Nova Prime
Well-Known LVC Member
Froggy you are absolutely right. But who in their right mind is going to run at at top speed over 140. unless you're running a lambo or ferrari
Oh and frogman is always right, the last 3 people that said he was wrong disappeared mysteriously in the middle of the night, some say the aliens took them, but we all know what really happened![]()
Wasn't I... I was making popcorn for this thread... yeah... popcorn...
Finally, a decent thread where we have a conversation, and we don't have to insult each other... which is fun in itself, but not all the time.
At least that's what the press release will say...
And I'll be the first to tell you I'm not always right. I am only right 99% of the time... I mean, who really cares about the other 15%?
haha jk.....but right 99% of the time...we'll see
No need to get your britches in a knot, stang. Not everyone thinks the Challenger is a hot car. It's not something that everyone is clamoring over to get. With that said, I'm sure it's a fine car and all.
As far as using it for patrol purposes? Well, let's examine:
1. It's a 2 door car. Where' you gonna put a cage in it for even one prisoner? Though, to be fair, most chase cars don't have 4 doors.
2. Ok, it's supposed to be a "chase" car. No offense, many cars will outrun it. Granted, no car can beat a Motorola, but a Challenger R/T is not exactly "chase car" material.
3. Is this Challenger equipped with heavy duty, law enforcement supporting equipment? You know, bigger radiators to keep the motor cool when "chasing" someone? Higher amp output alternator to keep all the cop electronics working well? Tires? Stock? Or are they rated for higher speeds? Has the top speed governor been removed? You see where I'm going with all these questions.
You own the bastards that run? I don't get it...
Look, if the cop shop bought it for PR... that's great. Nothing wrong with that. Seriously. But calling it a "chase car"? Really?
...which pretty much begs the question of why they need a vehicle like this for chases....The Cars that can outrun even the vic's are rarely the ones being chased.
How about that Lambo the Italian police have :-D it doesn't arrest takes emergency runs (like heart transplants) or takes photos of the license plate on cars exceeding the speed limits...