With this said, I don't understand how florescent lighting is about liberalism. Surely you don't think Wal-mart is a "liberal" money machine, do you? I don't know. I always thought they were just business - not political.
Just like Ethanol is a joke perpetrated by the tree huggers and liberals alike.
Let's make the free market use ethanol. Let's force people to use it. Let's tell them it will clean up the air. Let's tell them it will burn 5% cleaner. Let's not tell them that they will use 10% more gasoline to get that benefit.
Let's tell them ethanol will free the U.S. from dependency on foreign oil.
Let's not tell them that it takes more energy to produce ethanol (from corn) than the energy created. Let's not tell them the effects on corn prices and every product related to corn.
Let's cry wolf about global warming and deny any proof that it is not man-made.
The list goes on and on and on.
Let's give condoms to 12 year olds.
Let's give tax credit to those that don't pay taxes.
Liberalism is a losing proposition on almost every single topic. It just doesn't work.
If you don't think that Walmart is under tremendous pressure on all fronts to act 'socially more responsible", you don't know Walmart. I do. I sell to them. I can tell you every little initiative they have undertaken and the genesis for it. They have to appear to care about the earth or they will get ravaged by liberals and the media.
There is a huge push to eliminate plastic at Walmart. Watch your favorite clothes detergent bottle change soon.