII for half the price. I'm such a sucker for a sexy saleswoman...he he he.

Sorry I was in canada for a week. While on the trip,it rained quite a bit and when i arrived in new york back from canada the nosie is gone again. when or if the the noise comes back I will see where its coming from. thanks everybody

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