The Global Warming Debunk List - Massive!

I have to admit, this response is merely for fun - I've said pretty much what every I can here BUT... :)D)

1) Ethanol is no joke! It's a serious mistake!

2) You're misinformed. Ethanol costs WAY more than 10 % more gasoline to get the "benefit". I would be surprised if there were any environmental or cost benefit to ethanol.

3) You're quite correct if you think I don't know Walmart. I neither shop nor sell there. I'm disinclined towards any of their business practices (although I admit to having purchased a roll of film there somewhere back in, approximately, 1989 or so **blush**).

4) I'm proud to be liberal-minded and I'm not, as a liberal, interested in having you or anyone else in my bedroom or being in yours (not all liberal minded people are intrusive. Not all conservative minded people mind their own business).

5) We use dry detergent so I won't be affected ... or will I? ;)

6) Man is not the root of global warming but to deny we have "some" hand ... that we are contributors (if minor or major) is silly. To think that we can change it is equally silly but we can, to some degree mitigate our own impact.

7) I give more credence to the dictionary definition of liberalism than yours (no offense).

8) I've heard nothing that causes me to change my mind to think that a light bulb or the earth or skies have politics. Politics are a human foible
So what? You're the one who posted the fraudulent article about his IQ, so we all know you think he's an idiot.

You need to pull that knobby tree branch out of your ass. This was a joke, obviously. The kid does an excellent impersonation.
I don't think you can find any of us using those words. However, anytime the government tries to either ban something or force us to behave in a certain way, that is liberalism. It's not a conspiracy, it's just liberalism.

Liberalism believes that people are not competent enough to direct their own lives and need elites to tell them how to live. These elites exist in the United States in the form of government programs, bureaucrats, and congressmen. Any solution that can be found in the hands of individuals or the free market is frowned upon and discouraged.
Holy Cow!
I agree with every word!
I dont get it are we arguing that global warming is real or not? i remember when i was on that bandwagon then a stat popped up in my face.... over past ten years we lost 900 feet in ice in the south or north pole (dont remember)... last year 800 feet of it refroze... so... global what now?

as far as references go i got this from my english teacher who is actually very credible she was one of the most analytical people i ever met.

Also its starting to bother me to see that its 80 degrees outside with a CHILLY breeze... WTF?
I think it would be absurd to argue that global warming isn't real. The globe is constantly warming or cooling. The big argument is whether the most recent warming trend is man-made or not. A smaller argument would be if we are currently even in a warming trend.

Speculators are largely responsible for driving crude prices to their peaks in recent weeks and the record oil price now looks like a bubble, George Soros has warned.

The billionaire investor's comments came only days after the oil price soared to a record high of $135 a barrel amid speculation that crude could soon be catapulted towards the $200 mark.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Soros said that although the weak dollar, ebbing Middle Eastern supply and record Chinese demand could explain some of the increase in energy prices, the crude oil market had been significantly affected by speculation.

"Speculation... is increasingly affecting the price," he said. "The price has this parabolic shape which is characteristic of bubbles," he said. "We face the most serious recession of our lifetime"

The comments are significant, not only because Mr Soros is the world's most prominent hedge fund investor but also because many experts have claimed speculation is only a minor factor affecting crude prices.

Oil prices stalled on Friday after their biggest one-day jump since the first Gulf War earlier in the week.

At just over $130 a barrel, the price has doubled in around a year, causing misery for motorists and businesses.

However, Mr Soros warned that the oil bubble would not burst until both the US and Britain were in recession, after which prices could fall dramatically.

"You can also anticipate that [the bubble] will eventually correct but that is unlikely to happen before the recession actually reduces the demand.

"The rise in the price of oil and food is going to weigh and aggravate the recession."

The Bank of England recently warned that soaring energy and food costs would push inflation above its target range for most of the next 18 months, making it more unlikely that it will cut borrowing costs soon.

Mr Soros warns Britain is facing its worst economic storm in living memory, dwarfing those of the 1970s and early 1990s, with a housing slump and serious recession.

He said: "The dislocations will be greater [than in the 1970s] because you also have the implications of the house price decline, which you didn't have in the 1970s."

The warning undermines predictions that Britain will suffer only a brief and relatively painless recession, unlike the precipitous dives of previous years.

Mr Soros also warned that the Bank's inflation report represents a "Faustian pact", obliging it to keep interest rates high to control inflation, even as the economy is starting to slump.

"You had the nice decade," he said. "Now that is over and you are in a straitjacket."

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